How likely is it that I will go on bedrest?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by forbiddendonut, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. forbiddendonut

    forbiddendonut Well-Known Member

    My doctor said something at my last appointment that I'm wondering about. She said that there's a good chance I'll go on bedrest around 28 weeks. Do doctor's prescribe bedrest preventatively, or does something have to happen first? She made it sound preventative? Also, does anybody know the statistics on how common it is to go on bedrest with twins, and how early on average? Thanks ladies!
  2. 2Xthefun20

    2Xthefun20 Member

    I don't know the specific statistics on bedrest, but I think a lot of it depends on your doctor. I had a friend who just had twins and she worked until she was 35 weeks without any problems! With me, my doctor put me on a preventative house rest (can't go shopping, walking, etc.) at 28 weeks, but I ended up needing to quit work two weeks earlier than that because I was having contractions. When I did more than what my doctor prescribed, I ended up on hospital bedrest for a week and then back at home on bedrest for a month. So, in my opinion, if you can possibly handle going on some form of rest, it's probably worth it to do it even if you aren't having problems yet, because it prevents a lot of problems to stay down.

    That being said, my friend knew she was ok working until the last weeks and that helped her distract herself from the uncomfortable pregnant stuff. ;) You know your body more than anyone else! Good luck!
  3. QUOTE(forbiddendonut @ Apr 24 2009, 11:41 PM) [snapback]1287773[/snapback]
    My doctor said something at my last appointment that I'm wondering about. She said that there's a good chance I'll go on bedrest around 28 weeks. Do doctor's prescribe bedrest preventatively, or does something have to happen first? She made it sound preventative? Also, does anybody know the statistics on how common it is to go on bedrest with twins, and how early on average? Thanks ladies!

    I went to a perin and she said its about a 50% chance that mothers with multiples go on bedrest
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it depends on your doctor and of course what complications you have. My doctor isn't a big fan of bed rest.. but she said if my cervix was shortening, TTTS developed, or I had any other serious complication she wouldn't hesitate. However, at 26 weeks she was very supportive of my decision to go off of work because she said any type of activity you can cut out helps! I truly feel that I haven't had any complications because I decided to slow things down as early as possible.
  5. Farrah

    Farrah Well-Known Member

    I think that you should always be prepared but your doctor has no way of knowing at this time what will be going on with you then.

    I read that you should be prepared and ready for the babies by about 30 weeks...incase of pre-term labor, bedrest, etc.

    I am 36 weeks today and I just stopped working last week (I am a nurse and worked 12 hour shifts) anything can happen, just think positively!!

  6. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    I'm on preventative bedrest due to doctor's orders. I haven't had any complications, and my cervix (though it wasn't shortening) has actually increased in length. So I guess bedrest isn't all that bad. If it keeps my babies in there cooking longer that's great!

    My doctor's idea of bedrest is just spending time on the couch (so technically I can sit anywhere). I do still get to go out to the grocery store... I borrowed a wheel chair and make hubby push me around. I felt silly at first, but now I'm just glad I get out of the house
  7. forbiddendonut

    forbiddendonut Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! I have my 12 week appointment this week, so I'm going to clarify what she meant. I'm actually hoping it IS preventative now, because I'm terrified of having premature babies.

    That, and I was induced at 37 weeks with my son due to pre eclampsia, at which point I was already 3cm dilated. I was probably too active during my first pregnancy, and had terrible swelling in my legs every time I did something upright the last couple of months. Looking back I think I could have prevented, or at least pushed back, the dilation and pre eclampsia if I had rested more.
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