How Many of Moms Here have Had a Natural Birth

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by fancybeltran, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    I am totally wanting to go natural again!!

    But I am scared of the pushing my daughter was so so high up that they had to help push her down. So the pushing was very very hard. Much harder than my sons.

    But I definitely want to know if it is possible to have a natural birth in a hospital if you have a doctor and not a midwife?

    Thanks In Advance
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Well it depends what you mean by natural. I had the twins vaginally, but I also had an epidural.
  3. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    I had a vaginal birth was in labor 22 hours and I had no epidural or any pain twins were 4 minutes appart
  4. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    We had a natural birth, too - vaginal and no meds! I was only in labor for about 8 hours (from the time my water broke until they were both delivered). I delivered in an OR just in case something went wrong, but it all went well. They did need to use a kiwi extractor to help my DS after DD was born because they lost him on the monitor. I pushed her out and then the doctor brought DS down so I could push him out. It was 13 minutes between deliveries.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I have had natural births, no meds, but not with the twins.
  6. Lizzybo

    Lizzybo Well-Known Member

    I really wanted to go natural, or vaginal, but it wasn't in the cards for me. Fate dictated my boys would be c-section. They were both breach, twin-b was bigger than twin-a, and I developed pre-eclampsia.

    Best laid plans of mice and men, and all...

    I hope you get your natural birth. It can be done. My aunt had both of her sets of twins naturally, as did 2 of my friends (1 set each for them). One of my friends had hers 7 hours apart!!

    If things don't work out that way, though, please don't beat yourself up over it. (((hugs)))
  7. mela27

    mela27 Member

    I gave birth vaginally but i also had an epidural. Plus it was a VBAC Delivery. I was in labor for 7 hours from the time my water broke and the girls where born 20 mintues apart. 4 pushes each and they where out. So it really all depends. You will most likely be giving birth in a OR room just in case they need to do a c-section. Best of luck.
  8. dollymomma

    dollymomma Well-Known Member

    I had all my babies naturally, no epidurals, though I was supposed to have one with the twins... I didn't get to the hospital in time to get the epi with the twins, I didn't know I was in true labour... They were born 19 minutes apart, and were born with the help of the vac extractor, twin A was in distress, and the doc wanted him out quickly... All was well in the end...
  9. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    The pushing was a piece of cake for the twins than it was with my singleton. However, just realize that circumstances may force you to not go natural. My baby B was breach and needed to be turned. I just thank God that I had the epi - it was a 1/2 hr of turning him and I didn't feel a thing. I was VERY sore though the next day (in the uterus area - not my bottom) for how much the OB pushed on him to turn. I could have used an epi then! :p
  10. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    My sons were born vaginally but I had an epidural. Baby B was breech and we weren't sure if it might turn into a C section for the second child. Luckily, it didn't! I only pushed for 23 minutes for both babies (they're 8 minutes apart). This time I'm only expecting one baby and my hope is to do it without medicinal pain relief. I am receiving care from a midwife this time, and I think that increases my chances. Plus, my best friend, who gave birth naturally last year, is willing to join my husband as an extra support person.
  11. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bkpjlp @ Mar 25 2009, 03:56 PM) [snapback]1244166[/snapback]
    The pushing was a piece of cake for the twins than it was with my singleton. However, just realize that circumstances may force you to not go natural. My baby B was breach and needed to be turned. I just thank God that I had the epi - it was a 1/2 hr of turning him and I didn't feel a thing. I was VERY sore though the next day (in the uterus area - not my bottom) for how much the OB pushed on him to turn. I could have used an epi then! :p

    OMG :lol: me too! i thank the candy man every day :lol: that is one pain i didnt want to "experience"
  12. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    For me natural is vaginally and without pain meds, but a lot of people mean just vaginally. I had them vaginally with pain meds (epidural). My oldest also vaginal plus meds. The twins were a really easy push, 4 times for A and a breech extraction plus one push for B. My daughter however ... 2 1/2 hours of pushing, forceps delivery and 4th degree tearing. However, I would make the same choice. Recovery was fast and easy. I would never opt for a c/s unless there was a medical reason to do so.
  13. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i delivered my girls vaginally without meds so it's definitely possible. have you read "Birthing from Within"? i found it to be a very helpful book in preparing mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for birth. i delivered in hospital with an OB - we also hired a doula. i found that very helpful as well. we had originally wanted a midwife but had to change our plans when we found out we were having twins.
  14. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    It is possible; just interview OBs if necessary to find one who's supportive of that with twins.
  15. Kimani

    Kimani Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SC_Amy @ Mar 25 2009, 11:32 PM) [snapback]1244781[/snapback]
    It is possible; just interview OBs if necessary to find one who's supportive of that with twins.

