How Many Use(d) Pull Ups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Tivanni, May 22, 2007.


Did you use Pull Ups in Potty Training?

  1. No, we went straight to underwear.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but we didn't find it effective so we stopped.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, it is working/worked well for us.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    Hi, my husband and I have been debating how to take the next step. We have heard recommendations to skip the Pull Ups but have also heard of the "difficulties" of going straight to underwear. I am all for what works best for the girls and whatever makes it the "less stressful" method for everyone. :D So, I'm curious to see what works/worked best for everyone. I think it is especially valuable to see the responses from parents of twins so I thought I'd try making my first poll!

    I've recently read about the thick underwear with plastic liner and wondered if that was a good alternative to Pull Ups?!

  2. Alyson

    Alyson Well-Known Member

    We had polished floor boards (easy to clean up mistakes) in our house so we went straight to underwear. The girls were 3 years old. I did try them prior but they had no interest and I had heard that the hormone that allows you to "hold on" does not develop until around 3 years. Our second attempt at potty training when they were 3 was very successful and they full trained (except for nights) in one week.

    We did use pull ups for a while when we were travelling (shopping, visiting friends etc...) because sometimes you can never find a toilet in time when you need one. The girls stayed in nappies (diapers) over night until they were night trained at about 6mths later.

    BTW: The poll above does not let you vote unless you answer both questions.
  3. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    We tried Pull Ups for a few days, but they didn't work for us. They were too much like diapers and the boys weren't aware of when they had gone. We switched to underwear and just planned on doing extra wash and clean ups. The timing worked out because it was warm weather so we just put them in underwear and nothing else. It was about a week before they were potty trained (other than at night). After about a month of doing well during the day, we switched to underwear at night. They were completely trained just before their third birthday.
  4. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    Moderators, can you edit my post as I don't see an option for me to do so? Can you eliminate my second question? It is my first poll and I did not realize it would requires you to answer both questions.


    Thanks for letting me know Alyson! :)
  5. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I answered no, but... I did use them for naps and bedtime and occasionally over real underwear if we were going out and I thought there was a possibility of no close restrooms.

    I did not use them until I did full blown potty training which meant real undies and then they didn't seem to get confused since they weren't used to going in pull ups.

    I had great success with both my boys within a week, but it was a lot of mess and as long as you don't stress about it they won't either.

    I had about 8 accidents and 12 successes the first day with Michael. Then lots of accidents early on day 2 and I almost gave up. However, by day 3 he was doing great and within a week he had it. Matthew was almost the same except it took him almost a month to poop in the potty. It was messy and I hated that part of it, but he said he wanted no more diapers and I didn't want to let him down just because I hated the mess.
  6. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    only used pull ups over underwear for when we were travelling or going to be at walmart for a while. we live in a rural area so it's important to keep the car seat clean during travel to/from town.
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