How much does the toothfairy leave?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MLH, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Isabel is about to lose her 1st tooth. I think I'm more excited about than she is. She told me one of her friends got $12 for her 1st tooth that she lost in kindergarten last year. I said "Wow, the tooth fairy was being very generous that night". When I was a kid, I think I got 50 cents to $1 so I asked my Mom and she agreed with me...50 cents for regular teeth and a buck for molars. I was thinking of leaving her $1.00, but what's the going rate these days? Do I have to factor in inflation? lol Now I gotta figure out how to get the tooth out from under her pillow, we seem to have lost her toothfairy pillow that I bought 2 yrs. ago for just this occasion.
  2. Julie L

    Julie L Well-Known Member

    We leave a dollar per tooth. I have them put the tooth either in their special container or in a little ziploc bag if they can't find their container. The ziploc is nice because it slides out from under the pillow really well.
  3. LisaGoeke

    LisaGoeke Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    $5 for the first tooth and $1 for all the other teeth.
  4. JenJefLog

    JenJefLog Well-Known Member

    I have my kids use a ziploc too! And here it was (and is) always $2 for a regular tooth and $3 for a molar. I usually try to have special dollars on hand rather than just regular ones, but it doesn't always work out that way. And there sure are a lot of different coin dollars these days!
  5. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Ok, so I'm not off base in thinking $12 is a bit much. I bet the tooth fairy will be coming tomorrow night b/c that thing is just hanging by a thread. She won't let me do anything with it though. I told her not to swallow it tonight which freaked her out. Good suggestion on the ziplock. Thanks!
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    DH gives 5 $1 coins--then my mom follows up with another $5! So, my boys end up making out pretty good. Around here the going rate seems to be between $1 or $5 a tooth.
  7. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    $1 per tooth. Regular dollar bills.
  8. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    A $1 coin. My kids have never gotten excited about the tooth fairy, though. It's always like, "Oh look, another dollar coin." I think they've probably been on to me for a while anyway. ;)
  9. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    I have done no more than $1 a tooth, daddy on the other hand increases it by $1 each tooth. He realized when Holly got up to her 8th lost tooth how crazy that was. DUH! Now if they lose it at home its $1 and if its at daddy's, I don't know what he leaves anymore, but he does discreetly return the tooth to me! In a ziplock, what we have used to make it easier to remove from under the pillow.

    I have also included small trinkets or toys they like (polly pocket, littlest pet shop). It depended how much lead time I had. This reminds me we havent' had a lost tooth here in a while, hmmmm, I think miss Cassie is due for a missing tooth soon.......
  10. momotwinsmom

    momotwinsmom Well-Known Member

    We do $1 a tooth too.
  11. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We have done a dollar a tooth or $1 items like a coloring book, regular book or an item picked out at the dollar store. Ours know there is no tooth fairy but they still put the tooth under their pillow at night and then we switch it out for whatever item we have. When my daughters swallowed their teeth (they each have done it atleast once) we had them cut out a paper tooth to put under their pillow.
  12. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've heard everything up to $20 from the toothfairy. I have a theory, Tooth Fairy Central is a dispatch centre with lots of different contractors. When a call comes in about a lost tooth, the next one up gets the assignment. Each contractor has her own idea of what to give, there isn't a standard. Some even give books!

    Yes, I do have too much time on my hands. I actually may write it up as a book (so hands off!)
  13. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    lol, Kendra...that's great!

    Well, she didn't lose it today and she's so upset. She told me she thinks the tooth fairy gives more money if you don't pull it out (she thinks that's why her friend got so much $). It's so loose though, I just want to give it tug. I did find our pillow though, so that's good. It's just waiting for the tooth now.
  14. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    If it were solely up to me, which it will be soon!! . . (another topic) I would probably give $1 per tooth. However, my oldest son lost his first tooth when he was 4 (knocked/pulled out when it wasnt even loose) and my mother thought it would be cool to give him $4, since he was 4yrs old. I thought that was too much, but it was HER money, so who cares. He just lost his second tooth a couple weeks ago, and he's now 5yrs old. It just so happens, this tooth came out in preschool and that night when I thought about the 'tooth fairy' the smallest bill I had in my purse was a 5!. So, he got $5 for this tooth. I guess, now he'll be a little disappointed when he only gets a dollar, or maybe $2 for his next tooth.

    Maybe I'll try to explain Kendra's theory to him! lol :p
  15. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    When we were kids we used to get 50c to $1. I think I can only remember once that we got $2 for one. I remember once we were little and we were staying over our older sisters place.. and i lost a tooth. Our sister and BIL hid the money from the "toothfairy" under our bed to find. :) And Alisha helped me find it so I shared my $1 with her, spilt it and gave her 50c. :)
  16. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Nadia is about to lose her third tooth. (And, we're at the beach, so I hope it hangs on until we get home on Saturday! Because you know, the Tooth Fairy has to print out a special note and everything, and rumor has it that she's saved the template on our computer.) ;-)

    Nadia got $1 plus the High School Musical soundtrack for her first tooth. For the second one, she got a dollar coin, a 50-cent piece, a quarter, a dime, a nickel and a penny. I suspect that's what she'll get for every tooth going forward.
  17. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Our toothfairy brings books. Kind of like Kendra said, there are a lot of different tooth fairies out there. We jokingly call ours the Molinator (Santa Clause II). The book thing is great, because they get so excited to see what book has come. They might be storybooks (or novels for those older molars), about art, science, or any number of things from birds to juggling. The toothfairy often stocks up in the clearance section at Borders or Barnes and Noble, and once even went shopping at the Scholastic warehouse when they had a big sale.
  18. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    I went to the bank and got a bunch of gold $1 coins and $2 bills. I put either 2 coins or 1 bill under their pillows for teeth. They LOVE the $2 bills (rare and special).
  19. jencollins112

    jencollins112 Member

    We leave $5 for normal teeth and $10 for molars. For when they lose their last tooth, we will leave $20.
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