how do you

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ****mws****, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    how do you keep your 2.5 3&4 year olds in bed..

    mine for the most part go to sleep just fine.

    but wake up around 5 am..

    my x inlaws block him in his bed with a crib..

    i dont think that is safe...

    my friend uses a gate on the door..

    i personally think that is horrible..
    but then again.. i have two still in cribs..

    who would rather stay up all night and party.. if they are put in bed with me or anyone else.. than sleep..

    what did you do to keep your little ones in bed..
  2. frain2005

    frain2005 Well-Known Member

    We close the door right now. They are still in cribs, and still are staying in them (for the moment). Once we convert their cribs to toddler beds, we too will use the baby gate at the doorway. By them they will probably know how to open the door. We will use and extra tall gate. Not as a punishment to keep them in there, but as a way to keep them safe. I don't want them wandering around the house while everyone else is still sleeping. Also we have a 2 story house, I will have a grate at the top of the steps as a backup to the getting over the one in their doorway. HTH
  3. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I have a gate up to my son's room, not as a punishment or anything just more for my sanity. He can climb over it with no problems, but at night he will stay in his room.

    I'm paranoid about him possibly getting up in the night and opening up the door in the living room and going outside. he can now unlock and open the big door as well as the screen door. I figure if he has to climb the gate to his room to get out, I should hear him if he tries to come out.

    best of luck!
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Mine are still in cribs also but we will be using a tall gate also, we live in a two story row home and there are stairs right outside their bedroom. Not only that I want them to be safe and not worry about them walking around the house or falling down the steps.
  5. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I have to close their door and lock it. They know how to open doors, and the thought of them roaming in our house without supervision scares me. I will probably get a gate and put in in front of their door, so when they do open their door they are still safe.
  6. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    The twins had a gate on their door for a long time. It was the only option for us, since we did not want them wandering around the house.. They were out of cribs early, all my boys were, since they were all climbing out everyday by around 18 months. (actually Joel was 13 months old!) They were early risers for years, anywhere between 5:30-6:00am. So we just learned to be up by 6:00am. If they were up by 5:30 we knew they were safe with the gate and they would just play. Plus, my one son sleepwalks, so we had to do something.. Now they wake at around 7:30 or so...
  7. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Hey Sweetie, I would use the gate to keep them safe. My twins are up and playing in their cribs by around 6 or 6:30 since day light savings. DS will sleep thru it (sharing a room) until he is ready to wake up about 6:45 or 7.

    In the early days I would just put the gate at the end of the hall and close the bathroom door, so he could still get to us when he needed to, but not in the bathroom. Now he sleeps thru fine and since we do not use night lights, while its dark early enough, we don't have the partying in the room.

    Good Luck!
  8. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We haven't switched yet, but when we go to toddler beds I will put a gate at their bedroom door for safety. I don't want them roaming the house in the middle of the night.
  9. My*4*Girls

    My*4*Girls New Member

    When we moved our girls to toddler beds, we started using a gate in the doorway. It works out great. They know how to open doors and I am pretty sure that they would not tolerate the door being shut and locked. With the gate, they can see and hear all of the action from their big sisters [​IMG]
  10. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    For about 6 months after they moved to beds, we would put a bungee cord from their door to the linen closet, but only after they had gotten up 3 times. We did disconnect it when we went to bed. If they come in our room before 7, we just bring them back to bed. When they were 3 1/2 we got them a digital clock, and would remind them "does it say 7?" if not, then they had to go back to bed. Now they will stay in until 7.

    We have a 2 story house, and have never had a gate up. When the boys wake up, they have always come into my room.
  11. pam2baby

    pam2baby Well-Known Member

    call me horrible, but we have always closed their door at night~ so now we have one of those child-proof door handles on the inside of their door and they knock in the morning when they want out.
    A friend of mine did this with her twins first, and as cruel as it sounds we feel good knowing they are safe at night- not cruising around the house.
    They are now 3 and a bit, and have never complained or been scared- it's totally normal as far as they are concerned.
    Once your twins are in beds, things change and you will probably feel differently. p
    hey whatever works [​IMG]
  12. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    Jamie was a HORRIBLE sleeper and actually slept in our bed for a time from about 18 months to 22 months. This didn't work for us AT ALL, so once we got them settled into their big girls beds we implemented an "asking to get up rule". Nicole sleeps in most of the time but Jamie is an early waker/riser. She knows she has to ask "can I come to your bed now?" and I just yell back, no it's still night time, go back to sleep, please. They are allowed to come to our bed at 7am. We've never had to do anything to keep them in their room. They know the rules and they stay in there.

  13. AKD

    AKD Well-Known Member

    We've never done anything to keep them in their room and their door stays wide open all night. We didn't switch beds until after they were three because they never tried to get out of their cribs, but now, like pp said, they know the rules. I did find Chris in the living room one night at 3am crying, but he would never try to go anywhere (out of the house) unaccompanied. He was just looking for us and cried when we weren't out there watching tv.
  14. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine aren't anywhere near out of their cribs yet but from day 1 I've always closed their door (1 to keep the cats out and 2 for fire safety) and we use a baby monitor...I don't think that will change once we go to beds (I hope)

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