How do you get little boys to curb their interest in their peanut?(my two either has their hands down their pants or spend a little too long in the bathroom) I guess they are fascinated by their anatomy! and Stop putting toys in their mouth! I explained to them many many times that toys do not go in their mouth and if they go in the mouth a piece could go in their belly and make them very very sick, but yet into the mouth they go. Any help on either or both topics is appreciated!!!! BTW...they are almost 4, they should know better...esp on the second one.
Mine are much younger than yours so this may not be any help. But I let DS touch himself (he is pretty much over it now) and as far as mouthing things, I just keep giving them teething toys. Mine both still LOVE to put everything in their mouths, and some stuff I let them. But if it's a shoe, crayons, puzzle pieces, books, etc. I say "we don't put that in our mouths please. You can have this!" and I give them a teethign toy. I found that when I tried to restrict them from putting things in their mouths, it only made it worse. Perhaps ask your pedi if s/he had any ideas? and if s/he knew of other kids this age that still mouth toys? I just don't know b/c mine are much younger. Best of luck!
1. A tightish belt usually does the trick. Also, when they get to kindergarten they'll learn pretty fast, since the kids will let them know asap (I'm a former kindie teacher).
At daycare they have a "yuck bucket." If a teacher catches someone mouthing a toy, that toy goes in the yuck bucket ASAP. And therefore, no one gets to play with it until the next day (after they sterilize everything in the bucket). I've tried saying "Out of the mouth!" at home, and it doesn't usually help. I haven't been quite motivated to try the yuck bucket, but you could give it a shot. I like that it has sort of a "logical consequences" feel to it.