How early did you get ready for them? Or start nesting?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ElisabethCogdill, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. ElisabethCogdill

    ElisabethCogdill Well-Known Member

    I am 23 weeks and in the back of my mind I know they could come at any time. I still need to get some items (we are getting thier cribs next week) and I just want to get everything ready but then I fear that I will have nothing to do once I start nesting...which with my DD I went nuts and did her nursery two weeks before she was born..I couldn't stop moving!!

    I also fear I will be put on bed rest and not be able to do anything which would kill me!...

    Any thoughts?
  2. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I think all of us twin mommies worry about delivering early. Some of us, some don't.

    As for me, we had most of the furniture and stuff done by 28 weeks. We had the majority of our baby stuff and showers done by 32 weeks which was good for us because I went into PTL and strict bedrest at that time. I was a bit bummed because DH and my MIL had to do all the last minute baby buying (I made the list and approved all items after purchase) but felt better because all the "big" stuff was done.

    I'm 32 weeks now and am in about the same position. We have the baby room done, we've mostly decorated, and I'm just going through stuff for last minute items we need to buy for her. I'm glad to have a lot of this done this time because the boys do occupy a lot of my time so I don't have as much time to focus on "nesting."
  3. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Umm.. I didnt nest with these 2. I didnt have enough energy. I did vacuum all the time to try to jump start labor. With my DD i totally nested.. I was an organizing freak!

    I just got everything done beforehand because there is fear of pre-term labor hanging over your head.

    I had the babies at 38.5 weeks.
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    We had the big stuff done pretty early on (cribs/dresser etc) but I waited till the last minute on everything else & ended up on bedrest and was too big to enjoy doing anything else!!!
    I wish I would have started sooner when I had more energy & was able to get around better.
  5. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    I have already started to nest, trying to clean and get ready. My husband brought up the fact Im doing it MUCH earlier then I did with our son. I simply cant help it. I know Im scared they will come and I wont be ready, but Im also the one who choose to have a LATE baby shower... lol.. go figure.
  6. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    LOL I started soon as I found out I was pregnant LOL.....but seriously getting stuff done from 25-30 weeks I had my babies at 36 weeks
  7. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    I had most things ready by 26-27 weeks and got the final things done this week (28 weeks). I still have some diapers to get but we'll start on those this weekend. I'm going to start packing my hospital bag and the babies things for the hospital this week also. I've been starting to nest like crazy and I've been trying to space things out so I have things to do although I'm getting really tired. I also worry about being put on bedrest and not having everything done because then I'll really go nuts!! :D I figure if I have all the necessary things done then I can rest easier and if I still get that really bad nesting bug right before and I'm allowed to be up and moving then there is still plenty to clean :) Good luck!
  8. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Do it early. Do everything early. I didn't have my guys early, but the in the last two months it is very hard to get around. I did my baby shower and nesting in the 5th and 6th month.
  9. rebecca_lynn78

    rebecca_lynn78 Well-Known Member

    I need to get my act together!! I am not at all ready. I do have some diapers that I bought this summer on clearance at Target. I also got some newborn girls clothes from my sisters friend that I need to wash up. But I guess I better get moving! I am running out of time too!
  10. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    I started nesting at 16 weeks when the vomitting stopped. I just wanted to take advantage of the "feeling good" time in case the sick time came back. And as far as the nursery goes, it all got done last weekend. I could have these girls tomorrow (WHICH I DON'T WANT TO!) and would be ready as far as clothes, diapers, beds, etc.

