How long till her teeth break the gum's surface?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MonicaBaker, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. MonicaBaker

    MonicaBaker Well-Known Member

    So for the past two months Camryn has been an absolute handful! When she teeths, she screams :blink: Which is obviously very exhausting for DH and I... But this morning when she started her normal teething screams as I put orajel on her gums I thought the teeth "bumps" were more pronounced than usual. When I looked at her gums I realized you can actually see the two teeth, not just white bumps from the pressure... you can actually see the ridges on the teeth and everything.... they are so close to the surface- so how long until they break through??? Also, I have heard after the first ones come in, usually they arent as fussy when the rest start to come in- is this true? I AM SO RELEAVED!!!! :banana:

    BTW- Its the bottom two front teeth
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Hard to say how fast they will come in. Some come in within days and some take weeks. As for not having pain with the rest of the teeth, I am sorry to say that with the boys, they have not been pleasant. And the molars OUCH!!!!

    For my older DD, teething never bothered her. I didnt know how lucky I was until the boys came along.
  3. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    DS's teeth come in pretty quick. He had 4 teeth come through in one day. The gums were barely swollen the day before and the next day there were 4 tips poking through. For his first 8 teeth (bottom 4, top 4) he wasn't really bothered by the teething. But now he's getting molars and He's miserable which means we're all miserable.

    DD on the other hand is a very slow when it comes to getting teeth. She's been working on her upper 2 for a long time now. I see where they are going to break through any time now, but it's been that way for 2 days now. And she doesn't cry a lot, but she gets super clingy and whiny when her mouth is bothering her. And she does get sensitive to stuff. A simple "No" or small bump can cause a meltdown of mythical proportions.

    eta- spelling
  4. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Thanks for asking this...I just noticed this morning that DD's bottom two are right there, too. I'm so excited to see when they'll come through (and a little scared since I'm BFing). Let us know when they pop through!
  5. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    It's really hard to say! With my kids we had "toaster teeth". They'd break the surface, they'd go back down, pop up, pop down for weeks before they suddenly decided to stay out. But other kids grow teeth overnight, one day they wake up and there's teeth there.

    Generally speaking, most kids are less fussy after the first two teeth break the surface until their molars start coming in. Some kids are the same level of fussy the entire time though, so it's always best to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    Good luck with the new little toofies!
  6. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My DS had/has 2 bottom teeth that cant decided whether to come through or not. He´s been really fussy for the past 7-10 days so I guess that´s why. I hope they come through asap, thats all I can say! LOL!
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I think every baby is different.
    my DS had terrible teething with his first 2 bottom ones, it took weeks for them to come through. My DD was the opposite, it was like she went to bed then woke up and had 2 teeth white and pearly :)
    my DS is teething again, only this time he has 4 , thats right I said 4 top teeth all coming through at the same time. They've all broke the gums- we are just waiting for them to come down. Last night he was so miserable he woke up every 2 hours like clockwork. I thought I had a newborn all over again, poor guy!!!
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Every baby is different, it was hard to say how long it took between the bumps appearing and the teeth coming through. It seems like for my son it would take a couple day and my daughter overnight. Right now they are both getting molars in, my son's popped through but my daughters have not yet.
  9. MonicaBaker

    MonicaBaker Well-Known Member

    Just thought I would let everyone know Camryn's first tooth popped through yesterday! So it took 9 VERY long days! :p She is much happier now, but that second tooth is stilling causing her some pain. I think it will pop through in no time though!
  10. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    i may sound stupid but how do you know teeth are coming? mine have been miserable (most days) for about a month now and its driving me bonkers!!!! they fuss and cry and wont let me put them down. should i do motrin or tylenol? i gave ds tylenol today cuz he was losing his mind (and i was too!!). it didnt seem to do anything though. ill put some orajel on them tomorrow when they start and see if they calm down for a few minutes i guess? sorry to hijack the thread lol. woohoo for camryn's tooth though!! i hope the rest arent as bad!
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