How long before they poop?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Utopia122, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Sarah has had success in peeing in the potty. She will just go and use the potty without telling us she needs to go. I am so proud of her--no accidents this whole week. However, she will come and ask for a diaper to poop. I have been putting on a diaper, letting her poop, then putting her panties back on. this has worked really well so far, but she just doesn't want to try to poop in the potty. Any suggestions on what I might do to encourage her/ How long does it normally take for them to poop once they are peeing consistently in the potty?

  2. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    I resorted to bribery. Once they went poop on the potty, they could have a new princess doll that I kept put up in the bathroom cabinet. One did it right away, the other waited until she was ready. There really is no way to predict when she will decide that it's okay. But she will eventually come to that conclusion.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I would suggest telling her that the toilet is where poop wants/needs to go. perhaps empty a diaper into the toilet every time she poops in the diaper. I know there are stories about it out there too! Good luck! Congrats on being diaper free for the pee!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    With my Sarah, I've tried bribery (they get 5 M&Ms for poop, 2 for pee), emptying the poop from the diaper into the potty, and frequently asking her if she wants to poop in the potty. She keeps saying no. She also says "I'm a little bit big and a little bit little -- I pee in the potty but I poop in my diaper." I figure that is a pretty clear statement that she's just not ready. One of these days, she'll decide she's all the way big and she poops in the potty now.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I used bribery, a skittle for peeing and half a little Halloween size skittle bag for pooping. It got us the pooping jump start we need, and I just keep whittle away at the number of skittles in the bag she gets when she poops now.
  6. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    Im assuming you've tried this, and you dont want to pressure her.. but she is obviously very aware that she has to poop if she is coming and asking you for a diaper... have you tried to set her on the potty instead of offering a diaper? Or just telling her, you are a big girl now, and big girls dont wear diapers, if you dont want to be messy, you have to poop in the potty...just dont give her the diaper.. would she poop in her panties?
    Other than that, I would say wait till shes really ready. My DS does not have any interest in using the bathroom, but if I see his "poop face" I will hurry and put him on the potty and he will go, and I will make a big deal out of it.. but he's not refusing b/c he is focusing on pushing .lol :rolleyes:
  7. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    Alina did poop on the potty a few times at the begining of potty training, but then started pooping in her panties and/or pullups only. Whichever she had on. She also tends to hold it in and will sometimes go 4-5 days between going, which I'm sure adds to the issue. So, even though the girls have never been to Chuck E Cheese, last week I printed out the Chuck E Cheese potty charts (she loved her sticker chart while pee training) and told them all about it and really hyped it up. She seemed really excited about getting to go and anytime we'd ask her what happens when she starts pooping in the potty, she'd say "go to Chuck E Cheeses!!!". She hadn't pooped since Tues., so this weekend I knew she had to go and kept pumping her up about putting a sticker on her C E C chart for going poopy on the potty. She finally went yesterday!!! Afterwards, I kept saying "whoohoo, I'm so proud of you, etc...." It was so cute, I'd say it, then she'd say "you so proud of me?" She was excited to tell daddy when he got home too. I'm hoping this puts her back on track!

    I don't know if it would work for Sarah or not, but thought I'd pass on our success. Good luck!
  8. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    Both of mine had a hard time. I think it's a combination of being ready and the right motivation. For my DS it was a new Thomas train and Daddy sitting with him telling him it was ok. He was afraid to go in the potty (which I think is the case with most kids). We made a treasure box with little toys and let him pick each time he went. He has no problems now. DD went through the same exact thing about two weeks later (she trained a bit later). Her motivation was a ride on a carousel. We kept telling her (for about two weeks) when she makes a poopy she can ride on the horses. One day, when she was in her room for a nap, she took her pull up off and went. She is fine now. I think she had to be ready to go and she decided when that was.
  9. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    With Ben, we just didn't give him his diaper back. He pooped once in his underwear and it grossed him out enough/embarrassed him enough, that he went on the potty the next time. He had two choices, the potty or his underwear. He cried and begged for the diaper, but I simply repeated the choices. He picked the potty from the time of that one accident and on.

    Good luck. It is hard to know exactly what is right, and what will work with your kids' personalities, isn't it?!
  10. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    One of ours used to stand and strain (the way she went when she used to wear diapers). I would just gently lift her and place her on the potty / toilet seat. She'd cry a bit initially but then happily poop. At which point I made a real congratulatory fuss and give her 3 stickers to stick on her chart (she picked out a drawing that she liked of a little girl sitting on a potty and I drew it big and added little mini potties all the way around which she could put her stickers on). Within a week or so it had worked and she no longer tried to go standing or in her knickers.

    Her sister learned by watching "I want stickers!"
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