how much can dilation predict labor?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by teafor2, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member


    I'm feeling really lucky that in 3 days I'll have made it to 34 weeks. I've been dilated for about 4 weeks now, slowly getting more and more open. I have had contractions all along (I am on meds and bedrest for them) but don't feel them at all. Last week I was at 2.5 - 3cm dilated and baby A was at 0 station. My doctor thinks the dilation is due more to the weight of the babies and the water than the contractions - the babies are 5.5 and 5.2 pounds and both have polyhydramnios/high water. She actually said that in a way I am blessed, because I'm making my way through early labor without feeling any painful contractions, gravity is doing the job for my uterus!

    I know that in a singleton pregnancy people stay dilated for weeks toward the end. Since I'm 34 weeks this week (thank goodness), so we are slowly "exhaling" as far as the health/safety of the babies. My doctor will take me off the meds when I reach that 34 week goal on Thurs. However, I have this sneaking suspicion that despite all the panic of the last 8 weeks of this pregnancy, I'm gonna carry a lot longer, to 37 or 38 weeks. I don't know why I think that, maybe to prepare myself mentally for 3-4 more weeks of physical torture (I know it would be a good thing, but I am HUGE, and the babies are BIG). My doctor won't say what she thinks either way, but its clear that both she and my peri have thought I could go into labor at any time, judging by the fact that they always tell me who is on call that night! Maybe I'm just feeling complacent because against all odds I've so far been lucky and haven't gone into actual labor.

    I am just wondering - could I really stay at 2.5 to 3cm for 3 more weeks? Or should I really expect to go into labor at any time? And at what point do they usually admit you? 4cm? And what would they do then? Induce? Break my water? I'm confused! Is there any way to predict? What should I expect to tell me I'm in labor? My water breaking (my doctor's midwife said she thought this would happen first, she could feel the bag hanging there last time)? Painful contractions? Any thoughts/experiences?

  2. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I have this sneaking suspicion that despite all the panic of the last 8 weeks of this pregnancy, I'm gonna carry a lot longer, to 37 or 38 weeks. I don't know why I think that

    Perhaps you've been reading about me! Im exactly the situation you describe. I started dilating at 29 weeks. baby As head was at 0 station for WEEKS! My doctor let me off bedrest (which was weeks 29-34) and stopped the medication at 34 weeks. She even told me not to make anymore appointments past the 34 week mark because she thought I would deliver for sure.. well I didnt. I talked her into an induction date of 37 weeks and she agreed; honestly I think she only agreed cause she didnt think Id make it and I DID! :)

    When I showed up at the hospital on the big day I was dilated 5cm and I was already 100% effaced! I was not in labor. Since I was a first time mom my doc decided to start me on pitocin. well apparently my body was great at handling those contractions because 4 hours later they couldnt give me anymore and I was jolly as could be. She ended up breaking my water and 2 short hours afterwards I was ready to push. from the time my water was broke till the last baby was born was less than 5 hours. It was quick.

    So really theres just no telling. Keep thinking positive anything is possible!
  3. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I've heard stories where it goes both ways...but in general once you get to 3 you are talking serious dilation that 'counts' towards labor. Whenever women are at 1 or 2 it really doesn't mean a whole lot, but 3 and past is a good sign that you definitely aren't going to go late. As far as whether the rest of labor will go quickly... I think that depends. My sister went from a 0, which she had been at for 8 hours, to a 10 in just under an hour for her first child. But I've also heard of women stalling out at an 8 for hours. In general, the more dilated and thinned you are the better your prognosis for induction is... so look on the bright side...even if you make it to 38 weeks and need to be induced you'll be an excellent candidate for it, already dilated to a 3.
  4. Surrodoula

    Surrodoula Well-Known Member

    It honestly doesn't mean much, other than that you have fewer centimeters to go once you are in labour. I've known women with singletons go for weeks being 4+ cms dilated and fully effaced, and also have a friend that was pregnant with twins that didn't go into labour until she had been sitting at 7 cms for several days! And then there are others who go see their OB and are told that there isn't much happening, only to go into labour the next day.

    As for what will happen, it's hard to say. Your water might break first, or it might start with contractions. It kind of depends on how strong the bag of water is. My first 2 births the bag broke long before any contractions came, and the last one, the water didn't break until I was ready to push (and I had been told the bag was bulging as well).
  5. damonsmummy

    damonsmummy Well-Known Member

    With my son I was dilated at 4 cm for about 6 or 7 weeks. I ended up having to be induced and my water broken at 41 weeks. He just didn't want to come out! Lol! So I think it just matters on your body and when its ready for you to have them! Everyone is different!
  6. garden2009

    garden2009 Well-Known Member

    Hi. With my son, I was dialated at 4cm for 1 week before my water eventually broke (maybe the long walk I took that night helped... not sure if that is even possible with a twin pregnancy though!). I was admitted at the hospital and never did go into labor so eventually I gave in an let them give me pitocin.
    Good luck. I think everyone's body is different. Hope you can make it a couple more weeks and then have those healthy babies! :)
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