How far would you (or do you) travel for preschool?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thea7, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    My twins are now 2 and I'm starting to look into preschools. One main thing I'm looking for in a preschool is a Spanish speaking program because my DH's native language is Spanish and he's been speaking Spanish to them since they were born. He works full time, so I think they need more exposure to Spanish. So, I've found only 2 Spanish speaking preschools in my area. I wasn't too impressed with one of them. I just visited the other one today and I really liked it, however it's quite a drive from our house. It takes at least 45 min. to get there (if the traffic isn't too bad) and then, once you get there, they don't have any parking. You have to park on the street and it's a busy area of town. We'd probably need to park several blocks away and then walk there, which would take at least 15 min or more. So, just to get there on time we'd have to leave the house at least 1 hour in advance (maybe more). I hate driving by the way. I'm not sure I want to do this 3 times a week for the next 2 years....but maybe this would be best for my kids. I am looking into other preschools and into other options, but I was wondering what you think. Would you drive this far for preschool?

  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Personally, no I would not want to drive that far. BUT, I can certainly understand your desire to have the kids in a program that will teach them the same language as their daddy!
  3. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I would never drive 45 minutes for a preschool. My oldest will go to an international school here, and it's already a 15-20 minute drive and that's more than enough. If she would stay in our (temporary) town she could be in school in less than 5 minutes, but it's local, and I prefer international (so I hear you), but there is a limit to what I'll do.
  4. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    That seems too far to me. What would you do while they are in preschool? I assume that they are only going to go for a few hours each time they attend, so it would really not give you much time if you were to go home between dropping them off and picking them up. Would it be possible to find a Spanish class for them to take/people to be around? Maybe you could increase daddy Spanish time in the evenings and weekends? Would it be possible for you to learn Spanish and teach it to them (you guys could learn together)?

    Good luck making your decision.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't do it. I take the boys to Hebrew school once a week, and it is 2 1/2 hours long, 25 min. away, and it is tough to find things to do during that time. Most things take too long, so I am stuck with dead time. I would go to a local preschool, and maybe look for alternative Spanish classes for them.
  6. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't do it. I was looking at a preschool that was about 20-25min away and then thought about it and decided to go to one 4min from my house. The one that was farther away was the same preschool I went to and was a co op so it was cheaper too, but the more I thought about it during the winter I don't think I would want to drive that far (I also don't like to drive). Maybe you could go to the library and get spanish speaking cassetes for them to listen too. Or have your dh record a tape so they can hear him speaking in spanish and learn that way?
  7. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't do it. The girls currently go to a school 15 minutes away on Fridays and I use that time to do errands, I think that's far away, so I can't imagine it taking an hour - you'll probably be comuting longer than they are actually in school. They are there for 2 hrs and its just enough time for me to do the errands, if I had to go back home it wouldn't leave me much time to do anything. I agree with the pp, is there some alternative?
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't go that far, I like to keep things 15 minutes away or closer. Their new daycare is 5 minutes away. Maybe a closer preschool with a Spanish class in addition, like the PP suggested.
  9. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    I personally would not drive that far for preschool. maybe you can find a program that teaches Spanish and go to a local preschool? good luck
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Driving an hour for 2.5 - 3 hrs. of preschool :nea: I kinda don't think I would.

    Have you thought about something like Muzzy or something for teaching them language? I'm thinking of it for my kids. I can learn too!! :D
  11. DebbiesTwins

    DebbiesTwins Well-Known Member

    I like all the previous posts about finding an alternate Spanish class outlet. But I just wanted to mention that distance to the preschool can become an issue on the days that the School calls you to have you pick up your sick child(ren). Just a thought.
  12. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp, I would not drive that far for a preschool program. Now, perhaps if you were talking about grade school (K-6 or 8) I would do it. I too would look for other options for the spanish part. There a lot of great home teaching of languages that you can look into. Another option would be to find someone who is home full time who speaks spanish (a grandma in the naighborhood or at church) and see if they would care for the kids and then the kids would be surrounded by the language while with that person. Just an idea.

    Good luck with your decision.
  13. Cheryl O.

    Cheryl O. Well-Known Member

    We always chose daycares and schools close to home - I don't like my children being in the car/on the road for extended periods and I also like to get them home quickly if there is ever an emergency or if they are sick. I always only looked for places within a few miles - thankfully there are plenty of options in my area. I am also not that picky about a preschool - it's just preschool, not college :) it probably won't scar them for life if they don't go to the one you perceive as being the right one - my two cents.
  14. Saiynee

    Saiynee Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't feel comfortable with a preschool that far away. Ours is a little over 10 minutes away from our house. I also agree with the others and think you should take them to a spanish class separate from preschool.
  15. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for everyone's responses! I thought I was being a bad mom for not wanting to drive that far. I will look into other alternatives. I'm sure we can work something out.

