How long after the first steps....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by desolation_anonymous, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Our baby B took 3 steps yesterday (at daycare) 3X!.... they said he was standing up, took 3 steps, then started laughing so hard he lost his balance and fell.

    How long after the first steps did yours start walking?
  2. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Was he walking w/o holding anything? Mine were 'cruising' for about 3wks before going at it on their own. And about a week after learning to balance on their own and officially walking ^_^

    Yay, mama! This is an exciting time for both you and your baby!! [​IMG]
  3. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    Ours took their first steps on a Monday and a Tuesday and by the weekend they were walking everywhere. Be prepared for a very steep learning curve. Now, three months later, they are running around the house and we can barely catch them. IMO, things really started to go crazy when they started to walk! Enjoy the chaos.
  4. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Yes, he was! We are really excited!
  5. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    It took DS about 3 weeks before he was walking really well. DD didn't care about walking so it was about a month & a half between her first steps & actually deciding she wanted to walk.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :yahoo: to Baby B! My DD once she took her first steps was walking within a few days. My DS when he took his first steps was walking within three weeks, he was a little more tenative and unsure about it.
  7. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Once my girls learned how to get into a standing position not holding on to anything, they were walking within a few days. It's so fun when they learn new things!
  8. laurenlantz

    laurenlantz Well-Known Member

    Kate took her first steps back towards the end of September and has really started doing the majority of her moving by walking within the last couple of weeks. Hannah, on the other hand, took her first steps about a month and a half ago, but really isn't showing any interest in walking. I guess it just depends on your kid's motivation.
  9. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    With DD she just kept doing more and more steps until she wasn't falling anymore, which took a few weeks, but she has muscles issues so it's a special case. DS just went from one step to 10 in one week pretty much.
  10. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    With both C&C it took about a week after the first steps to get to full fledged walking.
  11. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i don't remember how long it actually took, but it felt like forever to me! both girls had a couple of nasty falls though right after they took their first unassisted steps - so they were a little nervous about it for a while. then they saw their cousin walking (who is three months younger than them) and that seemed to spur them on. like a PP said, now they're everywhere!

    congrats! :yahoo:
  12. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! My DD started to take her first steps around 15 months but it wasnt until she was 17 months old that she took the plunge. What took her so long was starting nursery as it upset her routine. I was so relieved when she started walking as her frustration was bigtime plus I spent all her waking hours holding her hand walking around the flat! :lol:

    DS took his first steps at 14 months and within a couple of weeks had mastered walking longer distances and supporting himself well. He didnt hang around! :lol:
  13. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    My dd took her first steps and never looked back. My twins took two months between their first steps and fully walking. It's really hard to tell, ever kid is diiferent.

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