How long do yours sleep?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by caba, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. caba

    caba Banned

    My two have been changing their sleeping habits. They used to go to bed at 7pm, and they would be asleep by 730pm at the latest! Usually within 15 minutes they would be asleep. It's now 7:52pm and they are still singing, chatting away, conversing, goofing around, and being all together nutty! Last night they didn't go actually get quiet until closer till 830pm. But Hailey is STILL waking at like 530am-6am ... Jake (if left alone) will sleep till closer till 7am. Then they take a 2 hour nap from 1-3pm ...

    Is that a normal amount of sleep? Hailey is really the one who worries me ... yesterday she went to bed at 830pm, woke up at 530am and took a 2 hour nap. It seems like not enough sleep to me! Or maybe I was spoiled with 7pm-7am before?
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We were on the "in bed at 7 and sleeping 7:30-6:30 with a 1.5 hour nap" schedule for a loooooong time (12.5 hours total sleep) and it was wonderful. And then they switched to beds. Ever since, they take until 8 or 8:30 to go to sleep and they're up at 5:45. They might nap an hour or they might not and on a really wonderful day, they nap for 90 glorious minutes. I HATE the new schedule. They're cranky often and that is the earliest sign that they aren't getting enough sleep. They're also very prone to sleep issues so we're having lots of problems with the half-wake behaviors as well (night terrors, sleep talking, etc.)
  3. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    It does vary some per kid -- at this age, Nadia was still sleeping a solid 12 hours at night, plus a 3-hour nap. She just loved her sleep.

    But K&K get 11 to 12 hours at night, plus a 2.5-hour nap. Kevan needs less sleep than Karina, though, and always wakes up first.
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    At that age--- my two were 7:30- 6 am and 2 hour nap. So 12 or so hours.

    Now at 3 -- no nap and they sleep 7:30- 6:30/7 about 11.5-12 hours.

    I am happy with the schedule, but a few months when we were loosing naps were not fun!
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    About that age Molly was fighting sleep a lot. But we just stuck with it, if she wanted to play for a while in her crib thats her choice.

    They still go to bed at 7pm and wake around 7/7:30am and then nap from 1-3pm. Ds sleeps the whole time, dd naps 60% of the time.
  6. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Mine gave up their naps in the last few months, but now they sleep 7/7:30 until 7/ about 12 hours. If they do take the rare nap now, they have a really hard time falling asleep. That's how we knew to take the nap away. It was affecting their nighttime sleep more and more.
  7. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    My boys have NEVER slept more than 9-10 hours at night. From 16-22 months they were waking up at 5:30 am :yawn: They have always been marathon nappers and still are. I tried in vain to cut their naps shorter in the hope that night sleep would be extended. No such luck.

    At barely two our schedule was:
    6am wake up
    12-3 nap
    8pm bed

    Now, at barely three our schedule is:
    7am wake up
    2-5 nap
    9pm bed

    After they give up naps we'll go back to a more traditional preschooler bedtime, for now we're all much happier with a non-traditional schedule and well-rested kiddos.
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    L&L go to bed at 8:00, usually fall asleep between 8:30 & 9:00, sleep until 7:00 or so. They are still napping right now for about 1 hour in the afternoon. I know from past experience that they would go to sleep a lot easier & faster at night if we gave up the naps but I'm not quite ready for that yet (I think they are probably ready, but I need my time!).
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls have been doing 11-12 hours at night and 1-2 during the day for quite a while now.

    To me, it doesn't sound like a lot of sleep for Hailey, but maybe she's just one of those types that just doesn't need a lot. How is her mood when she's awake? Does it seem like it's enough for her? My girls are queens of the crankettes when they sleep less than normal.
  10. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(caba @ Apr 23 2009, 08:17 PM) [snapback]1286213[/snapback]
    My two have been changing their sleeping habits. They used to go to bed at 7pm, and they would be asleep by 730pm at the latest! Usually within 15 minutes they would be asleep. It's now 7:52pm and they are still singing, chatting away, conversing, goofing around, and being all together nutty! Last night they didn't go actually get quiet until closer till 830pm. But Hailey is STILL waking at like 530am-6am ... Jake (if left alone) will sleep till closer till 7am. Then they take a 2 hour nap from 1-3pm ...

