How long are they awake between naps?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by New Mom, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    How long are your babies awake during the day in between naps? I am noticing that as the babies get older they are awake a lot more but I don't want them awake too long. I wonder if this has any affect on our nights. My DD is awake a lot more during the day and sleeps really good at night. My DS is asleep during the day and awake all night.

    I am wondering how long to keep them awake between naps.
    Any suggestions/Advice.
  2. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    How long are your babies awake during the day in between naps? I am noticing that as the babies get older they are awake a lot more but I don't want them awake too long. I wonder if this has any affect on our nights. My DD is awake a lot more during the day and sleeps really good at night. My DS is asleep during the day and awake all night.

    I am wondering how long to keep them awake between naps.
    Any suggestions/Advice.
  3. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    My girls are usually awake for 2 hours then sleep for one hour. I put them to bed about 8:30 or 9:00 and they wake up about 7:30 but they will stay content in their crib until about 9-9:30. They have had this schedule for about 2 months.
  4. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I try to keep mine awake no longer than 2 hours during the day. They are usually in bed for the night at 7pm. Aidan has been sleeping through (fingers crossed here) until 5am, drinking a bottle, then back to sleep for 2 hours or so. Ava is still waking once between 1 and 3, then sleeps til about 8 or so. Naps during the day vary. Usually there is a long one in the afternoon, and two shorter ones in the morning and evening.

  5. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    We are still working on naps and things ... they are kind of all over the place but we're starting to get somewhat of a "schedule" going. They are colicky right now and scream and fuss at night, usually go down somewhere between 930 and 1030 at night, then up around 4 hours later to nurse, then down for another 4 hours or so, up around 6-7, nurse, back down for an hour or two, up, nurse ... then they have a morning nap around from 930 - 10 until around 11 or so, nurse, play, then in the swings for an afternoon nap around 1-2, if they ever go longer than about an hour and a half or two hours a nap I wake them up, they eat around 4-5, sleep for a little bit again, then at 6 the colicky fun starts.

    I just let them make their own schedule and follow their cues but I always make sure to wake one if the other wakes so that they stay on the same schedule.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For the first nap they usually go back down 2-2.5 hours after they get up. The second nap they can stay awake a bit longer, but I do put them down no longer than 3 hours after they wake from their morning nap so that bedtime is not affected.
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    At two months my babies were awake between 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours between their naps and napping about 3 times a day.

    Eventually that changed to about 2 hours and two naps a day probably by 5 months.
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