How in the world do you get them to drink more?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by CROSSTWINS, Jun 5, 2008.


    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Well their bottle has been gone now for 2 weeks and they still don't drink alot. We try to get maybe 10oz of milk down them. They do eat cheese some though. Their peepee diapers are not as often as they used to be. I also try to offer them some water and some white grape juice just for constipation reasons. Since they have went on whole milk and no more bottles I have been have to watch their pooping. So when will they start drinking more??? I also had a WIC appointment with them yesterday and they had not gained weight in 2 months. Thay had grown 2 inches longer though. They are 19lbs now. I know my dr said they should be about 21lbs at 1. I guess I will ask her about that next friday. I just need suggestions on how to get them to drink more.

    Oh yeah does anybody else miss giving them their bottles. I mean I miss it. They don't miss it. They never really liked their bottles to start with. I miss the snuggles and kisses when they would drink their bottle :(
  2. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    At 1 my girls were down to one bottle - before bed. I offered and still do - a sippy of milk in the mornings with breakfast. And then have sippys available all day with water. Some days they will drink their milk and love it - other days they aren't interested. I just make it available to them. My daycare provider is really good at making sure she has sippy of juice / water mix available all the time. I think like everything else - the babes will drink what they need when they need it. At 16 mos. - my girls are drinking more - they have always been good water drinkers and for that I'm grateful. Good luck
  3. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I think it takes some time. My boys are drinking way more out of their cups now. It took them a good 6-8 weeks to get into them though. I still offer a bottle at bedtime - sometimes they drink it, sometimes they don't.

    As for your kids' weight. Many, many moms will tell you that their kids leveled off around a year because they were on the move so much. Crawling, walking, climbing and exploring burn a lot of calories.
  4. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    We went cold turkey off of bottles right after their birthday, and they are just now starting to drink more milk. They drink 10-12 ounces on good days now, and sometimes probably only get 6 ounces all day. We offer it at every meal, and they always drink some. It has definitely increased in the past couple of weeks, though. We also give cheese and/or yogurt every day.

    We also have sippies of water out and available to them all day every day, and they are constantly drinking from them. They get them whenever they want, rather than having to wait for us to offer. That also took them some time to get used to, but now we have to refill both sippies several times every day. Once they got the hang of the water, we noticed their diapers started getting back to normal. For awhile right after the transition from bottles, they were definitely drier than normal.

    I am sure they will get adjusted and everything will work itself out, it will just take time. I definitely recommend having water sippies available to them all the time, as that has been our single best way to get them hydrated.
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    It just takes some time. My girls were only drinking 10-12 for a couple of weeks. Gradually they increased it. I was offering them sippies of milk and water all day in the beginning. Remember cheese and yogurt count toward their total of dairy consumption.
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    It just takes some time. My girls didn't hit the 20 pound mark until long after age one. The pediatrician was fine with their weights, it's okay to be in a lower weight percentile as long as it stays consistent.
  7. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    Savannah is 19.6 pounds and Beau is about 22.5 pounds... I think there weights are fine. mine are about a month older than yours. We still give bottles here... They have two a day now, we just took the morning one away... I think with eating other things they are fine, after taking bottles away it is to be expected. Yes i know i will miss it, may be part in why they still have them. LOL
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    It seems odd that your doctor would tell you what they "should" weigh at 1 -- there is such a wide range. A lot of babies grow a lot more slowly around 1 year than they did earlier (mine barely gained at all from 12-15 months).

    After we went off bottles completely, it did take a few weeks for them to get the hang of chugging from a sippy cup. Within a month, though, they could drain one if they were thirsty. They still don't drink as much liquid as they did when they were on bottles, but they don't necessarily need it. They need calcium and some liquid (enough not to be dehydrated or constipated).

    I do sort of miss giving their bottles -- though FWIW, they got a lot more snuggly again around 18(?) months. 12 months is just not a very snuggly age -- they are so eager to be up and moving around! But towards age 2 and later, the affection thing really kicks in. I have kids hugging and kissing me all the time now. :)

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