How long does this snot go on...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kludelhoven, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    My question is pretty much in the title, is this like an all winter thing? Its been a month already, DS got it first along with a nasty cough, DD just had the snots took them to the Dr,DS had an ear infection, just finished those antibiotics today. It seemed like they got better for a few days and then must have got hit with another cold geez! Now we are back to snotty and coughing, is this normal??? Do we need to go back to the Dr or should I wait it out a few days? His cough is getting bad again like it was 2 weeks ago, it keeps him from napping/sleeping really well. I can tell the cough is coming from drainage and if this was some sort of infection you would have thought the amox for the ear infections would have cleared it up right?
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    We had a cold virus go through my house. Took them to the doctor because the snot was never ending. I was told 6-8 weeks. It finally lessened at 7 weeks.
  3. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Anytime you have any doubts/concerns, call the pedi.

    That said, I think we're going to all drown in snot before spring at this rate. We also just finished meds for a double ear infection. And started coughing and being snotty yesterday. Ugh. No fevers. Just coughs and lots of snot.

    I typically gauge a call to the dr based on how they are eating, drinking, playing, and fevers. I know there's nothing to be done for a cold except making them as comfy as possible. (I should buy stock in vapor products. <_< ) Unless they start complaining of earaches. (Thankfully, mine can tell me now when their ears hurt.)
  4. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    We're going through the same thing here...someone has been sick pretty much everyday since New Years...and it keeps on going! I keep saying it's a good thing I'm a SAHM now because I wouldn't have been able to go to work for the last 3.5 weeks with all the coughs, colds, fevers, diarrhea and vomiting (so far no ear infections, knock on wood) much fun!!!!

    That being said I have really noticed a difference this past winter with my 3 year old so this phase doesn't last forever. The two winters before this he had a runny nose literally from Nov - Apr and got hit hard by every bug going around. This year he's been so much better and when he does get sick he recovers faster. The girls are having a rough winter though so I guess now it's their turn to start building up their immunity! So, I would say it's normal for the age and the time of year never hurts to get them checked out if you are worried. It's so hard for us to tell what's going on when they are little and can't tell us where it hurts.

    Good luck :).
  5. kgar

    kgar Well-Known Member

    We've had runny noses in our house since June. Non-stop. All the different viral and bacterial infections just run together. I asked the doctor if it would get better in the spring. He said, "It will get better when they're 3. At that point, they'll only catch 50% of the germs they're exposed to, rather than 100%."
  6. Kludelhoven

    Kludelhoven Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, glad to know this is pretty normal, i can deal with the snot but I feel horrible that DS has this cough that interrupts his sleeping. No fevers so far, they are eating well and drinking ok(kinda hard with stuffy noses) I'll just let them go a while longer unless they get a fever or their behavior changes. My Dr said a half tsp of benedryl at night may help dry them up so they don't cough and help them sleep, i just hate drugging them but maybe i'll try it for DS tonight.

    RodgerDoger-until their 3, oh my gosh why did I think the 2nd year would be easier?????
  7. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    In my house, it lasted from September to December!
  8. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    My 3 month old has been sick with a bad cold for at least a month. She's still sick. My twins have been sick for about 3 weeks and it is starting to clear up. I got the cold too and have been sick for almost 2 weeks. No fun at all!
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