How long before you were back in regular clothes?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Beth*J, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I had my girls two weeks ago. My maternity pants seem big now, but I can't get into my regular pants yet. I hate to have to buy pants that I'm not going to wear very long. How long did it take you to get back into your pre-pregnancy clothes? As hard as I tried to gain weight while I was pregnant, I only gained 14 pounds. Nearly 6 pounds of that was baby, so I really thought that I would be getting close to my old jeans now. Am I expecting too much?
  2. amoneil

    amoneil Member

    Well my boys are about 6 months old and I am still in my pregnancy jeans, and just broke down and bought a pair of "fat pants". I gained about 50 pounds with the pregnancy and have lost 40, those last 10 are a nightmare... Did I mention that I'm only 5 feet 3 inches!!! I can honestly say that I haven't tried very hard to change my eating habits, I just eat when I can and whatever is quick, and I don't exercise. Breastfeeding also helps, and I only did that for about a month and a half. I hope you have better luck! Congrats on your little ones!
  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    hmmm! Well, you can see my boys are 18 months and I am a size up from when I got pregnant. I cant get rid of this 15-20 pounds!!!
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I was into my pre-preggers clothes about 6 weeks after BUT everything fit differently because of the twin skin and it was snug in the middle, while it fit everywhere else. So I am the same weight, but thicker in the middle so I have had to go up a size to accomodate that and be more comfortable.
  5. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    It took awhile. By my eight week appt, I weighed less than when I got pregnant. BUT, my body had totally changed shape and I was not even CLOSE to fitting in my old clothes. I bought a few staples that I wore for a few months one size up (nothing expensive, but a few things from Kohl's). By 4 mos, I was back in my looser pre-preg clothes. By 6 mos., I was back in my regular clothes.
  6. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I'll be the odd one out- I'm just over 4wks postpartum and my pre-pregnancy clothes are all big. I have twin skin (eww eww eww) but for some reason my middle is actually smaller than it used to be. But I'm not complaining! :D I'm not buying any smaller clothes yet though. I'm worried I'll put the weight back on.
  7. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    Well my boys are three months old and I am nowhere near my prepregnancy clothes. Before I got pregnant, I weighed 123 and i gained about 60 pounds. Well I lost forty no problem and I think the last twenty are parked in my fat belly. I guess it just takes time. I am going on weight watchers starting tomorrow!
  8. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Shockingly, it only took me 10 days. I thought I was a miracle woman. Turns out I have thyroid disease! It was great to lose my pregnancy weight but then I just kept going...and had to buy all new pants anyway. Just goes to show you...
  9. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    I was back into my reg clothes about 2 weeks afterwards. I am BF too, so I know that has alot to do with it. I am now smaller than what I was before I got pregnant.
  10. Kimkessenich

    Kimkessenich Well-Known Member

    I bought a couple of activewear suits at Target in size XL but was back into my jeans by 4 weeks post partum. I still have another 10 lbs to lose and I'm definitely still a different shape then I was prepregnancy - but I am able to fit into my regular jeans. Even though I only breast fed for about 2 weeks after I delivered, it definitely helped speed up the weightloss process...I had gained 45 pounds total but lost 35 by my 4th week.
  11. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I gained 60 lbs despite delivering my girls early and was back in pre-pregnancy jeans within 6 weeks. I have lost all the weight and now my pre-pg clothes are too big!!!
  12. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I borrowed some clothes from a friend who was a little bigger than me.
    I was back in regular clothes by 4 months. -- but I was smaller than pre-preggo so I got a whole new wardrobe!
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I quit wearing maternity pants at about 6 weeks postpartum, but I was still almost as big as I was at 3 months pregnant or so. I did buy new pants in a larger size, though it was painful to have to give them away 9 months later when I finally lost the weight. I wish I had gone to the thrift shop instead.

    I can wear some of my pre-preg pants that were a little big on me before -- anything that was snug before I got preg has been given away by now. I'm at my pre-preg weight (a little lower actually), but my tummy is a size larger than it was.
  14. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I broke down a few weeks ago and bought some "fat pants" . Before I was pregnant I had to work very hard to maintain my weight, so I know it's going to take me about a year to get back down to that weight again. I just have always my entire life had to exercise almost every day and eat very healthy to maintain my size, and it will probably be even more difficult to do now.
  15. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Like many pp's my body is different from pre-preg. I have a small frame and used to have no butt... now I have one and its great to fill out some jeans, but it also meant most of my pre-preg pants didn't look right anymore. Also, I wasn't comfy with anything tight on my belly within the first 6 weeks because of my c-section incision so I lived in low rise yoga pants, draw string pj pants, or some of my smaller maternity pants.
  16. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    It's been two months for me and while I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, everything fits WAY different...meaning, nothing really fits me at all still. My body is just totally different....wider hips, saggy and poochie stomach, etc. All my low-ride jeans I had before...forget it! My form fitting shirts....I think not. Ahhhh....oh, well. It's worth it. Maybe if I can find the time to eat right and workout I will fit back into everything.
    Oh, and my wedding ring still doesn't fit and my shoes are all very tight....ugh!
  17. prairiemom3

