how long is it going to take....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by eagleswings216, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I am SO tired...we have gotten our boys back on track with their regular bedtime (7:15-7:25), but they STILL woke up at a little after 5am this morning (rather than making it to 6am or at least close to 6am like they were doing before). How long is it going to take to get them back to their regular wake time? Sunday morning they were up at 4:50am :headbang:

    How is everyone else doing with the time change?
  2. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I honestly didn't think that it was going to be THIS big of a deal! Their naps in the afternoons are terrible and they are waking up at 5:45am, the usual 7:45am. This sucks the big one!
  3. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I don't think we've slept much since Saturday night...the girls have started their horrible night waking ritual at 1am, instead of waiting until 3 or 4...I'm even more exhausted then usual. I didn't think their sleeping could get much worse!
  4. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I didn't think it would be this bad either! Naps are all over the place, they're fussy at the evening because they finish their second nap at 12:30, and still waking up at 6/6:30am. I hope they adjust soon!
  5. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    My ladies are teething right now too, so that makes it all the more interesting.

    They do seem to be making progress - this morning they woke up at 4am but fell back to sleep, which a month ago would have been their normal routine. Yesterday they were both up at 5am and didn't fall back to sleep (we get them both up at 6am).

    We are doing everything we can to keep them up until 7pm (which to them feels like 8pm - the latest they were going to bed previously was 7:30pm). We also have adjusted their feeding so they are back to regular times (did this slowly over the past 2 days).

    I'm predicting it will be about 2 weeks before they are back to what I'd consider "normal."
  6. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Ugh, well, at least I know I'm not alone....we had no trouble adjusting the feeding times, and yesterday they napped and went to bed at their "normal" times, I had HOPED they would sleep until the normal time this morning. I was SO wrong!!! I even spent over a week pushing back naps and bedtime to try and make it easier. I really need to do CIO with their naps and get them to go down on their own (they do it at night finally), but I don't know if I should start it with their morning wake time still so off.
  7. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    Don't ask my why but my boys are sleeping better now that the time change has happened. Their weird. :)
  8. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Usually takes mine 1-1.5wks to get back on track!
  9. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure I can take another week of getting up so early!! :lazy: I tried to go to bed early last night, but my body has already adjusted to the time change, so it didn't help.
  10. MrsBirch

    MrsBirch Well-Known Member

    I am so glad I am not alone - mine were sleeping from 8pm until anywhere from 6am to they wake up at 4 and are wide awake after their feed. I was up with one of the until since then this morning!!!
  11. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    We're a mess over here, too. Up at 4 AM instead of 6:30, not napping, having meltdowns. Ugh. Today my husband took them out in the bicycle trailer, which they usually LOVE, and at one point both of the girls just lost their marbles. My poor hubby said that he was getting horrible stares, as if people thought he had stolen someone else's babies!!
  12. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    We've had to resort back to the third nap to get us back on track. This morning they woke up at 6:30am, which was better than 5:30am, but I'd still love to get back to the 7/7:30 that they used to sleep to. Of course, they're fighting the third nap. We can't win!
  13. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    By 5:15pm, my girls are a disaster!! They have to go to bed, usually they can make it until 6:30pm. Mornings are ok though. They got the stomach flu, are teething something fierce and had time change to deal with all at the same time.
  14. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Well, we made it to 5:30 this morning, which is a bit of an improvement anyway! They went to bed at 7:30, which was actually a bit late, and not a peep til 5:30. So I guess I can't complain TOO much. They've never been 12-hour a night sleepers - hopefully soon we'll get back to the 6:30 wake up....who ever would have thought I would be HAPPY to get up at 5:30. :laughing:
  15. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    We almost had success today :lol: They went to bed at 7:45, slept until 12, then again until 5 (that's the longest stretch we've ever gotten for the second feeding!!! Knock on wood that I don't jinx us back to 3 hour wake ups). E went back to sleep until 7:15, and could probably have slept longer, but C didn't want to go back to sleep after the 5 o'clock bottle. We brought him into our room and put him in the pack and play. He chatted for a while, then fell back to sleep until 7.
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