How much milk?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nicolepag, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    How much milk does your/did your 15 month old drink? At our 1 yr appt our pediatrician said no more than 24oz a day and we hit that. But lately and now especially with moving to one nap, it seems like it will even be difficult to get that much in. Our 15 month appt is next week so I'll ask the Dr. as well but I was curious as to how many ounces of milk your kids drink and when they typically drink it. Thanks so much!
  2. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my kids get milk with meals (snacks are either juice or water) and they get about 6 oz with each meal - they typically drain it or close...
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    At 15mos, we did three 8oz cups a day but sometimes they didn't drink it all. One at breakfast, lunch and dinner/bedtime. I think the minimum the peds like to see is 16oz. hth
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have been told since 12 month no more than 14-16 oz. a day so it's interesting that your ped says no more than 24 oz. a day. Mine get milk with breakfast/lunch/dinner and then a sippy before bed. I would say they drink about 16 oz. a day, somedays a bit more, but not too much more.
  5. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    I have been wondering the same thing lately. I still do a night time bottle of 8 oz and then a 7 ounce cup of milk in the morning with breakfast. THey never finish the morning cup so I bring it out at sncak and lunch until it is done. Sometimes i offer an afternoon cup of milk if we are out of yogurt for snack. So, i'd say we get at the more than 18 oz a day and that is pushing it..usually 16 oz. I told our doc that at our 15 month appointment and she said that was fine. Sometimes Iworry though it is not enough.
    Am i the only one with a bottle before bed? I jsut can't give up that snuggle time. Does anyone do the snuggle with a sippy? Jsut doesn't seem the same to me.
  6. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    I think 16oz is the average here. If your little ones are eating other foods that are dairy sources then they should be fine. Sometimes the boys will only drink a 9oz sippie cup of milk, but I'm fine with that because I include cheese, yogurt, and other sources into their diets.
  7. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    We do 3 sippes a day, and I would guess they are each drinking around 19-20 ozs.
  8. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Wow, we just went to a wic appt & she asked how much milk I'm giving them.....I told her about 18 oz/day & she said that was too much! I was surprised, since I was thinking it was barely enough.
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine are 18 months, but it hasn't changed since 16 months. Lily takes in about 20 ounces/day and Grace about 16.
  10. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Mine get a 6 oz. sippy with each meal and one before bed. They don't drink it all each time so I guess it's about 18-20 oz. of milk a day with at least 2 sippies of water each.
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(jena4 @ Sep 26 2007, 04:05 PM) [snapback]424783[/snapback]
    I have been wondering the same thing lately. I still do a night time bottle of 8 oz and then a 7 ounce cup of milk in the morning with breakfast. THey never finish the morning cup so I bring it out at sncak and lunch until it is done. Sometimes i offer an afternoon cup of milk if we are out of yogurt for snack. So, i'd say we get at the more than 18 oz a day and that is pushing it..usually 16 oz. I told our doc that at our 15 month appointment and she said that was fine. Sometimes Iworry though it is not enough.
    Am i the only one with a bottle before bed? I jsut can't give up that snuggle time. Does anyone do the snuggle with a sippy? Jsut doesn't seem the same to me.

    We gave up the bedtime bottle at 16 months.
  12. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    We do 4oz before bedtime. Wondering when we should stop that too!? So confusing... and looking forward to our doc appt on 10/3!

    Any kiddies still refuse sippy nipple? My daugther refuses... throws and won't drink all day. :(
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(nicolepag @ Sep 27 2007, 02:51 PM) [snapback]426391[/snapback]
    We do 4oz before bedtime. Wondering when we should stop that too!? So confusing... and looking forward to our doc appt on 10/3!

    Any kiddies still refuse sippy nipple? My daugther refuses... throws and won't drink all day. :(

    All 3 of my kids get milk before bed. My oldest DD gets a small glass of milk and the twins a small sippy of milk. That probably won't change because it is part of their bedtime routine. We did get rid of the bedtime bottle at 16 months. But I don't think there is anything wrong with a small amount of milk before bed at any age.

    Your DD will get then hang of a sippy. I found Trevor didn't drink well from a sippy until the bottles were all gone, he knew he would get milk from there, once the bottles were done he drank from a sippy just fine, but it did take a few weeks for them to drink a lot from a sippy. They will be okay with only a little bit of milk for a few days. But don't worry, just keep trying, she will eventually drink from a sippy.
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