    prairiemom3 Well-Known Member

    I lost all the weight I was going to lose within about 3 weeks. I held on to the last 15 pounds and haven't budged since. I had to go and buy some clothes that fit. I'm hoping after nursing I will lose the rest. (that's what happened with DD1)my wedding ring doesn't fit either! :cray:
  18. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Your hips may not ever go back after being spread. It will take at least 6 mo ( so they say) to go down to what they will be forever. I am still 1 size bigger and 10 lbs heavier. I haven't tried to diet with bf it doesn't work. So the last 10 may have to wait until i wean them. For the first couple of mo I was wearing clothes I wore at the beginning of my pregnancy but weren't maternity. I love those elastic waists.
  19. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    uuurggggghhhhh not back in mine yet by a long shot. still need to loose 55 pounds.....
  20. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Um, yes you are expecting too much! (I say that gently) I gained almost forty pounds and lost about 24 by the time i left the hospital a week later....but my twin belly took a good five months to go down and another few to disappear.

    Nursing definitely helped; i'm relatively small and used to be pretty fit but always had to work hard to maintain my weight; now i weigh less than i did pre-preg, but mostly that is due to not having time to eat!

    I do remember thinking at about five months while looking at my poochy stomach 'sheesh, what's taking so long?!" and someone reminded me that it took nearly a year to stretch for my babies so it will take that long to get back..

    And, it's true, although I am still vain, it is all so much less important now!
  21. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I could wear regular clothes at two weeks post partum, but a week later was easier b/c my uterus had gone down and I had been sweating out fluids at night by then (starting at two weeks post partum). It probably won't be long for you ;) .
  22. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'd buy some transitional size, it takes a while. I wasn't in my pre-preg size until well after a year post-partum.
  23. ShelbyJ

    ShelbyJ Well-Known Member

    Wow! Reading these posts, I'm going through a range of emotions :) From feeling like I'm doing O.K. to feeling like I should be more ahead! Anyway... I'm 7 weeks postpartum and still can't get my pre-pregnancy pants past my hips. I went to the doctor last week and he said that I've lost almost all of my pregnancy weight (I'm a weird person who has no idea what I gained during my pregnancy - don't even know what I weighed before I got pregnant). I asked him why I couldn't wear my pants yet and he said "I didn't say you were toned". I thought that was pretty funny. I've been living in sweatpants and my maternity jeans, but am going back to work in 2 weeks. Looks like I'm going to have to spring for some new clothes. And like others... all of my shirts that fit closer to my abdomen are going to have to go. It's too squishy.
  24. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    I lost all my weight by about 6-8 weeks but didn't get back into my clothes until 3 months. My hips had to find their old spot again.
  25. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I lost a big chunk of weight by 12 weeks pp but still had about 15 lbs to go. As of 8 months pp, I'm back down prepreggo weight but my body is not the same. I can wear about half or little more of my prepreggo clothes. The rest just don't fit right. They fit fine in the hips and thighs but my belly is not cooperating.
  26. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    About 3 months I coudl wear everything. It takes a while for your uterus to shrink back and for your hips to stop the spreading!!!
  27. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    I was back into most of my prepregnancy clothes a week or so after delievery. Would have been sooner had that lovely twin skin not been swelling when I wore pants.... but that is to say I wore my clothes kind of big before. Some of the clothes that "fit" better before pregnancy fit, but feel a bit tight- I am sure once again has to do with the twin skin! Obvioulsy my belly isn't down yet- haven't been given the "ok" to tone my muscles in my tummy, am waiting for that!!! I gained 50 lbs or so, but have lost 40 of it- only 5 of it in the last 10 days or so- so I lost a lot really fast!!!
    Good luck- I would say you may want to break down and buy just a few things- shouldn't be too bad- since for some reason they feel they need to have bathing suits and stuff out already and winter stuff is on clearance!!!
  28. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    WHAT???!!?? Regular clothes!!??! You mean I'm suppose to fit back in to those? Oh geeze...The pressure the pressure. LOL
  29. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Jan 7 2008, 07:33 PM) [snapback]561353[/snapback]
    WHAT???!!?? Regular clothes!!??! You mean I'm suppose to fit back in to those? Oh geeze...The pressure the pressure. LOL

    ditto! Still waiting... I have bought three new pairs of bigger jeans and i hope to one day get back into them but i first have to eat better, and work at it and i dont have time. LOL... One day i am sure... LOL...
  30. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    With the twins it wasn't till after a year & I only gained 24 pounds. With Cody I gained 40 pounds & can only wear 2 pair of my old jeans. I did get back to pre-preg weight but nothing fits.
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