How much does your 3 yr. old weigh?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by whosermomma, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    I'm just curious because E & S will be 3 next month and Sarah only weighs 25 pounds.

    She was tiny and always has been, but I've never seen a kid like her! She is as smart as a whip, but she really isn't growing that fast! No one even thinks they are twins because Elijah looks like he could be her year older brother! I'm not worried about the difference in them...just her size!

    Anyone else have a tiny 3 yr old? Is your Dr. concerned?
  2. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    My DD is 2 1/2 and weight 24 lbs, so pretty close. My doctor has never been concerned, she's always been little. As long as she's growing I'm sure there isn't anything to worry about. Maybe she's just going to be small and dainty, if she's lucky it'll last ;)
  3. Kcampbell

    Kcampbell Well-Known Member

    My 3yr old is 34lbs. He's skinny, but tall.

    As long as they are healthy and the doc isn't concerned, I wouldn't be either. My twins are just now being seen as twins, and they are only a year old! One of mine weighs 26lbs, and the other is at 21. Even when they weighed closer, DS is just huge in comparison to DD.
  4. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Mine aren't 3 until June 4th, but at a visit when they were about 31 months, she were each about 32 lbs.
  5. jfelix

    jfelix Well-Known Member

    My girls are 2 and a half years old. Abbie weighs 22 pounds and Mary Beth weighs 23.
  6. all4megan_kayleigh

    all4megan_kayleigh Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, ok!

    My girls have always been skinny. I don't remember exactly what they weighed at 3 but it was somewhere around 25lbs. They hit a huge growth spurt between 3 and 4 years old and now they weigh 33 and 35 lbs. Just to give you an idea, their waists could fit into a 2T pant but their height needs a 5T. Megan was always less than 10% for her weight and Kayleigh was around 25%.
  7. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    My 3 year old weighs 31 pounds. At her 2 year well check she weighed 30 pounds! However, she is super tall for a 3 y/o- 39". Just like the pp mentioned, she has the waist of a 2T but the legs of Size 4 girls.
    I really try hard to get her to eat, but what can you do?
    Good luck & try not to worry. We all come in different shapes & sizes, right?!
  8. mrsjo

    mrsjo Well-Known Member

    Both of my guys are 40 lbs. They will be four on Aug 05

    big guys :itwins_boys:
  9. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    My oldest was 29 lbs at her 3 yr check up. I think she may have pushed the 30 lb mark, but I am not sure. The twins are going to outweigh her pretty quickly!
  10. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    :eek: My son is 3 and he weighed 38 1/2 pounds. He's solid as a rock! The Ped wasn't concerned because he was "proportionate". Is that the right word?

    Anywho, my girls are 15 months and weigh 26 something and 28 something!

    My poor children are built just like me!
  11. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    My 3 year old is 27 lbs
  12. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    My 3 year old is 28 lbs and has been for over a year. She's taller but not heavier. Dr. isn't concerned.
  13. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    William is about 32lbs, Nathan is 37lbs, both are the same height. William is really thin, where Nathan isn't fat but weighs like he is made of bricks.
  14. HolyScrap!

    HolyScrap! Well-Known Member

    Hey Danya Chick!

    My girls are 3.5 and Erin weighs 29 pounds and Abby is 34.
  15. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    My gals were 27 pounds at age 3. They are now 29.5 and they will be 4 in less then 6 weeks. They are tall but very skinny. My doctor is not worried. They are pretty healthy.
  16. Ellensgirls

    Ellensgirls Well-Known Member

    My girls will be 3 beg of June. A is 27 lbs and C is 29 lbs. They are fine and I'm sure your little one is too.

    As long as they eat and exercise, they are fine. Honestly with so many kids becoming obese at very young ages, she's doing great and probably right where she is supposed to be.

    Best wishes,
  17. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    My boys turned 3 on March 31st and they weigh 34 and 36 pounds.
  18. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    Not tiny here - the boys are 40 and 44 pounds.
  19. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    My dd was only 28 lbs at 3 years! A petite little thing to this day at 47 inches and 48 lbs at 7!!! Now the boys will be around 30 lbs by 3 I bet!
  20. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    The most important thing is that they stay on their growth curve. Hailee was about 24-25lbs at 3. She is almost 5 1/2 & weighs a whopping 29 now - she is short, just now barely fitting into 5T lengthwise! However, she has always been at 3% on her curve, until her 5 yr ck, where she hit 10% ;) I am in the same clothing boat as others here, she is going on the 4th summer that her 2T shorts & capris will fit, lol. And talk about getting my moneys worth, I actually keep all of her old jeans/pants that are 2/3T and use them for capris now also :laughing:
  21. twocortwort7

    twocortwort7 Active Member

    I don't think you need to niece at her Kidergarten physcial she's 38lbs and 3'10'' she has always been on the small side but tall.
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