    Is that a normal amount of sleep? Hailey is really the one who worries me ... yesterday she went to bed at 830pm, woke up at 530am and took a 2 hour nap. It seems like not enough sleep to me! Or maybe I was spoiled with 7pm-7am before?

    At least yours are napping!! My girls RARELY nap anymore (they stopped around 2.5 years) Right now, my girls go to bed at around 7-7:30 and Lorien has been up for the past week at 5:30. Arwen will often sleep 11-12 hours but Lorien doesn't sleep!!! Not to mention she is up usually at least once in the middle of the night. It's making me bonkers. Yesterday we were out for a playdate and they were exausted and fell asleep in the car at 2:45. I let them sleep until 4:15 and then woke them because I knew they would never go to bed. They didn't fall asleep until almost 9:30!! And guess what...yep, she was up at 5:40. :wacko: I am going to try to make sure they don't fall asleep again today and I will probably put them to bed at 6:30 tonight (which I often do when they have had less than 10 hours of sleep at night).

    ETA: Yes, I think they are getting enough sleep(even Hailey). I think they say anywhere from 10-12 hours in a 24 hour cycle is within normal range. Of course I have freinds whose kids were always solid 12 hour sleepers with 2 hour naps but that's just not my girls. Never has been, never will be. Just remember all kids are different. Lorien is just like my husband. They seem to survive on less sleep than Arwen and I seem to be able to handle. At some point though, Lorien will have a really good long solid nights rest which seems to make up for other nights of less sleep.
  11. caba

    caba Banned

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Apr 24 2009, 07:33 AM) [snapback]1286640[/snapback]
    To me, it doesn't sound like a lot of sleep for Hailey, but maybe she's just one of those types that just doesn't need a lot. How is her mood when she's awake? Does it seem like it's enough for her? My girls are queens of the crankettes when they sleep less than normal.

    That's what is making me want to pull my hair out! She isn't getting enough sleep ... she's a total crank in the evenings! She's fine in the morning, although she can be a total drama queen and total high maintenance ... but is that not enough sleep, or the fact that she is female? :lol: The other day the only way she would eat breakfast is if she was sitting on DH's lap, and he literally had to put each bite in her mouth! Good thing I was getting ready for work and didn't know this was going on, because I never would have put up with that!

    But when they get home from daycare (around 430-5pm) till bedtime she is just a pain in the butt, whiny, crabby, if she doesnt get her way it's like the world may end at any given moment! She's not always like that, so I really think it's a sleep thing, I just don't know how to make her sleep more!
  12. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    You might want to try putting them down a little earlier, so that they get all that playing out of the way, but still fall asleep at a decent time. Also, if you don't have them, get room darkening curtains. The fact that it's staying light out later can keep them awake. It also might help her stay asleep a little longer in the morning.
  13. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    It's 11 hrs. (total). So maybe that's her magic number? I would continue putting her to bed at her normal time.

    You can't make them fall asleep, but you can put them in bed and let them chat. Not an issue! I'm sure you are exhausted at the end of the day and ready to chill yourself!
  14. 40+mom

    40+mom Well-Known Member


    Check out this chart for a ballpark estimate of kids sleep needs:

    My two are TOTAL sleep hounds -- at your kids age, mine were sleeping 12 hours at night, plus a 2-3 hour nap. Now, at just over age 3, we are at 11 hours at night, plus a 2 hour nap.

    I can always tell when they need more sleep -- they get so darn CRANKY! Then, we start the whole bedtime routine about 20 minutes earlier, and try to get them settled earlier.

    Good Luck!

  15. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    My kids go to bed around 8 p.m. and get up at 7:30 a.m. They are usually awake before that, but are content to stay in their cribs till 7:30 a.m. They nap in the afternoon for anywhere from 2 - 3 hrs.

