how much do/did your 2-3 year olds sleep?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Zigcanada, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. Zigcanada

    Zigcanada Well-Known Member


    As I noted in another post, we are having some sleep issues (nap resistance, night wakings) with our 2 year olds. I am interested to know what other 2-3 year olds experience(d) with respect to sleep: what is/was the sleep schedule, and how much sleep do/did they get overall.

    I appreciate your feedback!

  2. * Dana *

    * Dana * Well-Known Member

    My daughter is generally a better sleeper than my son, just in regards to naps. They both sleep (knock on wood) very well at night, with only the odd quick wake up that only takes me seconds to get them settled again.

    Mine go to bed anywhere between 6:30 and 7:00. It's closer to 6:30 if some reason they did not nap well (sometimes happens at school) or if I have a day where I have them skip a nap like we did on Sunday when went to the mall and experienced the Rainforest cafe for lunch with them.

    And they sleep through till 6:30/7:00 am.

    Naptime is around 12:30 and is anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours. The hour mark is usually my son, Phoebe is a better napper. The other day she slept from 12:30 to almost 4:00! I had to go wake her!!

    My had recurrent ear infections and so sleep disturbance was a sure sign that an ear infection was present.

    Good luck!
  3. reaganslp

    reaganslp Well-Known Member

    My three year old sleeps 11 hours at night and takes a 1.5 hour nap during the day. Nap is at 1:00 and bedtime is at 8:00. There are times he fights the nap but I insist on quiet time. He is not allowed to get out of his bed. He can take a book to bed with him and read quietly but no matter what we have nap/quiet time.

    THis was basically his schedule at two years of age also. The only exception was the nap was a little longer.

  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    They sleep about 12 hours at night. Bedtime is 8 and they are up around 8:30. Naptime is 1-3. DS usually naps the whole time, DD often naps for just over an hour.
  5. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    At 2-3 our schedule was 8-8. With a nap from 2-4. Now throughout the 2's there were phases where I wouldn't get many naps but they always came back. Some weeks I would get only 3, sometimes only 1 nap. Bedtime would usually be a little bit earlier than 8 to make sure they got over 12 hours of sleep in 24 hours. Which I think is really good. I looked for 12-13 hours total.
    At 3, forget the nap. 12 hours max maybe 12.5 is all I get now. They have officially dropped their nap but we do have quiet time for an hour and a half where they stay in their rooms and read. I figure if they get tired, they will nap. Now our schedule is 7:30-8am and bedtime is 7:30 sharp! I still do quiet time around 2-3/3:30. I am liking it because we are able to use up the day but they are just going to bed a lot earlier so not a lot of night activities to do.
    But you will see phases of no naps and naps. Stick with the consistent routine and the naps will probably come back. On the days where they wouldn't nap, I gave them an hour to get to sleep if they weren't asleep, I would bring out the books and have them read in their room until naptime was over. But I never said it is quiet time until yesterday. It has been over 2 weeks without a nap so I figured it is NOT making a return anytime soon.
  6. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    My girls are down to only one nap a week [​IMG] before daylight saving we had moved bedtime to 7-7:30 and they would wake up between 8:30 and 10:00am. Our schedules are needing some adjusting now but I am sure in a week or so we will be back to our earlier bedtime. They average about 13-15 hours.
  7. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    We're at the no naps phase now. We'd have SERIOUS night sleep issues if we pushed naps. Lauren stopped having them in October Kristina stopped last summer some time.
    At night bed is 6:30-7pm. Lauren asks to go to bed then, or she passes out on the couch. Kristina goes then as well. Both go to bed pretty good. Some nights we have a few issues but there kids so we expect some. Wake up is usually 7am...some days 8am. Some days they wake earlier, all we have to do is go in and tell them the sun is not awake yet.
    Its not always great, but we try.
  8. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Throughout their 2's and now after turning 3yrs old, they have a similar schedule. The boys have always been GREAT sleepers. No tricks...they go right down and believe it not...still take a daily nap. I know it won't last forever...but if they go until their 4th b-day napping..I'll take the break! [​IMG]

    They generally sleep close to 11hrs at night and a 2hr nap everyday. (13 hrs total) Hopefully your children's sleep gets back on track...and the night wakings are a brief phase. It makes life much easier! [​IMG]
  9. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    My two go to bed at 8 PM and are usually up around 6:30 AM for DS and after 7 for DD. Some nights are a struggle to get them to go to sleep. This week is a mess because of the time change and plus we did some traveling between time zones this weekend (smart, huh?). DD periodically goes on a no-nap kick and is doing that today. I make her stay in her room for at least an hour even if she isn't napping. I don't think DD quite gets the concept of quiet time yet. DS doesn't want to take a nap most days but then ends up sleeping for a good 3 hours most days and I often end up waking him up. I'm afraid if DS sleeps much more than 3 hours he won't want to go to bed at night. Nap time is at 1 PM.

    DS has never been a great sleeper. Just within the last couple of weeks he has started sleeping completely though the night. I never knew what that was like before! Before DS would wake up usually once a night and just want a little comforting before going back to sleep. DD lately has been waking up around 5 or 5:30 and wanting Daddy to lay down in bed with her. She'll usually go pretty much right back to sleep then but sometimes not.

    The PPs make me think I should try an earlier bedtime to see if that would help. All these 12 hours night time sleepers make me jealous!
  10. SweetPeaTwinsx2

    SweetPeaTwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    Lauren and Madison are also really good sleepers! They go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. They will wake up around 7:30 in the they are getting 11 1/2 hrs at night. They go down for their nap between 12:30-1:00 and get up anywhere from a 2-3 hr nap. I'm just hoping this keeps up for awhile longer..especially when we move them to big girl beds..eeekk!!! [​IMG] Abby & Lilly took naps until they were almost 4..I'm crossing my fingers!!

    Sometimes they have little hiccups in their schedule..when they wake up at night we give them a minute or five (!!) before we run in, usually when they wake up crying it doesn’t last and we can her them settle down very quickly. We've also gone threw phases where we have one or the other wake up every evening for a week or so. They just want to get up and hang out then go right back to bed 30 min or so later. I think they are afraid to miss anything!!!

    Goodluck & hang in there!!
  11. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine are down for 11-12 hours at night and then 3 hours worth of naps. Somedays they still take 2 naps and somedays it is just 1.
  12. JenniferJ

    JenniferJ Member

    My girls were just 2 in January.

    They sleep from about 8pm to 730am

    One nap a day, usually from about 1pm to at least 330, sometimes even 430pm
  13. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    My girls just turned 2 last week and they sleep about 12 hours at night and about a 2 hour nap each afternoon. They seem to play more though now and have a harder time going to bed.
  14. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Mine are 2 1/2. They go to bed around 8:30 and wake between 7:30 & 8:30. It depends on how chaotic the morning is for the rest of the household. They nap around 1:00pm for 2-3 hours.
    I remember my older son still taking a nap 3-4 days a week when he was 4.
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