How much do your 19month olds talk?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hot2trottt4u, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    we had a play date with a little boy that is two weeks younger than our twins.
    And he talks way more than them.
    she said its probaly because they are twins and they do tend to talk to each other just
    not in english.
    How much do yours say???
  2. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    At that age mine didn't say much of anything - just babbling.
    They are currently in EI therapy and are starting to become a little more vocal, though not even close to where average 23 month olds are. But we are at least making some progress.
    Don't get too worried, but I would recommend getting an evaluation from your state's EI program if you are concerned. If there is no problem, it will put your mind at ease, and if they need some help, you can start early.
    Good luck!!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Before our 18 month appointment, I sat down and wrote down all of their words. I stopped at 75, but think I got most of them, and think they were on the higher end of the scale. At the same time, though, I remember reading a post, and the answers were all across the board as far as how many words they were saying. My first two kids were on the later side as far as speech.
  4. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    what is E I Therapy?????
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(hot2trottt4u @ Apr 27 2008, 09:09 PM) [snapback]742575[/snapback]
    what is E I Therapy?????

    Early Intervention. They identify and provide therapies for kids with delays. There is a sticky at the top of this forum about it.
  6. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    mine were just starting to really communicate at that age. . . it was a tough few months.
  7. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    EI therapy is "Early intervention." Here is what I found on the web from one sight: "The program helps families recognize and understand what their child’s particular developmental needs are and to teach them ways to help their child grow. The program is a developmental model that is home-based and family-centered. Children from birth to three years who are at risks for developmental delays, due to biological or environmental factors, can be referred for services."

    My kids have been in EI from birth. They were born 6 weeks early and a wee bit delayed in crawling, walking, etc. My DD is WAAAAY behind in functional play (she didn't stack or put things "in" until 17 months; and at 20 months, she still can't do a puzzle. Or she "won't" - we are trying to find the real answer.) Anyway, someone comes to our house once a week to work with her.

    At 20 months my kids have about 6 words TOTAL, and can imitate animal sounds. They both just had separate speech evaluations (2 hours each) and I was told they do not need speech therapy. I was just given many things to work on at home with them.
    I was SHOCKED; I totally thought they needed speech since most kids are waaaaaaay ahead of them in speech. The pedi isn't worried at all though either since they can understand everything; so neither am I. But I feel better having the eval done.

    I'd look into it if you are concerned. Or at least talk to your pedi. Best of luck!
  8. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Mine do not talk as much as my singleton did at this age. I have kinda thought it was because they were talking to each other and not to us. :blush:
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    One of my girls says about 25-30 words and the other says about 4-5. :( It's so frustrating at times because all the nieces/nephews I have and my friends kids were saying sentences at 2.

    I'm concerned about one of my girls, but my pedi is not. I trust him, but I still have that nagging concern.
  10. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(hot2trottt4u @ Apr 27 2008, 07:35 PM) [snapback]742392[/snapback]
    we had a play date with a little boy that is two weeks younger than our twins.
    And he talks way more than them.
    she said its probaly because they are twins and they do tend to talk to each other just
    not in english.
    How much do yours say???

    At 19 months there were hardly any words. We got them evaluated through Early Intervention (a wonderful program!) and they found poor muscle tone in both their faces and hands. They receive speech and occupational therapies.
  11. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two are almost the same age as yours. They are learning new words every day now but sometimes I have a hard time understanding them. They probably have about 40 words that they use well but really that has increased dramatically in the last month. I have noticed just in the last couple of weeks that they will try to repeat almost any words that I ask them to (not always well). There is a huge range that is normal, but if you are worried I would get an evaluation. If they find that they are actually behind, the sooner they start speech therapy the better from what I hear.
  12. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    At 19 mos my girls had no words. They didn't talk at all until 25 and 27 mos. However, DS2 had 3 words at 22 months, and so I wasn't worried. My dad and my mom's brother were also late talkers. They could understand my instructions, could point to colors and letters, etc, so I knew they understood, they just weren't ready to speak. I never had them evaluated. Once they started talking they exploded and within 2 months were speaking in fairly long sentences. Some kids just talk late. :)
  13. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    The boys are 14 months old and M talks a bit more than G but they have been saying single words since just before their first birthday. Now they can string together a couple of words or multi-syllable words. They tend to say words they like or something they like to do. For instance they can say tractor and have for a couple of months, but it's because I use the lawn tractor to pull their wagon and they love to go for rides. They can say outside and point to the sky and say sky, etc. They do an awful lot of gibberish as well - talking to each other and talking to me. When they like a sound - they make more attempts to speak. They especially like to say fish and stress the ish sound when they go outside to the coy pond. M mimics almost any sound and tries more words, but when G decides he wants to talk his verbalization is a little clearer. They can say cat, cow, dog, truck, car, etc. and know what goes with the appropriate word. I think they talk fairly well for their age, but they don't talk as clearly or as much as their mom and aunt did at that age. My oldest daughter talked extremely well at a very young age and still loves to talk. They can definitely say nana! In fact I'm hearing it in stereo right now - it's snack time.
  14. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    DD has no kidding about 200 words, she signs and uses two words phrases. DS on the other hand has about 10 words, no two word phrases but uses plenty of signs. Both are considered normal... they key point is: can they follow instructions? Like if you say get the sippy cup, will they follow commands? Do they communicate their needs in some way? DS says "that" and points for most things.
  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At 19 months, mine probably had about 15 words each. They did not qualify for any speech services then. From there their speech just took off.
  16. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'd say mine had around 75 words at that point, it really took off from there and now they talk in sentences and never stop! But my pedi found the amount of their words and their speech in general to be advanced, especially for twins who were preemies. He did not expect that many words by far.
  17. Cma

    Cma Well-Known Member

    Mine are 18 months (real), and have around 20-25 words with lots of signs too. Ped is still going by corrected age (15 months) and considers them advanced. If you are worried I don't think an EI evaluation would hurt. You moght be pleasantly surprised and get to know that your kids have no delay but just in slight chance that they might have caught it early and gotten them help.
  18. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Sounds like everyone has different milestones for "talking" or "signing" stage. I am a deaf mom to my twins who are both hearing. The funny thing, I tried to teach them signs but their signing took off at around 15 mos. However, my daughter Rianna only know a few signs when my son signs more and always talk to them with my voice and sign.

    The Signing Time and Letter Factory by Leap Frog really help on how to say ABCs and vowel sounds. My husband make sure they are doing that on the weekend because I never be able to catch on how many words they actually know and that is SO frustrated for me. I'm assumig they know about 30 words and they'll be 19 months this week on Wedneday, April 30th.

    I will be taking them to their Pedi next week for their late 18 mos check-up since they were sick for a while. They are due for 1 shot this time. I will request an EI anyway so they can inform me if I am teaching them or if I have missed out anything that they should know by now. You get 1 free trial of EI and then have to work with insurance for coverage. That all I know for now but this is an eye opening.

    A reminder that every baby has it own individually milestones so there really no worried if one is not but it is nice to know what they "should" be and so forth. So, let's see what happens when I go next week!

    D, w/Rianna and Justin (almost 19 mos)

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