How Many Ounces? Taking Less Than Before

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by murtygirl, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    Hey there! I am trying to figure out how much my baby girl should be taking in a 24 hour period. Her intake has been declining for the past 3 days by 4-5 ounces and I just want to make sure that she is getting enough. (Not worried about DS, he is a piggy!!) She is 4 months old (almost 2 adjusted)and 13 lbs, and is taking 23-24 oz/day. Down from 27-29. Is this enough?

    Also, anyone have any ideas as to why she would suddenly be taking less?? Absolutely no changes in formula or bottles since birth?? SHe is on a level 2 Dr Browns nipple/bottle which seems perfect for her... SHe is a little congested, so that is all I can come up with.
  2. Silly_Putty

    Silly_Putty Well-Known Member

    I have never kept track of how much my babies eat each day, so I guess I can't help you there...but I wouldn't worry about a matter of a few ounces. Then again- that's me. I'm not a big worrier. It's only been a few days though and her weight is fantastic for 2 mos adjusted. My girl was 13 lb at her 4 month appt and she was a 4 lb 5 oz 36 weeker. Are you suctioning her nose? Try doing that before feedings- they need to breath through their noses while they eat.
  3. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    My vote would be congestion. My girls have a big range they fall into. Anywhere from 24 to 32oz per day. They both have colds right now so they have been on the lower end the last couple days. I'm sure once she is feeling better she'll pick back up.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congestion can really lower their intake, also if she has a little bit of a cold her throat might hurt too. Teething can also start pretty early (and last forever!) so all these things can affect their intake. But, as long as she has wet diapers and is gaining weight, there's not much to worry about. Just try to suck out her nose before eating and maybe keep a humidifier going in her room during sleep to help with the congestion :)
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    At that age, I believe the range most pedi's say is 24-32 oz. But, that is just an average - if she is a bit below that, but satisfied, she is probably fine. Like the pp said, it is probably either congestion, or the start of teething - both can really impact how much they eat.
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