How long do you let them limp before you get worried?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 4jsinPA, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Last night we went to a twins playgroup thing at an indoor playground. The kids had a blast. Right before we left dh noticed that Kenna was saying ouch when she walked and kinda limped around. We put her in the car and thought maybe she just stepped on something. When we got home I was changing her and she kept saying ouch and when I put her down she was limping and crying. Not in a lot of pain but enough to stop her. I checked her jammies and made sure nothing was inside them. It was way past her bedtime so I thought I would put her to bed and if it was anything serious we would figure it out. This am I put her down and the same thing happened. It has gotten a little better now that she has been up for two hours but she is just walking on the side of her foot towards the front. She is not saying ouch anymore either. We have tried moving the foot all around and she doesn't react. Any ideas what it could be??? We cut the toenail and all??? Would you wait till tomorrow and if its still bothering her then take her in?

  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I would call your Pedi's office. Do they have an On-call nurse? I would ask the nurse since they will be able to tell you if it warrants a trip to the ER or what to look out for. It may not be broke but it could also be a fracture or a sprain. GL!
  3. emlu1

    emlu1 Well-Known Member

    After my poor lil Avery has had two breaks this year (she is being tested for brittle bone disease soon), I have learned that you just never know. Children are sooo resilient. My trick to knowing if I need to bring her in is squeezing... she has broken her leg and arm and acted like nothing was wrong...I moved it all around, she continued to use it, etc. But, when I squeezed with a bit of pressure, she made a noise and a face like "oh mommy that hurts really bad!" If you think she needs to be checked, she probably does...oh and sleeping is a little off, too....some wimpering and whining through the night.

    I hope everything is ok...
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Poor thing [​IMG] I have no advice, but if she's still limping tomorrow I would probably take her to the pedi. I hope she's feeling better soon!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would have her checked!! That's just me! I don't like to wonder - if my instincts are asking me the question, I just do it. Sometimes I feel like something is just fine and don't take them, and sometimes I do! Go with your gut! I hope it's better soon!
  6. Becky444

    Becky444 Well-Known Member

    I would get her checked out also. My little Meghan had a sprained ankle back at Christmas time and it was just nice to know nothing was broken.
  7. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    poor baby! I would have it checked out. Can't be too safe! Let us know what happens!
  8. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oops sorry I didn't get back on...she woke up from her nap walking a little weird but then went back to normal. She complained once today then went to gymnastics and jumped on the trampoline and was I am thinking fine??? She has been fine the rest of the day. Thanks so much for all the advice!
  9. MJXplus2

    MJXplus2 Well-Known Member

    I would wait a while before taking one of mine in. My older son did that a lot when he was about that age. I don't know if it was growing pains, or maybe just falling wrong and needing to work it out for a while, or what. I'd take him to the ped and every time it was a waste of time. They'd look at him and send me home unless he acted like he was in pain or kept it up for more than a day or two. I hate going to the doctor and getting nothing out of it, so now I would wait at least 3 days or so before taking them in for a mostly non-painful, symptomless limp.
  10. Renald99

    Renald99 Well-Known Member

    Swelling that an icepack won't take down or bruising coupled with a limp would warrant a trip to the ER in my book. Both are classic signs of a sprain, strain or break.

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