how is this for breakfast?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    at 730 they had a 7 oz bottle

    at around 915ish they had:
    split an earths best blueberry waffle
    split a small banana
    26 cheerios each
    each had a yobaby yogurt

    im just trying to work the kinks out. i plan on dropping a bottle today and offering a snack when they wake up around 11.
  2. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great breakfast! (Though I don't know if there's a back story here.) I'm impressed you counted how many Cheerios they each ate. ;)
  3. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i feel like im giving them SO MUCH FOOD i counted this morning to let you ladies know, lol
  4. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Ah, got it. :) has great info on toddler serving sizes. Really, it's normal for toddlers' appetites to be all over the place. Some meals my boys will eat two bites, other meals they'll eat more than I do! Toddlers also tend to eat the most at breakfast and then less throughout the day. That is definitely true for my boys!
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    honestly, there's no such thing as too much food for toddlers - they'll eat what they need to. as PP said, sometimes it's a bite or two, other times they pack so much away that i'm convinced they're all stomach & nothing else. :pardon: for breakfast, my girls usually split half a bagel with cream cheese, have 1/2 a banana & about 1/4 cup of yogurt each + 4 - 6 oz whole milk. sometimes, when they finish their breakfast first, they ask for more from my plate. :laughing: i let them eat as much as they want. unless you've had issues with them gorging themselves & then throwing up i wouldn't worry about it.
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    sounds fine... I never keep track of how much my kids eat. I have a big tub of yogurt and they all take turns taking a spoonful, I guess they go through a 3rd of it each time. Then they all split a BIG banana and I split 2 nutrigrain bars for 3 kids. That's a typical breakfast.
  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys' smallest meal is breakfast for some reason. I can't get them to eat more than a few bites of waffle, ham, fruit, toast or whatever I'm serving. They usually make up for it throughout the day.

    I agree that there is no "too much" or "too little". It was very tough for me to get into the mindset that I needed to trust my boys to eat what they need, and that I had to step back and let them. All you can do is offer healthy choices, and it's up to them to eat however much (or little) they want. :good:

    Also keep in mind that milk has a lot less calories than formula, so as you transition to just milk you will see them ramp up their solid food consumption quite a bit! Some meals they literally *each* eat more than I do!
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Valerie,my two usually eat a small breakfast too. I think your breakfast sounds great newtothis! If they're eating it and seem happy, keep offering it.
  9. margi33

    margi33 Well-Known Member

    Yep, sounds good to me! Like all pp said, toddlers are funny, they eat a ton sometimes and hardly at all other times. I'd say mine eat really well only 1 meal/day. But they did eat waaay more around 12 mos (maybe yours are in a growth spurt). And like others breakfast is NOT a big hit around here! Unfortunately their snack an hour and a half later is a bigger hit, so I am currently trying to fix this problem :headbang:. It's all just an experiment in timing, etc. and it is usually a little flexible throughout the day. Good luck!
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