How many hours

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Eribour, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    Hi, I am a new mom of b/g twins. I also have a daughter who will turn one in two weeks. Yes Irish triplets. The twins are one week old today. I know setting a schedule right now is almost impossible the thing is, they eat at random intervals. Today for example, thymey ate at 7:45-10:45-12:45-4:00. That's 3-2-4 hours between feedings. Last night they went 4 hours between feeds. Should I be waking them to eat durinf the day? If so, how often? Thanks. Any insights would be great.
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I personally wouldn't wake them to feed if they're both sleeping, but if one wakes up, definitely wake the other one up at the same time and feed them too. Having them synchronized will be much easier in the long run and hopefully you can get some rest in between. Is your older girl sleeping through the night? I am not sure the logistics of your mornings, but I suppose it would be ideal if everyone was up and eating at the same time in the AM. Good luck! Sounds like you have a busy house, but I am sure it will be fun to have three so close in age :)
  3. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    From the time we came home, and I am pulling back into my memory, to at least 10 weeks we fed every 3 hours day and night (sooner if they asked for it) no matter what. BUT, we fed them at the same time roughly and of course during the standard growth spurts it was crazy, up to 12 times a day. If 3 hours came we woke them. We came home at 4lbs 9oz and 4lbs 14oz though and I wanted to drive my milk supply.
  4. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    We also fed ours every 3 hours for the 2 weeks, until they were back up to birth weight. Once they hit birth weight, we fed them when they were hungry and if it seemed too long we would wake them - just so they wouldn't drop any weight.
  5. cc2010

    cc2010 Member

    If I recall correctly, I fed my twins every two hours around the clock for the first 6 weeks. This is what my pediatrician advised us to do. He told me to wake them up if I needed to. I think after the 6 weeks, they were back up to their birth weight, so the doc told us that we could feed on demand. It still turned out to be every three hours or so, night and day. But I definitely fed them both at the same time. I would check with your pediatrician to see what he/she advises. I think a lot depends on how they are doing health- and weight-wise.

    I can't imagine having 3 little ones under the age of 1! Hang in there. You can do it!
  6. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    Tonight they did three hours between each feeding. Maybe the are getting to a routine. The biggest problem last night is that DD stayed awake after the 12:00 feeding for about 45min. Then DS did that after the next feeding. Right now my mother or MIL is helping at night so they take the babies. My husband is in charge of our DD1 if she wakes up, since I can't lift her (c-section). She woke up at 5:00 and had trouble going back to sleep. We were all tired today.
  7. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    Oh and the twins are ok in weight DS weighed 7.5 at birth and DD was 6.10. Neither hit the 10% weight loss that they can lose. It's funny how I had so much confidence with the first one, and with these two I feel like I don't know what I am doing.
  8. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    The best thing we did was feed by the clock. We fed them every three hours and woke them up if necessary. We got on a great schedule that way and it made nightime feedings relatively easy once they got a bit older - we would feed them and let them stay awake in the day and at night we would feed them and put them straight back to bed and it quickly got to about a 30 minute routine twice and then once a night. My mom had a fit when she realized we were waking sleeping babies but it was the only way it was manageable for us and it got them on the same schedule for everything, sleeping and eating.
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