How many BH contractions do you have

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kumphort, May 1, 2009.

  1. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I feel like I am constantly having BH contractions, anyone else?
    I am drinking plenty of fluids so i dont think its because of that, just wondering what's normal to be feeling at this point?
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Through out my whole pregnancy my doctors orders was that if I were getting more then 6 in an hour to give him a call. :good: Have you asked your doctor what their protocal is for BH?
  3. pjs

    pjs Well-Known Member

    I have been having them a lot. Can't say I have actually counted them because they are so irregular I know they are not real labor contractions. I seem to have them the most in the evening and sometimes in the middle of the night. This is my 3rd pregnancy so I have been quite surprised at all the extra BH contractions compared to previous experience. As pp said, maybe call your doc and report how many you are having. I have heard any more than 4 or 6 per hour and you should call your doc. Good luck!
  4. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I actually went to L&D last nite, they checked me and said nothing internally is going on, they gave me IV to stop them, I really dont think i was dehydrated though, but now when i am up again, i feel them every 5 mins, I guess I just need to stay off my feet.

    On a side note, I was a little concerned how they couldn't keep a good reading on Baby A, who kept moving away from the monitor, so when it counts for real, that should be fun. I guess in a couple weeks, she wont be as mobile.
  5. sandygilpn

    sandygilpn Well-Known Member

    I ended up having so many BH contractions near the end, and the doctor said it was the frequency and the duration of them (I would have more than 6/hr, but they didn't last very long). Also, when I would stand up I would have something that seemed like BH, but really was something different I ended up calling "angry uterus". When I went in for my NSTs they could almost never keep a good read on Baby A--when the delivery happened, I had my own personal nurse who kept playing with my belly trying to lock in on Baby A. She was fine, very healthy--just didn't want to be found! I hope you have a good relationship with your monitoring nurse. Good luck!
  6. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I had 7 in one hour on Wednesday and went into triage. Since I was not dialted and the babies were reacting well to them, they sent me home. I am ignoring them now but I know I get them all the time. I just don't want to go crazy monitoring them. When they get strong enough that I can't ignore them, I'll start monitoring them or if my water breaks. Our bodies just LOVE to practice!
  7. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Durangomom @ May 1 2009, 12:15 PM) [snapback]1296366[/snapback]
    Also, when I would stand up I would have something that seemed like BH, but really was something different I ended up calling "angry uterus".

    Funny, I called the dr. a couple of weeks back because of increased BH, and the nurse actually described my condition as "irritable uterus." I agree w/ you...I think it's beyond's downright ANGRY! She said at this point of a twin pregnancy, your uterus is SO stretched out and overworked that it's just part of the gig. She noted that something as slight as movement from the babies can set off BH at this point and said not to worry unless they become timeable and increase in intensity.

  8. jranger05

    jranger05 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(newpairofschus @ May 2 2009, 07:46 AM) [snapback]1297365[/snapback]
    She noted that something as slight as movement from the babies can set off BH at this point and said not to worry unless they become timeable and increase in intensity.


    Definately agree! I have been having BH since week 19, but they definately increased in quantity in the past few weeks. It's definately unnerving at times, because I would be having 6 or 7 an hour. depending on my position at the time of getting one, some feel more intense than others. mine come and go no matter what i do. stand up, sit down, lay down, the worst is when im trying to go to the bathroom and end up sitting there waiting for a BH to calm down so that I can pee!! anytime I went to the Doc's office tho, its like they would magically stop, and so he probably thought I was crazy when I told him they happen all the time! and no amount of poking and prodding my uterus in the OB's office would stimulate one. Up until a week ago, he hadn't even seen me have one. Now that I am 37 weeks, they come frequently and they are strong. i also chalk that up to drinking the red raspberry leaf tea ( which you should not do without first talking to your caregiver). as I have typed this response, I have gotten 3 BH. Everyone's different, so don't panic if you get 4 or more in an hour. Just remember thats a guideline. If they start to increase in frequency/intensity, then definately get it checked out.

    Also, check out this link

    it has been helpful for me. When it feels like they are coming more frequent, I use that and time them, then print it out and write at the top of the page what I was doing during them, wether I was sitting watching tv, laying down, or up moving around. Next time i went to the OB, I would take the printouts with me and show him. He appreciated it, and would calm my nerves about it.

    Hope this helps!
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