How long did/will you dress them alike?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Jul 23, 2009.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    This is one area where sometimes I wish I had a boy and a girl... and then I wouldn't need to worry about this! :) So far, I've dressed my twin girls in either matching clothes, or coordinating outfits (different color, slightly different style, etc). I have three reasons for doing this: 1)it's easy to pick clothes for the day 2)I got a bunch of twin girl clothes that matched from a gal on Craigslist and 3)I never have to worry if one girl looks "cuter" than the other, or one is in a prettier/sportier/etc outfit.

    I never had a sister growing up, but I would hate to inspire competiton in that are with the girls - I don't want one to have to be the pants girl when the other girl wears skirts, or one is a tomboy and the other is frilly, or one feels like the ugly sister. I assume that as they get older that they will pick their own clothes out to wear, and they may choose to match or they may not. But for now, should I continue to match them? And when I buy new clothes, I'd love to garage sale or craigslist for them but its hard to find cute matching things, so should I just switch to non-matching?

    Oh, the girls are 6 months old now. Thanks for your input!
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I still dress my boys in either matching or coordinating for the same reasons you mentioned. Plus when I take them to a park, it's easier to find both when they are wearing something similar. As for garage sales, you may be able to find some things, but I agree it will be harder. I like to get great deals at Kohls at the end of a season. Their clearance section usually has coordinating shirts that I put with jeans/khakis/etc. I found it got a lot easier as they were older to do coordinating instead of matching.
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    as long as i can get away with it! ;) i do it purely for my own satisfaction - i think they look really cute when they match. but the minute they start having input & don't want to match anymore will be the last time i dress them the same (unless we're going to Disneyworld & i put the whole family in fluourescent orange shirts or something for safety reasons). anyway, i would say though that it's totally up to you - if you can get cheaper unmatching clothes on Craigslist or at garage sales & that's the priority than do it. if the priority is to have them matching & you don't mind shelling out the extra dough to buy new, then do that. i wouldn't worry too much about forcing any expectations on them at this point. they'll have opinions soon enough - then you can worry about it!
  4. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I will dress them in coordinating outfits for as long as they will let me. I try to dress them different from each other, but then I always feel bad because of the who is cuter thing. Plus, it's so much easier to shop and just grab two of the same things. It makes for shorter shopping trips with twins and that's really helpful. ;)
  5. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    i've never dressed my boys alike. i made a commitment to myself that they would have their own identities from day 1 and i wouldn't force a twinship relationship on top of the normal brother relationship. i have friends who i grew up with who told me they wished their parents had recognized them as individuals more often, so i'm trying to do that even now when they're little.

    i do sometimes coordinate pants/shorts because it makes knowing what's available easier. like if one wears jean shorts i'll put the other in jean shorts because the next day i'll know without looking that jean shorts aren't an option. and sometimes i "coordinate" onesies and shirts according to criteria that only makes sense in my head. like two totally unrelated shirts that i remember purchasing on the same day, so in my head they go together. but they look nothing alike. i'm starting to get away from that these days, though.
  6. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    I still coordinate my boys. I will continue to do this until they can tell me what they want to wear.
  7. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I have found out since i have had a lot of hand me down and then stuff that i have bought alike that I really enjoy dressing them the same. I know that it won't last forever so i figured that i will dress them alike while i can, I will probably dress them similar/alike until they tell me what they want to wear. Then after that they can wear what they want.
  8. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    I kind of figured that I would let them pick their own clothes once they start school. Right now we have some coordinating outfits and sometimes we wear the hand me downs I got from my sister's little boy. They look just as cute to me when they are not dressed alike plus it makes it easier for me to tell them apart quickly throughout the day. However, I do really like to dress them alike on days that we leave the house, like someone else said, for my own satisfaction. :)
  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    It depends on the day here. Some days they are matching and other days they have on totally different outfits. I will let them tell me when enough is enough.
  10. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    As long as I can;) Kidding aside I usually put the boys in matching outfits or same style different color outfits. It just makes it easier to dress them and buy stuff:) Plus when they get older they won't want to dress alike I'm sure so I might as well do it while I can get away with it:)
  11. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    If they aren't dressed the same they match. I think this will continue until they tell me to quit it.
  12. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

  13. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I coordinate my boys most days, only because it's easy to be weather/occasion-specific that way. If we're going to the beach, they both get swimsuits and rashguards; if it's chilly, they both wear jeans and a long-sleeved onesie. It makes it easier to pick clothes. I only dress them alike on special occasions, and sometimes not even completely alike.
  14. rumbo

    rumbo Well-Known Member

    I rarely dress my girls alike, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've dressed them the same. We received a TON of clothes from showers and hand-me-downs so I love picking out different outfits.
    If you enjoy dressing them the same... go for it! Have fun while you can, right?!
  15. kturley

    kturley Active Member

    during the week i try to dress them in similar outfits, but not the same outfits or my mom and dad get confused w/who ate/slept/pooped at what time (they watch our girls why we work).

    but on the weekends i love dressing them the same! i agree w/everyone else that i'll do it until they tell me they don't want me to! :lol:
    but i secretly hope they like it as much as me. ha!
  16. eliseypoo7147

    eliseypoo7147 Well-Known Member

    Same for me. Sometimes I coordinate, but not often.
  17. glpkkg

    glpkkg Well-Known Member

    The ladies at our daycare laugh at me because before they were born I swore I wouldn't dress them alike. Of course I made a liar out of myself! On most days they match because it is just easier that way. I'm sure they will let me know when they want to wear something different.
  18. asamac

    asamac Well-Known Member

    I love dressing my girls in matching outfits because they are just too cute. I will keep doing it until they don't like it. It is fun and I work for Lilly Pulitzer who makes the cutest girls' clothes!! I have posted pictures a long time ago in regards to identical vs fraternal. I was told fraternal but I think they are identical. I still have to do a DNA test.
  19. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    Just as I swore I would never dress ODD in pink just because she's a girl, I swore I would NOT dress my girls in matching clothes. I wish I hadn't said that bc many of my friends bought clothes that didn't match to respect my choice, but boy am I thanking the ones who didn't listen! I am getting so bad that I am even search the racks for clothes for all THREE of my girls to match! I know there's the whole separate identity thing, but it's just so darn cute! I have succumbed :gah: I don't know how long I'll do it for. Evidently I'm not very reliable in my thinking anyway.
  20. ymillenbaugh

    ymillenbaugh Well-Known Member

    I never thought I would dress my boys alike, but as time goes on..... They get so many outfits as gifts and those are all matching. I try to mix and match, but when I can't find two outfits that I feel like "go together", they just wear the same thing.

    It's funny.... I don't seem to care how I look at all anymore though.....
  21. RhodeMomma

    RhodeMomma Well-Known Member

    I actually never dress my boys alike if I can help it. We did receive a few identical outfits from some friends and family, and some family has even asked if I would be offended if they sent us clothing that wasn't identical.

    My boys are two separate human beings, and I just figured that I would treat them as such, but it's just a coincidence that they happen to be eating the same things at the same time :) I don't have the energy for outfit coordination of any kind. Heck, I can't even coordinate some of my clothing, let alone for 2 babies too :) They wear whatever I pull out of the drawer first. I think the only identical outfits they have are a set of camo onesies and some special Pittsburgh Steeler outfits.

    However, to each his own! Whether dressing them identically, in coordinated outfits, or completely different, go hog wild! At least you're clothing them, and in the first year, that's a feat in itself !! :)

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