  16. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I definitely wouldn't.

    Maybe put an ad on craigslist that you are interested in a Spanish speaking playgroup? I'm wondering if there are any Spanish-speaking au pairs in your area who might be able to meet with you and your kids -- probably for a small fee. Kills two birds, play dates and Spanish...just a thought...

    I'm thinking au pairs are always looking for extra $$$ too, so they are out there reading craigslist...worth a shot...
  17. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I am with everyone else too. I think the preschool should be close for many of the reasons pp have stated. Good luck in your search.
  18. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, I would not drive that far for a preschool, especially if there were other preschools closer by. You are not a bad Mommy for not wanting to drive that far for preschool.
  19. mn_mom

    mn_mom Well-Known Member

    I personally wouldn't. My 4yo's preschool is under construction and we just have to walk around the perimeter of the building to get to a door. It was such a pain when raining and now it's even worse with snow having to trudge 3 kids through it! I can't imagine having to park and walk even farther! Hopefully something will work out for them to have more exposure to Spanish, there were alot of great suggestions!
  20. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if there are any Spanish-speaking au pairs in your area who might be able to meet with you and your kids -- probably for a small fee. Kills two birds, play dates and Spanish...just a thought...

    I'm thinking au pairs are always looking for extra $$$ too, so they are out there reading craigslist.

    That's actually a violation of their visa status and a no-no.
    I know no one loves a bureaucrat, but if s/he gets caught, this could really hurt his/her chances for another US visa in the future.
  21. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    I guess I am the outcast here. I was an ECE teacher for 16 years before having kids. I am really picky about my kids preschool experience so it was really hard for me to find a school that was truly developmental. Many of the schools in my area are very academic. I had my son on 2 waiting lists. One was 10 minutes away and I was OK with the school and the other was 45 minutes (if I was lucky with traffic) and the dream school. DS really loved that school too. Well the one closest to me had an opening first for Fall. So he started there. The far away school called 2 months after my son already started but I didn't want to move him. My twins are on the waiting list for both so we may send them to the far away school.
    We had kids going to our school that lived an hour to hour and a half away. The parents just loved our school.

  22. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I would not drive that far. DD's preschool is 5 minutes from our house. I would be willing to go 15 but not much more.
  23. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wouldn't do it. That's a long way to drive and then hang around for 2 1/2 hours waiting.

    Ours is going to be 5 minutes away.
  24. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you've made your decision, and I woudlnt drive that far either. I was thinking 30 minutes was possibly too much. I compare it to "how long would I want them to have to ride the school bus when they are in 1st grade?" the thing to also consider besides the program itself, is that the twins will be making friends in this school and this neighborhood, but they don't live there. They could potentially end up with a "social life" (bday parties, play dates) on the other side of town from where you live. How easily do your children make new friends, or greet strangers? If they go to kindergarten in your neighborhood, they will have to make new friends.
  25. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    I'll pile on and agree that I wouldn't do it. I would think about the logistics, not just about how far, but what would you do while they are in school? It almost wouldn't be worth it to go home. But to me, the walk is as much of an issue. 15 mins - what about when it is raining, snowing, freezing. DD brings home still wet paintings once a week. I have a hard enough time getting those from her room to the parking lot w/o one of us wearing some ;) ...Keep in mind you would actually be doing it 6X/week (pick up & drop off)...Instead of spending two hours commuting I would devote some time at home to Spanish. I think the suggestion of DH taping hiimself reading/singing in Spanish is a great one. also, other tapes or maybe a Spanish speaking babysitter. Is there a Spanish storytime at your library? There was an article today in our local paper about those becoming more available. I think you are a great Mommy for even considering it!!
  26. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    Me neither! My DD goes to preschool about a mile from our house. I agree, 45 minutes is waaayyy too long when they are only there for a couple of hours. I feel like I have to turn around to go get her right after I drop her off. (I have the twins with me so it takes a while to get them loaded and unloaded in the car.)
  27. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mellizos @ Feb 1 2008, 05:39 PM) [snapback]601233[/snapback]
    That's actually a violation of their visa status and a no-no.
    I know no one loves a bureaucrat, but if s/he gets caught, this could really hurt his/her chances for another US visa in the future.

    Oh yes. Of course.
  28. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    No, I wouldn't.

    I would find another option to add more Spanish.
  29. lola5

    lola5 Well-Known Member

    It might be a significant consideration for any parent. Just like the attentive and helpful Windstar Cruises customer service , the right preschool should offer support and care that's worth the distance. It's all about finding a balance between convenience and the quality of education and environment for your child. Ultimately, it's the well-being and development of the child that's the top priority.
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