How many potty chairs?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LMW1015, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    It's been SO long since I've gotten on Twinstuff and I miss it. I need to get here more often. Just crazy at our house a lot. My twins just turned 2 on the 26th of November and our little one just turned 8 months old on the 3rd. Total chaos all the time and the "terrible 2's" are kicking my butt!! LOL Just from a quick scan of this forum it looks to be normal. LOL I'm really going to have to read so I don't feel like I'm the only one.

    I am trying to start with potty training. I'm not pushing it horribly mostly because I just feel like I don't have enough time to properly dedicate myself to it yet. I really do want to get going on it though. I bought one stand alone potty (the froggy one) and then one to go on the big toilet (the turtle?) and a step stool. The problem I'm finding is getting into the bathroom to make the effort to practice. It just seems like one big event to get everyone to the bathroom and everyone out. The baby gets into everything or starts crying. It's just crazy. I'm thinking I might do a better job getting them to practice (they like sitting on them but haven't made any pee yet) if I have the potty chairs in the living room or somewhere else in the main part of the house. Did you guys just have 1 or did you get a potty chair for each of them. I need to see in the Potty Stories if there are some ideas I can use.
  2. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Oh Lisa I can't even begin to imagine how chaotic your household is! With us Ryan is really the only one ready, I am NOT! LOL we have the same set up as you. Ryan uses big potty and Christopher uses the little one. We started out letting them have the room whenever but they just tear it apart. So now it is all business and PIA. Ryan does his business and we wash our hands and then we are out.

    I hope your house slows down a bit for you...but I understand the terrible 2's...I am just visiting this forum for the first time in a long time too! ( hugs!)
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We started out with one potty chair, but soon realized that we needed two. My girls loved to practice at the same time. Having the potty seats in the playroom was also so much more convenient than the bathroom. So yes... I highly recommend getting a second potty chair. When your kids are fully trained but not quite ready to use public restrooms, you can throw the second seat in the back of your car to use in emergencies (Mom! I have to pee RIGHT NOW!!). It happens more often than you'd think, and being able to pull over and let your child pee in the car is a lifesaver.
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We had one potty chair one one toilet seat. It worked well for us.
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Lisa, we had two potty chairs and a potty seat. It never failed that when one wanted on there the other did too. After a while I didn't need two in the house, so one went in the van, which was a lifesaver since Sarah refused to use public potties for about a year.
  6. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies!! Knew I could count on you guys! :) I went ahead and ordered another froggy potty seat (they fight over everything if they are not the exact same LOL) and I also got those cotton training pants and some plastic liners to go over them. I had gotten the all-in-ones earlier but they were HUGE - went up to their chests!! LOL I think the cotton ones might be more comfy for them. They are both (but especially Walker) pointing to their diapers when they go pee and wanting their diapers changes so I'm thinking I better jump on this. That and they LOVE to sit on the potty so better take advantage. :) Now if I can just get them to do something in them!! ;) I'm hoping with the training pants it will make them really recognize what is going on and hurry up before it happens to get to the potty. They drink a LOT during the day. They are just thirsty kiddos. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. Maybe good because more opportunities but bad because higher chance of accidents?? LOL I'm just going to stick to diapers for naps and bedtime and probably when we're out for awhile (we don't go out much anyway). I think the potty in the van is a GREAT idea!!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck with PT-ing! We also got two potty chairs for when the twins were ready to PT.
  8. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    That's what we had as well. It worked for us because M didn't like the big potty and L was so proud to sit on the big potty. Good Luck!!
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  9. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    we had two of the baby bjorn white potties in the kitchen for the first 2 weeks that we did PT, but quickly after that the girls loved to sit on the big girl potty using a step stool. So we stopped using the litte potties. It seems like a waste, but we really needed them for use in the kitchen and I did transport them to my parents house a few times. But once they realized they could sit on the big girl potty then didn't want to use the little ones anymore.

    edit: forgot to add, we definatley needed TWO because they wanted to sit at the same time in the kitchen. but now they take turns on the big girl potty and it's worked out fine, no accidents while waiting for the other to finish...
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