How much milk/formula/water/juice/etc....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NINI H, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Much much do your children take in at one time? Mine have never progressed past 4 oz of anything at one time.
    I'm just curious how much other little guys are taking at this stage. Mine will be 13 months on Wed.

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Right now mine will only take about 2-4oz at one time. I try to keep something available all day for them to drink on. I worry that they are not getting enough.
  3. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Are you asking from a sippy?

    Anywhere from just a sip or two to a whole 9 oz sippy. Just depends but they didn't really start drinking all that much until about a month ago. They took a bit to get used to the sippies and then to get used to the milk and water.
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Around 12 months, we switched from a bottle of milk to a sippy. Their milk intake did go down while we made the adjustment, but they quickly adapted. We used to do a 4-6 oz (approx, I never measured) of milk at breakfast and one before bed. We dropped the before bed one probably 6 months ago, they weren't drinking it anymore. They have always had a sippy of water available throughout the day. I have no idea really how much they drink, I just refill it when it gets low. We don't do much juice, sometimes a splash of juice to flavor the water.
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls usually finish one sippy between breakfast and lunch and another 1/2-whole sippy between snack and dinner. It took them a while to build up to this amount though.

    At a year old they were getting about 10-12 oz. of milk, a few ounces of water during the day. We started giving them juice as treats at functions/cookouts, etc. just in the past couple of months. They don't get any at home.
  6. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Mine still take EBM, due to other allergies. So they still do a bottle. I guess that's why I know the amount still. :blush: I forgot most are on just sippy's by now. I still measure into a sippy to, but that's because they only get juice in them. And I do 1/2 juice, 1/2 water. Honestly, I don't see the harm in juice. It's natural sugar and they get no other sugar (other than the natural in fruit).

    It's nice to know mine aren't the only ones that take a very small amount. Yesterday I noticed that they only had 2 diaper changes. Crazy low, but today they are back to 3 already. It must have just been a "dry" day.

    For those of you that kids take small amounts, did they ever take large amounts before? Like I said in the first post, mine have never had more than 4 oz's at a time. It's like their stomachs can't handle more.
  7. Mamaoftwins8207

    Mamaoftwins8207 New Member

    Glad to see this thread. I am in the process of getting ready to start the transition to milk. I have been trying to transition the formula into a sippy cup for lunch and hopefully for dinner. And keep morning and bed a bottle for now.

    Did anyone switch a little early to milk? I have enough formula till the middle of July (they will be 1 on 8/2), was hoping to start the transition a little early so I don't have spend $ on more formula.

    What is the best way to transition?
  8. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    both girls still drink a 8 oz sippy of milk three times a day. Then they get water after breakfast, with lunch and with dinner and anytime inbetween. I'd say they probably drink 16 to 20 oz of water daily. They rarely drink juice, only on very special occasions.
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    In totals:

    milk - 15 ounces
    water, or water/juice mix - 15 ounces

    milk - 20 ounces
    water, or water/juice mix - 15 ounces

    They get milk at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and the amount they take in varies. Sometimes they drink a whole 8 ounce sippy, sometimes maybe 2 ounces.

    They get water throughout the day, and a water/juice mix with their afternoon snack.
  10. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    at that age mine were getting 3 5oz sippies of ebm when I worked. When I switched them over to milk (slowly over several months) we got to now that we do 2 8oz sippies of milk. They get water the rest of the day and I don't measure it.
  11. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    Mine switched over to 2% milk early with ped 10 months! They moved from Alimentum to milk with no problem. We still get 12 oz of milk per day and the rest is water or water/juice mixture at 50/50 ratio (wish it were less juice, working on that now). They are huge drinkers and will drink anywhere from 2 to 4 9 oz sippies a day!!! Note: milk increases dd's eczema so we have to limit 1 sippy a day on top of nap bottles.
  12. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    We nurse about 6x/day. They also have sippies of water with meals, and whenever else they want them. DS only sips a little here and there. He never drinks a whole lot from the cup at one sitting, maybe 4 oz max, and that's rare. DD OTOH will chug down TWO 8 oz sippies in a row and still ask for more!
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