How many diapers do you go through in a week?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kimani, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Kimani

    Kimani Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, my fiance and I are about to buy a house and he's the only one working right now. Trying to figure out some basic expenses and these are our first twins and its been a while since my son was in diapers so I forget how many I went through with him.

    So how many diapers do you go through in a week?

  2. brlowe

    brlowe Well-Known Member

    As newborns: about 150/week
    Now: About 80-90

    Have a healthy and happy pregnancy! :)
  3. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I would say about 24/day when they were newborns so up to about 2months. Then it decreased to about 14/day. Hope that helps. Good luck with your pregnancy. We found diapers to be a pretty big expense actually, as we would often go through 3 in one changing, because they would poop or pee before you could even get the new diaper done up, and then you change that diaper only to have them do the exact same thing again!
  4. amyjoy3

    amyjoy3 Well-Known Member

    When they were newborns, probably about 20 per day.
    Now they are 4 months old and I would say about 12-15 per day.

    I buy a box of diapers from Sam's Club for $30 and that is for about 250 diapers. I just buy the generic brand (Sam's Club brand). We never had a problem with leakage or anything. I also got a lot of diapers at my shower - that really helped, but a lot of people bought newborn size and we went through those pretty quickly. But, at birth one was over 6lbs and one was over 5lbs.
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    About 15-25/day, so 175/week max when newborns and poopy.
    Now we go thru about 10-15/day, so 105/week max, but the bigger diapes cost more!!!!
  6. Kimani

    Kimani Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the good pregnancy wishes and the info!
    Haha, he figured about 80 a week (I thought that was way modest), poor thing!
    I'll show this to him. Unfortunately we live in a pretty small town so Sam's Club or Costco are out of the question. The closest thing we have is the Wal-mart in the next town. Lets see, we have a general dollar, a Alco, and a dollar store. I guess I'll be buying a lot of boxes when I go to Wal-mart. :-\
  7. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    My DH calculated it all once and figured that we spent $90 a week on diapers and formula in the beginning, now we spend about $80 a week in diapers/formula/food for the babies.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    At first, I'd say about 150/week. Now, it's about half that.

    I buy diapers at Costco, they are the cheapest I've found.
  9. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    We buy boxes of Target generric diapers (104 count) and they last 1.5 weeks approx.
  10. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    are you having a baby shower???

    if so have the hostess do a "Diaper Raffle"

    Put on the invite "If you would like to enter the diaper raffle bring a bag of diapers!"

    put everyones name in the hat, draw out a winner....the winners at mine got a beauty basket for the girls....and the guy winner got a gift card to Lowes.

    we had a couples shower and had over 50 bags of diapers!!!!

    this has saved us so much money we still haven't bought diapers!!

  11. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The big box of diapers we bought once a week. Then starting at about 10 months we started buying them sometimes twice a week.
  12. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    In the begining-about 20 per day with the twins. As they get older we are at about 10-12 per day.
    You could look in to cloth diapering-the savings are huge!
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    As newborns, we went through about 20 per 6 months it ranges from 10-15 (depends on what is going on for the babies).
  14. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    As a newborn about 16-20/day.

    When they got a little older, we only used about 12-15 a day.

    After they started STTN (8 months) we use around 10-12/day.
  15. Beb

    Beb Well-Known Member

    I don't know if anyone has tried this service, but I use for my diapers and Desitin. It has free delivery for orders over $49. For me, it's really convenient since I don't get to my Walmart often enough to keep up with the diaper needs (especially in the first few months).

    I'm sure it's not the cheapest, but it's quick and easy!

    Like PP said, you can count on going through almost 110-150 diapers a week give or take.

  16. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    We cloth diaper and use fuzzibunz - i do laundry every 2 days. I use disposables at night and if we go out - and I only buy one relatively small package every MONTH! That's like $17/month. I also agree with PP's - if you want to do disposables, maybe online places are the way to go.

  17. spiveyplustwins

    spiveyplustwins Well-Known Member

    We went through a pack of diapers a day for about the first month. Now, we use cloth diapers and disposables at night. But I go through 7 diapers a day per child - so 14 a day.
  18. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I buy a big box. ( has 92 in it) and they only last a week.

    I went from spending 20.00 on huggies to buying target/walmart/meijer generic and they work just as good and cost about 14.00 for a box of 92. Good Luck!
  19. VivGuest

    VivGuest Well-Known Member

    I crunched some numbers and decided to cloth diapers when my twins get here. And I was surprised how many twin moms there are that use cloth! It made me feel less insane for thinking about it! I figure I'd be saving somewhere around $3000+ (that's for like 2 1/2 or 3 years of diapers).

    But if you don't want to go there, my SIL gets these for her DD:
    I think it came out to like 0.25 a diaper. I agree with the pp, try buying online, it's a life saver when you live in a small town!

  20. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    We used about 20 to 25 per day for the first 6 weeks or so. Then gradually declined to a steady 12 to 15 per day now (4 1/2 mo). However, my boys were really good at the "mid-change surprise." I think at his peak, Finn's record was 5 diapers in one change; and Theo's was 3 (we used to call Finn "the mad p$sser"--sorry if that offends, we were tired :). We still loved him :), but that kid peed everywhere. Luckily he's very charming in other ways.)

    FWIW, DH is a huge bargain hunter--willing to do a ridiculous (IMO) amount of research to find what he thinks is the best deal--and he thought the best prices on diapers were available on They offer several brands and ship to your house. Don't stock up too much on one brand before your babes are born, though. We did that and ended up with a whole bunch of diapers that didn't work well for us. They leaked like crazy. I'm not going to disparage the brand because I have friends with boys who used this brand with no problems. I think it depends on how the individual diapers fit your individual babies--so try out a few options.

    Congrats on your little ones!!!
  21. LisaP

    LisaP Member

    I use cloth diapers (FuzziBunz and Bumgenius) during the day for my twins and a disposable at night and it works out really nicely for us. I have around 30 cloth diapers and do laudry every 2-3 days. If I am using just disposables I go through a big pack a week.
  22. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I went with cloth (prefolds and Bummis super whisper wraps) because it is by FAR the cheapest. For a few hundred bucks, you can get all the diapers you'll need until they're potty trained - instead of spending thousands of dollars on disposables.
  23. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    When I was pregnant, I started buying a big box of diapers or a big box of wipes every week when I went shopping. We NEVER ran out and always had the next size available. Good Luck!
  24. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    I cloth diaper as well with homemade pocket diapers and now and then prefolds with bummis covers.

    I got 24 homemade pocket diapers with adorable patterns on them for $160. My prefolds and wraps were free but probably retal for $50.

    So for less than $250 I am able to cloth diaper both of my babies until they are trained.

    We do use a disposable at night as they wear it for about 13-14 hours and I am afraid to test cloth at night.

    I wash diapers every 2nd day in regular tide (not too expensive to wash).
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