    Yep. I delivered vaginally and with and Epidural. I had a VERY supportive OB, the only one in the surrounding towns that would even consider a vaginal birth with twins. Thank god he was in town when I was in labor.
  16. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    One more item to mention. I only had a test dose of the epi in me - I had to push as the anesthesiologist was cleaning my back to get the epi in. The test dose took the bite off. I didn't feel contractions, but I could wiggle my toes (I couldn't with my DD), and I could feel a vacuum type feel when each boy delivered. If I were to get pregnant again (which would be a total fluke), I would ask for just the test dose and not the full dose.
  17. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I delivered both babies vaginally but I had an epidural, given to me at 6cm. However, I dont think I had a high dose of epi as I could feel the ventouse with DS (very uncomfy). I also felt them sewing me up (i had an episotomy) so they gave me a local anaesthetic!
  18. larastevens

    larastevens Well-Known Member

    i was induced by having my waters broken which i guess isnt natural, but then laboured and gave birth vaginally with no pain relief. we were lucky that all circumstances were right for us (i.e both heads down, no problems) we also did a course in hypnobirthing, which bascially uses relaxation and visualisation techniques to help your body.
    our doctor was happy to leave us in the capable hands of the midwife and was waiting in another room just in case. i had a canular? fitted in my hand in case i needed meds quick.
    so it can be done but there are so many different scenarios that may mean that you need to have meds/ assistance/ c.section etc. i was prepared to do whatever the medical staff thought would be the best for our babies. always keep all options open for the safety of your babies, the natural way will be the way they come healthy! sadly i know too many people who insisted on 'natural' delivieries only to end with tragic consequences. dont want to scare you but it is worth bearing in mind.
  19. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    I had mine naturally (no meds) and even VBAC. Having a very supportive doctor was key, and I highly recommend having a doula, too. Twin B was very high and not descending after a couple of hours--the doctor was just calling for the forceps when I lifted myself up and pushed him out in three pushes. I don't think I could have done that with an epidural in.
  20. Pookersb

    Pookersb Member

    I had mine vaginally without an epidural but did get one dose of pain meds during labor (I begged for more but they told me it would make the babies too sleepy). I would have loved to have an epidural but I have a bleeding disorder so my options were vaginal deliver without an epidural or a c-section under general anesthesia (asleep). Fortunately, my babies were positioned so that i could have the vaginal delivery. But I still had to deliver in an OR in case something went wrong.
  21. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(larasboys @ Mar 26 2009, 02:20 PM) [snapback]1245841[/snapback]
    i was induced by having my waters broken which i guess isnt natural, but then laboured and gave birth vaginally with no pain relief. we were
    so it can be done but there are so many different scenarios that may mean that you need to have meds/ assistance/ c.section etc. i was prepared to do whatever the medical staff thought would be the best for our babies. always keep all options open for the safety of your babies, the natural way will be the way they come healthy! sadly i know too many people who insisted on 'natural' delivieries only to end with tragic consequences. dont want to scare you but it is worth bearing in mind.

    i totally agree that it's very important to be ready to go with the flow when giving birth because you never know what may happen - but i think that holds true for any kind of birth whether c-section OR vaginal. there can be complications no matter how you give birth. thankfully we live in a day & age when those complications can often be dealt with quickly & safely.
  22. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    I think the OB and your babies positions when the time comes will have a lot to do with it. Talk to you OB now about it, and see what their feelings are. If they don't align with yours consider what they have to say and if you still really don't agree look for another one.

    I wanted to do what was best for the babies, but prefered the vaginal route (though I always knew I would be asking for drugs. :)). My OB said as long as A was head down, and there were no other complications she was fine with attempting a vaginal delivery. If they were breech for the safety of the babies she preferred a c-section, but it was open for negotiation. She did caution me early on that her preference would be that I have an epi in case something went wrong with a vaginal, but she was willing to go drug free as long as I was okay with the fact that if there was trouble they would have to knock me out to do a c-section.

    Turns out both of mine were head down and I pushed for less than 10 minutes. They were 2 minutes apart.

