How much do your 2 year olds cry?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MusicalAli, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    So, most of you know my story of the twins' personalities (grumpy young men for those of you who don't)...BUT...I know it's normal for toddlers to whine, but what about crying? They just cry all the time. They cry almost every time they wake up (morning or nap) and it can last FOREVER!!! Sometimes, they just cry for the sake of crying. You'll probably ask, are they getting enough sleep? And my only answer is they are getting as much as they always have been and nothing I have done has ever made them sleep longer. Usually, they appear rested enough. Anyone else with constant criers? Did they outgrow it? I have a new baby coming and I really thought I'd see improvement as their language developed but I'm not seeing any!!! I had a minor panic attack today with how I'm going to survive this once the baby comes.
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I have to say, no not really. They do cry about stuff that sometimes I don't know why they are crying. Like for instance, if Bea sees her Ernie doll across the room, she will burst into tears and go "ERNIE!". I tell her no need to cry, just go get him. They usually wake up without crying most of the time. Is their speech on track?
  3. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Speech is generally on track. They still "qualify" for EI for some mild articulation delays but usually I can understand what they are saying but they just barely qualify. They are just on the "being monitored" track. I've talked to the spec. educator at EI but that hasn't really helped, though they were kind enough to try. I feel like I need Super Nanny, but I don't think we'd make that exciting of an episode :D
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    My 2 cry ( as in cry, shed a tear- but able to be consoled and distracted within a few minutes)a few times a day. My little one with sensory issues has a full blown cry-out for 1/2 hr plus sobbing fit every few days (or if it is a rough day, a few in one day!).

    I would ask your EI person about sensory stuff or communication. It really depends on the reason- and they are 2 different cries for my girls. Communication cries are more of a foot stomping, red faces anger cry while the sensory stuff is much sadder and uncontrolled.

    I hope it gets better soon!!
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