How long would you leave sleeping newborns alone?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ellaila, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. ellaila

    ellaila Well-Known Member


    Our babes are almost five weeks old, and my husband just went back to work the other day so now I'm trying to figure out how to handle things by myself -- yikes. So I'm wondering, how long would you leave your babies alone when you can't hear them? Like our laundry is downstairs, and it takes me like three minutes to go and throw a load in, but I feel guilty leaving the babies up in their pack and play if I can't hear them -- is that silly? I know that I couldn't leave them in their P&P to go take a shower, so what do you all do? Put them in their car seats and move them to the bathroom?

  2. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    Maybe you could get a monitor? I usually only take a bath every other day, because, well, their really isn't time!! But, as far as doing laundry you could get a monitor and hear the babes while downstairs. And, if your lucky enough to take a shower everyday, perhaps just wait until your DH is home to do so! Congrats on your babies!!
  3. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Maybe I"m a bad mom, but when mine were that age and couldn't do anything (roll, etc), I would wait until they were both asleep and then go take a shower, letting them sleep in the co-sleeper or the floor. We lived in a tiny apartment at the time, so I could hear if they woke up (left the bathroom door open). Now I wait until their first nap (yes, I stay in my PJ's until 9 or 10 am - only slightly embarrassing when the police showed up at my door one day asking for the previous tenet) and take a shower then with the monitor in the bathroom.

    Have fun -- enjoy them sleeping now while they do that!!!

  4. nikkisix

    nikkisix Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your babies! I have taken a shower while they were napping if i go in right after they fall asleep, i know they most likely wont wake up b4 i get out. I usually even have time to dry my hair after! Though we dont really use them, i would suggest a monitor for you-you could even put it in the bathroom while u shower, or like a pp suggested, leave the door open so u can hear them. good luck! :)
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I used to wait until they were asleep napping and then I had them in the pnp in my bedroom and took a shower in the master bath. Even then I had the monitor on and in the room with me (I was literally 10' away from them, but being the nervous first-time mom, yadayada..). The monitor I had was one with the lights at the bottom that go on if there is sound. Its hard to describe.. anyway, I'd watch the lights while taking my quick shower. As for laundry and washing bottles, etc. I always brought the monitor with me and did it while they were sleeping. I was basically with them 24/7 for the first 6 weeks and hardly ever let them out of my sight. Crazy I know. GL and congrats on your babies, Leighann
  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    When my were younger I showered as they slept... that was my only chance. I also do laundry and whatever I need while they sleep. I run to check on them and do what I need... I go back and fourth.
  7. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TwinsInOkinawa @ Jan 7 2008, 09:53 AM) [snapback]560771[/snapback]
    Maybe I"m a bad mom, but when mine were that age and couldn't do anything (roll, etc), I would wait until they were both asleep and then go take a shower, letting them sleep in the co-sleeper or the floor. We lived in a tiny apartment at the time, so I could hear if they woke up (left the bathroom door open). Now I wait until their first nap (yes, I stay in my PJ's until 9 or 10 am - only slightly embarrassing when the police showed up at my door one day asking for the previous tenet) and take a shower then with the monitor in the bathroom.

    Have fun -- enjoy them sleeping now while they do that!!!


    I do the same thing, when they are down for their first morning nap (around 9) I can count on 30-45 minutes of "quiet time" so I grab a shower with the monitor on, and then if there's time I eat some breakfast and check my email before they get up.

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