How frequent was milk intake at this age?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 5280babies, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    One of my LOs has started refusing first sippy of the day and just signs that she wants to eat. It is like that morning sippy is phasing out. The pedi still has us on formula until 15 mos - they are each just reaching 17 lbs. I dabble with whole milk - they do love it. Currently we were doing 4 - 6 oz sippies a day. Seems like I may be able to go to 3 now? One LO downs her milk in the morning but then has a hard time wanting the second sippy. Do many just feed sippies with meals now or still give milk in between alternating meals? Just curious how to proceed at this age. Hard to get out of the previous "bottle" mindset. :)
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I agree, it was very hard for me to get out of the bottle/nursing mindset and into "meals"! My guys were super skinny too; they weren't on the "official" growth chart for a long time, but always followed their own curve, so my ped didn't tell us to continue formula. We just transitioned to cold milk at 1 year, and only offered milk sippies with meals/snack. At 13 months we were doing 3 meals and 2 snacks per day with a sippy of milk (actually, we still do this! :D ). Then we offer a sippy of warmed milk before bed during story time.

    Since my guys were (and still are) pretty small, we supplement the breakfast milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast for some added calories. Check with your ped, but maybe you could start doing that. I have to say, just giving milk sippies at meals/snacks is soooo much easier than giving milk in between!!
  3. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    We give 3 8 oz sippies a day. Also, DD is still nursing in the morning when she wakes up. It is nice to just give milk at meals and not have to nurse or give bottles.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two, at 13 months, were still on the bottle :blush: but they were getting 8oz of milk 3x day in the bottle. Our pedi wanted them to put on some weight, so I did one in the morning, one in the afternoon before nap and one before bed time.
    When we transitioned out of the bottle at 15 months, they got a sippy of milk in the morning and a sippy after dinner..usually works out to about 20 oz, they like little refills when they are done. Like Valerie, I also (and still do) used Carnation Instant Breakfast for extra calories.
  5. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Did you switch to Carnation at 1 year or at 15 mos? Thanks. :)
  6. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    One of my DS is pretty small...and he is on pediasure. Maybe you can try that? It hasa 30 calories an ounce versus milk which has 20. Basically same as carnation, but I use it for each bottle/cup. I feel your pain though. My boys are not interested in milk anymore. I give them the cup/bottle about an hour before each meal and they jsut don't take much anymore. The one on pediasure, we are luck if he takes 10-12 ounces. The other on milk still only takes i think less than 16 each day. Just doesn't want it anymore, and i'm not sure what we can do. He started taking less right after we switched him to the straw cup. The smaller one still has 2 bottles a day and one cup, but it's always been difficult to get him to take much.
  7. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    So we had been on sippies the last few days and the transition was flawless. Then Zoe started refusing the morning sippy. Well, since yesterday afternoon they both refused to drink their sippies and finally at 4:00 pm today I pulled the bottles back out and they inhaled them. GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I just forget the bottles and have a couple days of tough love or do I add a couple back in? I am is like they decided to protest.
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Unless you want a bottle battle on your hands down the road, i would ditch them and continue with the sippy's. It took my twins about 2 weeks to start drinking enough milk out of the sippy cups. I also do them with meals and snacks, and in between if they are fussy and seem thirsty.

    I believe by 15-16 months is when they start remembering, and if you continue bottles until/past that age it gets much harder to take them away. I think that's the right age range but if I'm wrong someone feel free to correct me! :D
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