How many toys are in your playroom

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hanknbeans, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    I am working on our toy mangement! How many toys do you have in your play space at a time. I do rotate, but there are things that are always there. Here is what we have:

    Table, 2 chairs

    White lego table

    Dora Vanity

    Mini Piano


    Book shelf with books

    Play Kitchen with dishes and food

    Dress up area with dress up clothes

    Babies, bottles, high chair


    SHopping carts

    Some sort of large muscle activity, like a slide

    Small manipulatives, like either blocks or little people

    Toy box with few odds and ends, like stuffed animals

    I then rotate a few extras (like a train, truck, or cash register) every other day or so.

    Do you think this is too much for them?
  2. EJ

    EJ Member

    I definitely think less is more. My twins are 18 months old. We divided their toys to different play areas around the house....some are in the livingroom, some toys are in their playpens in the guest bedroom, some toys went downstairs in the rec room, some toys in their bedroom, as well as a bag that goes to grandpa's house. I stash some in a closet and do switch them out. We used to keep everything in one area of the house, but they wandered aimlessly and fought more. When they get bored and we aren't going outside/errands, etc. I move the twins to different areas of the house and sometimes it's like Christmas all over again. I also did this with all of their books.

    I just re-read this and I'm thinking we might have too much. It's amazing how they have all these toys and books, but all they really want is my cell phone and the empty 5 gallon water jug (from the water cooler) to push around and throw at the dog.
  3. KPS1971

    KPS1971 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you have alot of large toys in your play room. We have a TON of toys but i try to make sure that most everything will fit in a toy box, bucket or self. Now having said that i have:

    table, 2 chairs
    easle (?) Art thing
    shelf with buckets~ the colored kind you get from Toy R Ud
    kitchen with food
    2 large buckets
    toy chest

    I also rotate toys so the whole closet in the playroom has a cubby system in it and it is full also. I feel they need to have a large floor space to just play so I try to keep the big toys to a minimum.

    In Texas we have a large consignement sale that happens once in the fall and once in the spring. I have signed up for it this year and will be cleaning quite a bit of the toys out. Our birthday is 5 days after Christmas so we were bombarded with toys this year.

    As long as they are playing with everything on a somewhat consistant basies and you have room for everything; in my opnion you don't have to many toys.
  4. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    I second, less is more!! If there are too many toys my kids get a little overwhelmed by it all and have a harder time staying on task, KWIM.
  5. ldwa

    ldwa Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: so you can actually count yours?? I think you're probably in good shape then.

    I'm actually on my way to target this afternoon to get some organizational stuff to get ds's toys under control. I've already sorted thru the upstairs toys (keep, donate, trash) and will get thru the downstairs ones tonight. it's just toooo messy as is.

    yes, less is definitely so much more!!
  6. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Yes, less is more. When kids have too many toys they seem to get overwhelmed and cranky. My kids really only play with 5-10 of their toys.... no need to keep the rest.
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(Her Royal Jennyness @ Jan 26 2008, 03:26 PM) [snapback]590936[/snapback]
    Yes, less is more. When kids have too many toys they seem to get overwhelmed and cranky.

    I agree!
  8. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    I'm of a "less is more" mindset. We actually divide the kids toys in 1/2 and rotate them out regularly. for example, last week I packed up the legos and put them on the shelf in the closet and pulled out their wooden blocks. We swap them out whenever we feel like it or think they're getting bored, and not all at once. Just like i said, one or two activities every now and then. For us, it keeps them interested (and they'll play in their room without us!)
  9. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    less is more, especially since we don't have a playroom (just our living room) and their small bedroom. We rotate some of the bigger toys (and by bigger I mean like the leapfrog musical table thingy or that wood activity cube with the beads, etc. All the other stuff has to fit into bins. The only exception is a tunnel (but it's collapsable and folds into a small circle).
  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'm also of the "less is more" mindset. I had been good about keeping stuff put away, but I've gotten lazy. I am too tired right now to list all the toys, but one thing that really helped was getting a shelf with bins and putting most of the smaller Little People sets and some other toys in bins. When there is too much stuff out, they can't seem to focus, and it also makes me start feeling clausterphobic.
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