How in the world...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nicholas had his second opinion appointment about his eye sight. I knew he would most likely still need the glasses, it was more a question of the severity of it. Well, this Dr. today didn't come up with much of a difference with the other Dr. to change the prescription. So-he needs the glasses. He needs them BADLY. And he WON'T WEAR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grr: :grr: :gah: :gah:

    They did tell me that once he gets used to wearing them, that he'll immediately pick them up and wear them first thing. It's just that what he sees now is his "normal" and he doesn't know that the glasses will help him.

    And I was honestly fine with him needing glasses. DH was the one upset about it. I kept telling him if this is the worst that could be "wrong" then count our lucky stars! But now, that I know he needs them, and his eyesight is horrible, I feel guilty about it. And honestly, I really have no idea why! Like I did something to him, or it's my fault that he needs them. And like I said, this is not the worst that can happen, but... I don't know. Weird feelings that are coming up as I post this. I guess I never thought about it... Hmmm...

    In any case-any hints on keeping the glasses on-besides duct tape and the like? Not to mention they don't sit right on his nose so he needs a strap to keep them there. They did say I can bring him back and he can get eye drops and that would force him to wear them. But to dilate his eyes on a daily basis to get him to wear glasses? That seems like torture!

    Why is parenting never easy??!?!?!?!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  3. twingma

    twingma Well-Known Member

    I didnt have that problem. My then 2.5 year old daughter always just wore hers. Her eyesight was horrible and i think when she found out what she REALLY COULD see it was never a issue.
    Unfortunately glasses are NOT an option. He needs to wear them. Bribery is one option. M and Ms were a good bribery item with my twin granddaughters. Time outs are another. Like I said glasses are NOT an option and he needs to know you mean business. Tell him what you expect so he is clear about the consequences and then enforce it. Glasses off-time out. Glasses off- time out. May not be pleasant for a while but if you are consistent he should get it.
    You say he has to have a strap to keep the glasses on. Is it a plain black strap?? Can you find something else for a strap that would make it "COOL" to wear glasses. Some pediatric eye doc somewhere has had to create something "COOL"> I am thinking a strap with Thomas the Train material or Sponge Bob material. I would contact eye docs in the area. Try ebay under glasees straps for kids- amazing what you find on ebay.
    Sorry you are going through this. Try to let go of the guilt. I know it is hard. We were pretty sure my daughter's eyesight was the result of having to receive high concentration of oxygen the first few days of her life.
  4. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    IDK, I am not above bribes either. :pardon:
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Seriously-in a five minute span I was DONE. I am clueless on how I am going to get him to wear these things. He just doesn't understand. That-and he thinks it's funny.

    At the office, the woman told me not to punish him. But really, I am already close to it. Instead, "You want to read a book with mommy? Put your glasses on." It majorly stinks! Not to mention I have two other kids that need my attention(one being an infant) and I can't chase him around all day to get the glasses on!

    And bribery-yeah-that worked until he got the m&m and then they were off in a flash.

    I'm at my wit's end and it hasn't even been an hour yet!
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    :hug: to you! I am sure it will be hard to get a 2 year old to understand. Hang in there and keep trying! :youcandoit:
  7. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We bought some sunglasses for our girls that came with a strap they couldn't remove. It was neoprene or something and went around the back of their heads. You could try eBay for sunglasses like that and then just use the strap?

    Don't feel guilty that your son needs glasses. There are tons of us out there that needed them as children (I think I got my first pair when I was 7). And we all adjusted fine. I agree with the PPs that your son NEEDS to wear his glasses. Think of it like anything else he needs to do - eat at meals, sleep during nap, etc. And handle it that way. No negotiation, no wheedling, no giving in. I wouldn't even try to sell him on the benefits, I'd just tell him that glasses are the way it is. When he takes them off, put them back on. No fuss, just back on they go. If he doesn't get a reaction out of you, then resisting is less fun. All that said, I'd praise him a lot for keeping them on (if that ever happens!) and give him bribes throughout the day as a reward for being good.
  8. two.heartbeats

    two.heartbeats Well-Known Member

    DD was like that for a week or two, but then she always wore them. I didn't do anything special - just one day she decided to leave them on and it stuck like that. She is 2.5 years old. I hope he'll wear them soon! Just keep trying; he'll get it. That's what I did with DD. Good Luck!
  9. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    Ditto this with my DS he LOVES his glasses DD is jealous! Could you try sticker charting? Set a timer and every 10 minutes check and see that he still has his glasses on, if he does he gets a sticker, after 10 stickers he gets 4 M&M's?
  10. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My twins aren't quite 2 yet and don't have to wear glasses (as far as we know) but I wore glasses at 2.5. My mom always said that the hardest lesson she ever learned was getting me to wear my glasses. She didn't wear them, nor did my dad so it was very new to them. My Opth. told them to buy fake glasses and wear them... She said it took some time but I did finally get it. Someone else mentioned to not get upset about it, I second that! He has no idea that they will help him and he has no idea what they are, so they need to be fun for now.
    I guess my advice would be, be consistant. Start in the morning and put them on first thing, then try to distract him with breakfast or a new craft. When he takes them off give him a special place to put them (next to his bed maybe in a case so he can feel special putthing them away himself) and then an hour later put them on him again and distract him again. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be but you can do it! I also want to add that I've worn glasses forever and him not wearing them for another 2-3 months while he gets the hang of it isn't going to hurt anything.
    Don't feel any guilt, alot of kids wear glasses and be glad that it's now and not 20 years ago when they were made of glass and didn't have the bendy ones like they do now :rotflmbo:
  11. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks for the help ladies! I'm gonna be honest-it is soooooo hard not to get mad/frustrated at him! I just don't want his eyesight to get worse and then he isn't able to see AT ALL out of that eye!

    He did ok today. We drove to a friend's house for a playdate, and I would say he kept them on for a half hour. I tried again after naptime, and he put them on and was able to go outside. I went inside(they were on the deck) and then I noticed he didn't have his glasses on. I asked where they were and he said his brother had them... Grrrrrr..... Thank god they are bendable frames!!!! I'd be screwed!!!

    And then when my MIL came over, and dh was home from work, he did wear them for a bit as well. He got m&m's here and there if he was wearing them and not touching them.

    Not to mention-I hve to teach him how to properly take care of them...

    I did have a friend suggest getting glasses for his brother at the dollar store. That worked for a bit-til the brother didn't want the glasses on... But, dh did get me a pair as well. We just popped out the lenses on those.

    I guess we will just keep trying. It's all we can do.

    But I have to say-he is pretty gosh darn cute in them!
  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you are doing an awesome job - I don't envy you one bit. Keep up the consistent efforts and I am sure he will be fine with them eventually. Stay strong, Meaghan!! :)
  13. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Good Luck! When we had Aiden at the eye doctor to rule out if he needed glasses, I kept chanting "NO GLASSES NO GLASSES NO GLASSES" for the exact reason of why you posted this message. He's such a rough & tumble kid, I knew keeping glasses on him would be a chore. I knew he'd look super handsome, but thankfully he doesn't need them yet. My neice had them at 22 mos & kept them on with no problem...I was shocked (they used the "she can see now" theory). I had them at 18 mos & my mom said it was horrible keeping them on me. I guess each kid is different, huh :)?
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