    So, under the right circumstances, with the right OB it is definately a possibility.
  23. mama_sharlyn

    mama_sharlyn Active Member

    QUOTE(beemer @ Mar 27 2009, 01:02 PM) [snapback]1247279[/snapback]
    I think the OB and your babies positions when the time comes will have a lot to do with it. Talk to you OB now about it, and see what their feelings are. If they don't align with yours consider what they have to say and if you still really don't agree look for another one.

    I wanted to do what was best for the babies, but prefered the vaginal route (though I always knew I would be asking for drugs. :)). My OB said as long as A was head down, and there were no other complications she was fine with attempting a vaginal delivery. If they were breech for the safety of the babies she preferred a c-section, but it was open for negotiation. She did caution me early on that her preference would be that I have an epi in case something went wrong with a vaginal, but she was willing to go drug free as long as I was okay with the fact that if there was trouble they would have to knock me out to do a c-section.

    Turns out both of mine were head down and I pushed for less than 10 minutes. They were 2 minutes apart.

    So, under the right circumstances, with the right OB it is definately a possibility.

    Do we have the same OB?! lol My OB said pretty much the same thing. He was adament about csect if Baby A was breech. But is A was head down and bigger, he was very supportive of vaginal. Baby A head down but Baby B breech he really discouraged no epi, but didn't mandate it. I too just had to be ok with being knocked out for a csect. Both head down he was all for vaginal with no epi.

    We went in almost two weeks ago with A head down and B breech. We decided to labour for a little while then get the epi port put in with minimal meds that they could turn up for the breech extraction or csect. Well OB was getting ready to check how dilated I was when Baby A had other plans! Two hours after we broke my water, I had Baby A in the hallway in front of the nurses station as they were wheeling me to the OR! Then B by extraction 7 minutes later. I do have to say I'm not sure I'd recommend an unmedicated extraction. Too much pain for me! But then again, in hindsight, it's sort of fun to say I did it. Also, they almost had to put me under for a csect for B. My uterus and cervix were closing tightly on B and my OB couldn't get her out (she was already out to her waist then got stuck). The anesthesiologist sprayed nitro glycerine under my tongue and it relaxed my uterus just enough. Had that not worked I was going under. So even though I thought the chances of a csect were low, we really did get very close. I was ok with it. It was the choice we made. But I am very thankful we didn't have to.

    I just want to wish you best. If baby A is head down, I see no reason why you can't have a vaginal delivery. You don't need a midwife, but it wouldn't hurt either. Your OB just needs to be on board. Have you asked your OB how he/she feels about it?
  24. DoublyThrilled

    DoublyThrilled Well-Known Member

    I had vaginal birth. I had epidural too. My boys were exactly 5 minutes apart!!! GL to you!!!
  25. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    IF you had a vaginal birth this was a thread that I did a while back it got over 1000 hits and TONS of responses. feel free to read all the women that had vaginal births. Most mentioned whether or not they had drugs and how far apart they were born :)
  26. DoublyThrilled

    DoublyThrilled Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(DoublyThrilled @ Apr 13 2009, 11:02 AM) [snapback]1270808[/snapback]
    I had vaginal birth. I had epidural too. My boys were exactly 5 minutes apart!!! GL to you!!!

    I should add that I was induced and my water was broken!!!
  27. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I tried 2x to go with no pain meds...but couldn't! I took the epi with those two eventually. And with the last two births, I just got the epi from the get go :laughing: Of course, I also had to have pitocin with all of mine, so maybe with no pitocin I could have done it? I'll believe that was the case...even though it probably isn't :lol:
  28. andreanhoward

    andreanhoward Active Member

    I had a vaginal birth with no pain meds, but only because it went so fast. I was induced with pitocin and they broke my water. Baby A was born 1 hour after they broke my water, so there was no time for an epidural
  29. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I delivered ds#2 vaginally with no epidural or anything. It was actually my quickest birth and he was my biggest baby. with the twins, I had to have a c-section because baby A was breech (sitting indian style on my cervix) and baby B was transverse. Not to mention, the twins were in NO hurry to meet us, I went to the dr and was dialated to a 1 -- then a few days later I was completely closed :eek: but had BH ALL THE TIME!??
  30. TamaraLou23

    TamaraLou23 Member

    Hello, I'm new here. I was hoping for a vaginal delivery for both of my babies. I gave birth to my DS vaginally after 8 hrs of labor after they broke my water. My DD was born 15 min. later via c-section. :( Her heartrate dropped and they had to do an emergency c-section. I had to be put to sleep and didn't get to see my DD until the next day. I did have an epidural but it didn't take.
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