    Alissa is a drama queen too and I can tell when she hasn't had a good nap also. The way she carries on when Owen takes a toy from her on those days, you would think the world is ending. On those days, bedtime is pushed forward to 7:30 p.m.
  16. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(40+mom @ Apr 24 2009, 01:48 PM) [snapback]1286805[/snapback]

    Check out this chart for a ballpark estimate of kids sleep needs:

    My two are TOTAL sleep hounds -- at your kids age, mine were sleeping 12 hours at night, plus a 2-3 hour nap. Now, at just over age 3, we are at 11 hours at night, plus a 2 hour nap.

    I can always tell when they need more sleep -- they get so darn CRANKY! Then, we start the whole bedtime routine about 20 minutes earlier, and try to get them settled earlier.

    Good Luck!


    I used to think that my two didn't sleep enough (they have had the same routine for the last 2 years) but accoring to that chart we are on the low side of normal. :)

    At almost 3 yo, mine sleep from 9-6:30 and take a 2 to 2.5 hr nap, about 11.5 to 12 hrs total. But ultimately I think kids will get the sleep that they need, kind of like eating how much they need, even when we worry about them not eating enough!
  17. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Mine go to bed around 7, fall asleep right away, wake up around 6:30, and nap 1-2 hrs (though Andrew is macho and sometimes skips a nap). Plenty of sleep, but no insurance against meltdowns and high maintenance! :wacko:
  18. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Ours have always needed a lot of sleep. They took three naps until after 1 year, and they took two naps until after 2 years. Now that they're finally down to one nap, they are on 8-8 nighttime, and 1-3 (ish) nap schedule. It takes them virtually no time to go to sleep when we put them down at night and for nap. (FWIW, they are still in cribs, but in the same room.)

    They do wake up gradually though - which brings me to the only suggestion I can muster for Hailey. (Likely you've already tried this, but it's all I got!) Can you leave her in bed longer in the morning? Mine often wake up initially at 6:30 or so, and they typically just talk or whine a little bit, so we leave them alone. They always fall back asleep if left alone, and then they sleep until 8 or later sometimes. And we've also noticed that if we do go in and get them up right away when they first start talking/whining, then they are cranky and clearly were not ready to get up. They're like me - they'd prefer to spend an hour in bed after initially waking to prepare themselves for the day.
  19. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    Are yours still in the same room?

    We just split ours up last weekend and I am SO glad that we did for many reasons, but I was also noticing a slight shift in their sleeping habits.

    It seems that DS will go to sleep earlier, but wake up earlier. We're only talking about 30-45 minutes, but still a difference.

    DD is going to sleep a little later (goofing in her crib), but she's sleeping in a little later. Again, about the same difference as DS.

    Having them separated let's DS get his earlier sleep and DD her later sleep. Overall, the naps are still the same. He sleeps a little bit longer and now I can leave him completely alone when I get her up.

    I feel that putting them to bed at the same time is going to stay the same. I won't move them towards 7:30-7:45 until closer to 4 years old. As long as they are "happy" in their rooms, that quiet time has benefits, don't you think?
  20. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(caba @ Apr 24 2009, 12:43 PM) [snapback]1286714[/snapback]
    That's what is making me want to pull my hair out! She isn't getting enough sleep ... she's a total crank in the evenings! She's fine in the morning, although she can be a total drama queen and total high maintenance ... but is that not enough sleep, or the fact that she is female? :lol: The other day the only way she would eat breakfast is if she was sitting on DH's lap, and he literally had to put each bite in her mouth! Good thing I was getting ready for work and didn't know this was going on, because I never would have put up with that!

    But when they get home from daycare (around 430-5pm) till bedtime she is just a pain in the butt, whiny, crabby, if she doesnt get her way it's like the world may end at any given moment! She's not always like that, so I really think it's a sleep thing, I just don't know how to make her sleep more!

    Or......................................... she's two. Get in, buckle up and put on your helmet! :popcorn:
  21. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Bedtime is 8pm & they are up @ 7am. No naps here.

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