How many words

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amy Lynn Helferich-Soukenkova, Dec 2, 2011.


How many words did you LO speak at 16 months

  1. 0-3

  2. 4-8

  3. 9-15

  4. 15-40

  5. 40+

Multiple votes are allowed.
    Hello ladies,
    My girls are 16 months old. They have said about 10-15 different words. However, consistently they only use about 5 of these each day. Just wondering where you are all at in the word department? I know I shouldn't worry about this but of course I do anyways :)
  1. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At 16 months old, I think that is about average to very good. My two are almost 4 and I believe at that age they about 15-20 words but only said about half of them a lot.
    What I found is you will definitely see a word explosion after age 2, it's like it builds slowly and then their vocab just takes off.
  2. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    My girls were not saying anything then. I think one of them was saying "uh oh" and they might have both been saying "cat" and "up" but I think those might have come closer to 17 months. I know I booked them for a language assessment at 17 months and in the 2 weeks it took to get the appointment they both starting saying closer to 8-10 words so no one was worried when they had their appointment. Now at almost 2 they have had a word explosion in the last couple of weeks and are copying everything we's crazy how they can go from almost nothing to non stop chatting :).
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine were late talkers too. They didn't really even have much to say at 2 years old, and now at 2.5 they know so, so many words. It's ridiculous how much they talk! I think all you can do is foster a good learning environment for them; keep a running commentary of everything you see, ask them questions and play silly word games. Eventually they catch on, but I know how hard it is not to worry!
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My kids (all of them) all qualified for speech. I remember when the twins were just over two years old and I had a problem thinking of 10 words they knew. :( 15 words at 16 months sound excellent to me! Good that you are keeping track!
  5. Thanks ladies. I think it is a combo of my being a first time mom, and living overseas with no family around to let me know whats normal. Add to that the fact that they are subjected to a foreign language except when at home (which I am learning :) ) . Sometimes I don't know whats actually normal and I hate to just google things because I know that their is a lot of inaccurate info out there, I would rather get advice from women who have actually been there. Its funny because one of my girls always seems to say words first, then within a few days her sister starts saying it too. The one who says the words a little later is always ahead on physical skills, so different!
  6. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Mine didn't talk until they were over 2. I'm sure they would have qualified, but I never had them tested. They had good receptive language (they understood my simple instructions), and I know late talking runs in my family.

    Yours are actually probably ahead of the curve, since children exposed to two languages from birth tend to talk later because they are actually learning twice as many words as single-language children (and two sets of grammar & syntax). So they might seem delayed, but actually have an advantage in the end--it's really good for the brain to learn two languages early.
  7. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    I have also been concerned because my two only uses about 3 words constantly.They will say other words once or twice. Their receptive language is very good. Glad that I am not alone. My kids do grow up in a home where 2 languages are spoken. I think this might also contribute to the fact that they are late talkers.
  8. nubira

    nubira Member

    Hi MommyAbroad, I like your name. I'm a mommy abroad too. Located in Europe. And there's me thinking there's something wrong with my two girls who can't say anything at 13 months. Oh, except for the word cat ('kot' in Polish, since we speak Polish here). People keep telling me not to worry about their speach development and that I should have fond memories of the time when they weren't saying anything...because once they do start talking...there's no stopping them:))))
  9. michwalker75

    michwalker75 Member

    We just took our 12 month olds to the pediatrician yesterday for their well visit. He always gives us an idea of what to expect development-wise for next time. He told us that he'd like to see them saying about 5 words at their next visit (15 months). Sounds like yours are right on track! :)
  10. I just don't know if words they have said in the past but don't say so much at the moment count as words or not? lol this whole thing is confusing.
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