How many ounces do you normally get when you pump?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by brlowe, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. brlowe

    brlowe Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering how much other women get when they pump. I know I'm being anal about all of this, but...

    Thanks for your responses!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Comparing what other women pump is like comparing apples to oranges. Everyone is different!!! That said, I would pump after breastfeeding in the morning and would get about 6 ounces at that age (more after I went to work and wasn't breastfeeding before I pumped). I pumped very well.
  3. andiemc

    andiemc Well-Known Member

    I don't ever pump as I am lazy ;) But if I did, I need to build up to good pumping so when I start off I only get 2-3 ounces at max when pumping 2-3 hours after my last nursing session.
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Depends on the time of day -- morning, I can get between 12 to 16 oz., depending on what time I pumped the night before. I then get around 15 oz. total the rest of the day -- about 30 oz. altogether.

    I don't BF, just pump exclusively.
  5. ercooper

    ercooper Active Member

    I am just starting the pumping, and my twins are only a few weeks old. If I miss a feeding at night or in the morning I'm getting around 7-9 oz. But later in the day (when I am TIRED!) I am getting less.
  6. bigeyes

    bigeyes Well-Known Member

    the 6am pumping is big 12-17ounces (due to last feeding being at midnightish) but then rest of the day pumping sessions every three hours i get typically 6-8 ounces per session. i mostly pump , tho am trying to nurse once day with them. but its not fun when they just scream bloody murder at me when i put them to the boob +P and smile happily at a bottle kwim?
    good luck!
    oh i am on fenugreek 3x a day so that greatly helps supply.
    (boys are 4 1/2 mo old)
  7. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I pump before going to bed at night. Depending on how late it is, when & how well the babies last nursed, etc, I'll get 4-7 oz total. Never less than 3, and 7 is my all time record (for that time of day) - it's usually around 5-6 oz.
  8. SeattleLisa

    SeattleLisa Well-Known Member

    First thing in the morning (if I haven't nursed yet) I can pump 12 - 16 ounces (my record is 19.5 - those were some full and hurting boobs!). If I've nursed, but waited an hour after, then it's more like 6 - 8. If I pump right after nursing then I get 3 - 4 ounces. I always pump before bed - around 10:00 - and it's been several hours since my last nursing - and then I usually get around 10 ounces.
  9. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SeattleLisa @ Feb 19 2008, 06:45 PM) [snapback]629938[/snapback]
    If I've nursed, but waited an hour after, then it's more like 6 - 8. If I pump right after nursing then I get 3 - 4 ounces. I always pump before bed - around 10:00 - and it's been several hours since my last nursing - and then I usually get around 10 ounces.

    I am about the same. 3-4 after a feeding, 6-8 if I wait an hour, 8-10 if I skip a nursing session and before bed.
  10. SommerNyte

    SommerNyte Well-Known Member

    When I was using a hospital grade pump and only pumping, I was getting 6-8 oz per session. Now I EBF, but if I pump between feeds, I only get about 4 oz. :(
  11. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    I pump once around 10:00 - about 3 hours after the babies nurse for bed and 3 hours before they wake up again. I hate to say how much I usually get for fear I'll jinx the current session, but it's usually 5 or 6 ounces.
  12. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Pumping after the am feed when mine were about 6 months old I would get about 3 oz's. While at work and pumping every 3 hrs I normally got 6-8oz's each pump. But there were bad days/weeks where I would only get 5oz's total from both breasts in place of a feeding. As they approached 12 months I started getting less and less, towards 15 months I would get around 4-6oz's per pump when at work.
  13. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I've never been a good pumper. Maybe 2-3 oz.

  14. andreap

    andreap Well-Known Member

    i pump 2x a day at work & once before bed

    it changes ALL THE TIME. sometimes i can get up to 12 oz session & other days i am barely squeezing 6. i miss the days i would get 16 oz a session! now i typically get around 8-10 oz in the morning & 6-8 oz in the afternoon. then i pump 3 hours after the babies are in bed (6-8 oz.) i have been bad about my water intake this week & can tell a difference.

    just so thankful we have made it this far. esp on the days i want to run over the pump. :D
  15. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    In the morning I get about 16 oz. The rest of the day I get about two ounces for every hour since I pumped last. This varies a little from day to day depending I think on tiredness and stress level . I do exclusively pump.
  16. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i generally get an average of 40oz daily, but it varies. in the mornings i tend to get more cuz i only pump once during the night.....

    now that one of my boys is home (woo hoo!) i am probably pumping a little less (not keeping track any more cuz i have so many other things to keep track of!). i am a little worried that i'll dwindle my supply but i hope not. right now, i am trying really hard to get both boys on the boobie and it's not really working yet too well (they're just 36 weeks gestation now, though born 8 weeks ago)... sorry for digressing!

    keep up the good work!

    hugs, jl
  17. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I average a total of 16 oz. This is total from both breasts.
  18. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    I'm done pumping regularly now since both babies are nursing, but I make a lot of milk. After feeding the babies after coming home from the NICU and pumping, I would get 10 ounces. I am curious to know what I would get if I hadn't nursed first. If I end up going back to work I guess I'll find out then.
  19. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I get 30+ ounces a day.
  20. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    I must be one of those relatively "unpumpable" people. At work, in replacement of a feed, I pump 4-7 ounces total(usually closer to 4-5). I'm jealous of you ladies that are getting 12-16 ounces a session! For some reason, I just can't seem to empty my right breast with the pump - I can still feel milk in there even after 20 minutes of pumping, and it just won't come out....
  21. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

    My boys have yet to latch - they're 11 days old and were born at 35w4d - so I pump every 3 hours...religiously. I just pumped about 30 mins ago, and I got over 4 oz from one breast, and just at 4 oz. from the other. I average between 2.5 and 4 oz. per breast per pump...and I usually get around the same amount per breast. My boys take about 2 oz per feeding, so I've been able to store a bunch.

  22. alechiac

    alechiac Well-Known Member

    Well... I must be an anomoly.

    I exclusively pump right now and only get 2-3 oz per pumping session. I pump 30 min at a time and every 2-4 hours (8X/day). Wow... it may not be worth it to keep pumping if I only can get 16 oz/day! We'll see how it goes when the nicu babies are home, but I don't think it'll be worth it to keep pumping if I can't get them to take teh breast and if I only produce 16 oz/day! I never knew people could get 16 oz per pumping session! I'm very jealous!

  23. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    I EBf one baby and pump for the other. i don't pump at night but during the day I pump every time I give my one baby a bottle. so in the morning I usually pump about 17-20 ounces depending on the day and throughout the day I get about 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hours. I'm a good pumper. I usually breastfeed and then pump after.
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