How long can 2 year olds entertain themselves?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cantwait2bmom, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. cantwait2bmom

    cantwait2bmom Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm just being highly unrealistic but it seems my kids have NO concept how to entertain themselves. They have umpteen toys to play with both inside the house and out, and all they say is "Mommy this...." and "Mommy that...." and it's driving me crazy.

    I set them up this morning with crayons and a coloring book in their highchairs and my dd insisits, "Mommy help" over and over again after I've started her off coloring and showed her how to try and stay in the lines. She refuses to color herself without my standing right there and basically doing it for her.

    They constantly climb all over me when I'm in the same room as them and I swear I hold them more now than I did when they were babies.

    My dh think I'm being a spoil-sport b/c when he comes home from work, he's down on the floor playing with them, chasing them around, and basically acting like a clown for them. Their grandma (my MIL) is the same way and she basically let's them do whatever they want and acts like a clown too so I can see why they expect me to entertain them all day but it's exhausting to me.

    I just thought at 2 they would be a little less into Mommy and more into doing their own thing. Should I just forego doing my "household duties" such as cleaning, cooking dinner, doing laundry and just turn cartwheels for my kids?

  2. wentztwins

    wentztwins Active Member

    I wanted to tell you that I am going through the same thing. My twins are 19 months old, so you are telling me at 2 they still need so much attention. Not that you and I don't want to play with them, we are expected everything to be around them. I have to hold my daughter 90 percent of my time. Forget about trying to keep my house as clean as I want it to be.
    To try and make you feel better others tell me it does get easier and they do start to entertain themselves but I would like to know when this would happen.

    Hang in there I know how you feel.
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    With my 21 month old girls, it depends on the day. Somedays are just harder than others. On good days they will entertain themselves w/ books or toys for 30 minutes at a time indoors/outdoors.

    I find if I get some good run around playtime then they are more likely to settle down for a bit by themselves...but we also have days when I get NOTHING done when they are awake!! I think it depends on tempermant, activity level, and what amuses them. I have fairly mellow low key kids (for now at least).

    I hope things settle down for a while! If they still nap- do housework then, that is when I do a large share of 'stuff' that needs to get done...
  4. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I so know what you are going through. The girls have a playroom full of toys and they can't seem to keep themselves busy for longer than 10 minutes. Than they come out and whine until I pick them up or they climb up on the couch next to me and sit in my lap. When you find something that works let me know.
  5. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    Like another PP mentioned, it really depends on the day and the mood my guys are in. But they have been in moods like you mentioned when the only thing they want is ME. :blink:

    I have found it to be less frustrating in the long run to just put other things on hold and give them the attention. If I try to do anything, it only gets them more fussy and makes everyone's mood worse. (KWIM?)

    So the dishes/laundry/etc wait, and I get down and play, read, or do some activity with them. Mine still don't do activities on their own (like coloring, play dough or painting) so I get to do those things too. :D (I actually enjoy coloring!) They ask for help the whole time too, so I just found it easier to stay there with them and do whatever it is with them.

    I have learned there are some things that once I get them engaged in it, they will play on their own. Like the sandbox, the train table, the megablocks, the farm, hand puppets; things like that they will play with on their own for long periods of time.

    As a LAST resort if there is something I NEED to do (like cooking dinner) I will put on a DVD for them. Since they don't watch TV, this is a real treat for them and keeps them entertained the 30 minutes or so I need to prepare dinner.

    They still take a long afternoon nap so I caught up on everything then.
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I also don't bother trying to do anything while they are awake. I do most of the housework while they are napping or after they go to sleep for the night. If I can manage to get something done, then it's a bonus. I do have basically the first hour of the day is "Mommy watches the news" time. Not that I ignore them, but I really need some time to get myself awake and drink my coffee. I watch the Today show while they play. Of course I respond to their needs and such, but I don't really get down on the floor or play with them during this time. Ainsley is good at playing with toys on her own, whereas Bea asks for help with everything. Like if she is playing with a shape sorter, she tries one time to put a shape in and then asks for help. I encourage her to do it herself before I go and help.
  7. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    I think its very common for 2yrs olds who do not have older siblings. Other siblings do help to provide some other entertain and take some of the burden off of mom.

    First of all, toddlers at age 2 have very short attention spans. You will begin to see improvements around 2.5yrs+ (at least we did). They begin to have growing imaginations and can sit and "play" by themselves for longer periods of time (alone!)

    Also around age 3yrs, they get much more involved with interactive play with one another as opposed to mainly parallel play. While mine fight and are typical competitive brothers, I'm really now seeing the benefit to having a built in playmate. Versus when they were younger and it seemed like it was a constant power struggle to see who could get all of mommy's attention.

    Those were difficult times. You can't sit and play with them all day. Things have to get done. You have to set your expectations really low. Your housework isn't going to ever be 100% done and you may not always have 2 happy smiling toddlers. But to reassure gets see soon enough. :)
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