    But remember, I've been on bed rest for over a month now, so I take full advantage of anyone who offers to help.
  11. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I started doing things at 20 weeks {when we found out the genders} and was done with practically everything by 30 weeks. :good: I was glad I did it earlier on because towards the end I was huge and didn't do much but lay around. I don't think I went through a nesting period... unless you count me fixing my bed about six times a day so I could get my blankets where they were needed. :D
  12. Melody72

    Melody72 Member

    I would start early also. I had my baby shower at 31 weeks, and I am so glad, b/c after that, I haven't felt the greatest. Now even at just 34 weeks, I feel big and its hard to get around. I almost wish I had even done things sooner .. like in the 28th week or so! I am so tired now, its hard to think about much else besides just getting them here healthy. Anything else is too overwhelming.
  13. dmhooten

    dmhooten Well-Known Member

    I have gotten some things done, but we aren't doing another nursery this time, we will just add them to the current nursery once they are sleeping through the night. I do have to put cribs together, but they will be in pack and plays at first anyway so no biggie there. I just today got Evan's clothes into his dresser in the nursery and tomorrow hopefully I will get Emersyn's in hers....we'll see. It is definitely getting harder to move around and go up and down the stairs now though, so anything you can do that causes any amount of energy, DON'T WAIT!

    My next plan of action is getting the carseats out of their boxes and getting the snap n go all configured to fit them. Gotta move DS & DD's carseats to the back row of the van soon too before I can't get back there anymore ;)
  14. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    Due to financial reasons I dont have what I want done. I need a crib, I need a king size bed for our room, I need one more carseat, one more swing, more clothes (I have boiught about 25 outfits total but need more basics) I need all the little stuff but want to wait till after my shower which isnt till Oct 26th. I will be about 32 weeks then and will get everything else that week.
    I am getting the other carseat this week(my mom is buying it for me) and am going to look into mattresses this weekend. I will hopefully get the crib in the next few weeks. Then I need to get my room put together (they will be in our room) as I only have a 2 br currently. Luckily the room is huge but it needs help and I want a new bed and comforter, I want to put one more dresser and get things put away, and I want to put cutains up and stuff......
    I will be 28 weeks this Thursday and am STRESSING over all of this a lot. But even after they come I can get stuff. My mom can go to the store for me and stuff so its not that big of a deal(I keep telling myself) but I would feel better if I was organized and the room was ready and pretty for them.
  15. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I had nearly everything ready by 26 weeks and I'm so glad I did especially when I felt soooooo uncomfortable near the end I couldn't get out. Also nesting... I found I had some nesting when the babies came home, another twin friend had the same, a bit delayed nesting response of trying to clean and eat chocolate.
  16. narezo0805

    narezo0805 Active Member

    Do it early....I kept waiting because of being too superstitious. Now I am 36 weeks and do not have the energy to put my pants on. I have all the equipment, the room is painted, but nothing is in order yet.
  17. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Do it as soon as you can!! I started as soon as we found out genders. I am SO glad I did - My pregnancy was going great and suddenly at 30 weeks I ended up on bedrest - Plus the larger I got the harder it was to do much more than sit here and type on TS!!
  18. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I had my shower at 28 weeks and had the nursery ready by November that was the extent of my nesting, so by 8 months. I remember I kept saying when am I going to nest? I didn't want to do a darn thing as it got closer to my DD. Do it early.
  19. boingerhead

    boingerhead Active Member

    With my daughter, I had a beautiful nursery set up by my sixth month.

    With my son, I had everything from my daughter, so didn't really have to do anything but get some blue stuff instead of pink.

    With these two, I'll empty two dresser drawers, sign up for a diaper service, and make a couple of casseroles when I go into labor.

  20. Four_to_Six

    Four_to_Six Well-Known Member

    We haven't started buying the things we're going to need yet. BUT I am in the process of getting to that point. ;) I'm doing a lot of getting rid and decluttering of stuff. Boxing up the girly clothes and passing them on, rearanging, that sort of thing. As soon as I finish sewing maternity clothes and fall dresses for dd, I'll get started on some clothes, burp cloths, bedding for my little guys.

    We have a crib that dd will be moving out of soon; I figure the little ones will share a crib for awhile anyway.
    I'd like to get another exersaucer but that's not crucial.
    I'd like to get a good electric breast pump. I figure breastfeeding two will be a bit more demanding/time consuming than one. ;)
    We also need to get another high chair but that's not time critical either.
    A double stroller would be nice.
    Oh, and car seats.

    Well, I have a rather long winded way of saying I'm only 22 weeks but getting ready is a work in progress. :D
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