How much formula at 6 months, also high chair question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by someone, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    Two Questions,
    My twins are almost 6 months, just wondering how much the average 6 month old takes over the course of 24 hours. One of my twins has made it to over 30 a day, the past couple a days she has had about 4 8 ounce bottles. The other one ushually eats a couple ounces less.. just wondering if this sounds like too much?
    We just started solids this week, and for the past 2 nights just gave a couple spoons each in the evening.

    Also, now that we are starting solids, we are looking for high chairs! Anyone have any recommendations? Also do they need to be able to fully sit up on their own to be ready to sit in a high chair? (We gave them their solids in bouncy seats for now..)
  2. MuchFaith22

    MuchFaith22 Well-Known Member

    I don't have an answer on the formula intake, as mine are not that age yet, but for the highchairs question...I do not think they need to fully sit on their own first. Our highchairs recline slightly, and I've been sitting them in them with a book to play while I work in the kitchen, and they sit JUST fine (they are strong sitters, when supported). They've never ever slid or anything. We have Evenflow highchairs that have a 7heighth adjustment and there's like 3 for the reclining back, I think.
  3. Natalochka

    Natalochka Well-Known Member

    The formula/bm intake sounds close to what my girls take. One takes about 30 oz, the other a little bit less (27-30oz). We started putting ours in high chairs at 5 months, when we started rice cereal. They do just fine. We have Baby Trend high chairs that also far we like them.
  4. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    I think it depends on the baby's weight as far as how much they should take in. My ds takes in about 35oz a day and he is almost 16lbs. DD only takes about 30-32oz a day. We will be starting rice cereal soon..waiting to see the pedi first for reflux. Some days they eat more and some days less. They are not overweight and they sttn. I think you are supposed to take their weight and multiply it by 2.5 and that is the average amount of oz they should consume per day.
  5. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Happy 6 months! The formula intake sounds right on target. I would recommend the Fisher Price Space Saver High Chairs. They do recline, so they do not need to able to sit up on their own yet. GL!
  6. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    Their formula intake sounds about right. My boys have been on solids now for about 6 weeks and are still eating the same amount of formula, they just keep adding more "real" food to their diet.

    As for high chairs our house is small so we use the Fischer Price space savers. They have been great. They have a 5 point harness and they recline. The boys have been sitting in them since about 4 1/2 months. They are also pretty easy to take somewhere with you, we just toss them in the back of the car. Sometimes I take the seats off of our kitchen chairs and set them on the floor in our living room (DH and I always seem to sit on the floor) and let the boys play with toys and stuff on the tray. It can also be used as a booster later on so I'm hoping we get a lot of use out of them. They both LOVE to sit in them.

    Space Saver High Chairs
  7. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    Dont know about the formula intake...I believe its more based on weight than age though.

    As for highchairs a lot of my friends have reccomended getting booster seats instead. Although if they cant sit up fully reclining high chairs are probably best. We also have bumbo chairs that have trays that can be used easily on the floor as well.
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do believe formula intake is based on age and weight. I don't remember how much my kiddos were taking exactly at 6 months, but I think it was close to 30 oz per day. We also use the space saver high chairs which I highly recommend. Ours could sit well in them.
  9. Emily@Home

    Emily@Home Well-Known Member

    Can't answer formula question, but I like our Space Savers (Fisher-Price).
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