How much do YOUR three year old twins weigh..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twin mommy of boys, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    ok the wic office is telling me that my boys are underweight when aaron is 40 pounds and aelxander is 39 1/4 pounds so i was wondering what your three year old twins weigh
  2. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    ok the wic office is telling me that my boys are underweight when aaron is 40 pounds and aelxander is 39 1/4 pounds so i was wondering what your three year old twins weigh
  3. that1gyrl

    that1gyrl Well-Known Member

    Your WIC office is looney! My singleton three year old id 35 pounds and right on track. They sound like they are great! Are they on their individual growth curves? That is really how you gauge correct growth in your child. Keep up the good work!
  4. stuntdouble

    stuntdouble Well-Known Member

    mine are around 37 pounds each and they are a little older than yours.
  5. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    My girls will be 3 on Saturday and one is 28 and one is 29. I think they are right on track!
  6. Giovanna

    Giovanna Well-Known Member

    Uhhhh my guys are 30 pounds...No concerns from their doctors.
  7. Dani J.

    Dani J. Well-Known Member

    I think their weight typically needs to depend on their height as well, if that makes sense.

    My DS is about 38 inches and 31 lbs
    My DD is about 39 inches and 32 lbs

    They will be 3 in 2 months.
  8. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    My singleton girl is 38 inches tall and 28 lbs. Sounds to me like they are normal for boys!
  9. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    At their 3 year pedi appointment both girls were just under 30 pounds. No concerns were expressed.

  10. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    That's nuts! Although, I could see one outcome being that you get more food from them. Don't take what she says as a sign that they're not well fed. FWIW, my 2.5 year olds are both about 36 pounds which is pretty high on the charts.
  11. Laura56

    Laura56 Well-Known Member

    My niece is 3 1/2 years old and is only 26 lbs. But her brother just turned 2 years old on Monday and he is 32 lbs. They have both stayed on their own growth curve from birth and their pedi (the same one) isn't concerned about either one of them.
  12. tandtsmom

    tandtsmom Well-Known Member

    My boys turned three in November weighing 25 and 27 pounds. They are now 27 and 29 pounds. You have nothing to worry about!

  13. Suz7171

    Suz7171 Well-Known Member

    My boys weigh 31 and 33 lbs. They are in the 50% for weight.
  14. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    My girls are 30lbs and 34lbs. They are of average height. I can't see ur boys being "so tall" that 40lbs is underweight, that doens't seem to make sense. Maybe someone has one of those growth chart (percentile ones with height and weight) where u could check.

    Let us know

    amanda (jorja and jessica 3)
  15. doubletroublesma

    doubletroublesma Well-Known Member

    Your WIC office is nuts. My twins are 4 and my son weighs 48 lbs and my daughter weighs 35 lbs, and my doctor has no issues with it
  16. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    My boys are 2 years a 9 months - they just had a dr appt - and they weigh

    39 pounds and 41 pounds. They're both off the charts for weight. So if they say your weights are "under", they they have the wrong chart. 39 is at the 97% and 41 is off the chart for mine, and that's only 3 months difference!
  17. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Your WIC clinic is obviously incorrect. Maybe they looked at a 4yr old vs. 3yr old on the height/weight chart. Your boys are fine.

    My boys just had their 3yr appt last month. They both were 39inch (90%). Ben was 32lbs(60%) and Luke was 39.5lbs. Luke's weight was 97% but with his height...they never are concerned. He has always tracked in that range and looks right for his frame....he's a solid dude! He's headed to be a football player!! Not sure where he gets it? Ben is built more like my DH and I.
  18. mnj

    mnj Well-Known Member

    My girls are a little over 3 1/2 and one weighs 40 lbs and the other about 35 and both are normal weights for there age.
  19. 2blessed

    2blessed Well-Known Member

    My girls were 3 last Aug and they presently weigh 33 and 34lbs. Is your pedi going more by the growth curve...was there a sudden dip with their weights??
  20. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    yeah their ped dont have kinds of concerns its just the wic office....i dont know i am with most of you our wic office is nuts! lol my boys are real tall for their age also
  21. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    My dd (not a twin)...but 3.5 years old is 32 pounds... and she is in the 50th percentile according to her ped... I'm sure boys should be heavier...but your must certainly fall at least at the 50%tile mark if not higher...
  22. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    My boys had their 3 year check up today, and are 31 lbs and 37 lbs. They are 50% and 90% for weight. It turns out that they are also about the same percentiles for height that they are for weight. I got a copy of the growth chart that our pedi uses, and it says that a boy who is 40 lbs at 3 years is in the 97%. I was also thinking that the WIC office must have looked at the wrong age on the graph too, but according to the growth chart that I got today, a boy who is 40 lbs at 4 years is still 75%. When you talk to WIC next, I would confirm that they have the right figures.
  23. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    The girls weigh in at 29 & 31 lbs. Our 3 month old son weighs 19.5 lbs and is 28 inches. I have a feeling he will be caught up to them before his 1st birthday.

    I'm happy it's not the other way....2 small twin boys and a monster little baby sister.
  24. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    My girls just turned three on Monday and they weight 25 and 26 pounds. Little peanuts for their age, but ok for their personal growth. I can't believe that wic claimed your boys are underweight. Seems right on track...hmmmmm. Weird!
  25. Trouble(aka Roxanne)

    Trouble(aka Roxanne) Well-Known Member

    That's doc says my twins are ok for their weight..they will be 4 in March and they are just around 25-26 lbs and about 90 cm tall...and my oldest daugther is turning 7 in March and she is only 41 lbs...
  26. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    WIC offices tend to be on the wacky side!

    My singleton son who is 4 1/2 just hit 40 lbs and he is just fine! I think you should probably just stick to what your pedi says!
  27. mand3asmom

    mand3asmom Member

    My twins turned 3 in August and Aryn(dd) is 33lbs and Adrian (ds) is 37.5.... so I think your guys are well in teh norm!!!
  28. mommy2twinboys02

    mommy2twinboys02 Well-Known Member

    I agree that the people at the WIC office is nuts. My guys are 4 years and they are 39 pounds and 41 pounds. I had a problem when the boys were a year old with the WIC office telling me that they didn't weight enough and I told them they were crazy and asked the boys ped and he said they were fine.
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