How much milk at 18 months?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tulip1981, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    My boys still drink quite a bit of milk and I'm wondering if that has to do with why they are not eating very good.

    At 17/18 months, how much milk are/were your kids drinking?

    Right now my boys have full bottles with naps (2/day) and 1 at bedtime.

    Sometimes I will give them milk after Breakfast if they haven't eaten very well
  2. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    Mine drink about 16-20 ounces a day (at meals in sippy cups).
  3. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    At 18-months, we were having 2-8oz sippy cups with meals (specifically breakfast and lunch). They were drinking water or juice/water mix between meals. We would do a cup of milk after dinner if we thought they hadn't gotten enough nourishment/calories during the day.
  4. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    My girls drink 3-4 oz in a sippy cup with each meal and before bed. So about 12-16 oz total during the day. I would try and only give them milk with meals if you're concerned about them drinking too much and not eating enough. My girls drink water/juice in between meals and with snacks.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine take 16-22 ounces a day, in a sippy with each meal. I actually had to start giving one of mine a sippy of half juice/half water for her afternoon snack because she was taking in too much milk.

    Pedi recommended 16-20 ounces a day.
  6. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    My babies drink 4-5 oz of milk in a sippy at each meal and one right before bed for a total of about 16-20 oz a day. Water with snacks and in between meals.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We were told no more than 16 oz. of milk a day so that they would eat a variety of food since the milk fills them up. That said mine drink about 12-16 oz. a day all from sippy cups. They get yogurt everyday too so I know they are getting enough calcium.
  8. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I have been getting in trouble with the boys pedi. B/c I was giving them 24oz of milk per day. Brkfst, mid afternoon and bedtime. Now they get 16oz of milkper day and thats it 8oz with brkfst and 8oz at bedtime.
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine get sippies of milk at breakfast and dinner/bedtime, and they usually drink 1-2 oz at breakfast and 5-7 oz in the evening (between dinner & bedtime). So, not all that much -- on average probably 6-8 oz a day. Their consumption plummeted when we gave up bottles (which is fine) and then rebounded somewhat as they got more used to drinking out of the sippies. Now they can totally chug it when they want to -- every once in a while they'll drink 2 full sippies at dinner, which is like 12 oz -- but in general they don't seem to want that much.
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