How do you 'teach' them to poop sitting down?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by li li, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Our girls rather like using the potty for going pee pee, but they insist on standing for poops. How can we teach them to sit or is it just something they'll get to eventually?

    Lisa x
  2. Song

    Song Active Member

    Yeah, my DD did this for awhile. We would catch her standing behind the couch or a chair grunting it out. Even thought she peed in the potty, and we told her that she needed to go poo in the potty as well. She seemed to have the preference of standing. :unsure:

    The only thing we started to do was catch her behind the couch standing in her lock-knee gruntin' position. We would direct her to the potty, and tell her that poo goes in the potty. She didn't want to put it in the potty, but with a lot of encouragement she finally got it. She now, after several months of encouragement, goes only in the potty.
  3. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    thank you. this is going to be a fun few months i can tell already!
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    My kids are just weird, but they LOVE pooping in the potty. THey have to come out and tell me how many "poops" were in there, what color it was and they ask if I want to see it....NICE!!!! I know this is weird, but do they "know" or have they seen that mommy and daddy poop in the potty too? Maybe if they've seen you guys do it, they might "get it." I mean, around here going to the bathroom is a 3-ring circus...I can't remember the last time I peed alone! LOL!
  5. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I have an audience and a running commentary whenever I go to the toilet - "Mummy pee pee? Mummy poop?" - oh and they've even offered to wipe my bottom for me with a wet wipe! They know that DH and I sit to poop. They even tell each other to sit on the potty, it's just that at the crucial moments they seem to need to stand and grunt. I'll continue trying to talk to them about it, and show them all the pictures of children SITTING to poop in our potty books. I guess it is just a phase. I hope!
  6. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    alisha used to always stand to poop - she needed to hold onto something and push. just in the past couple of weeks she has started to poop on the potty - she finds it MUCH easier to poop on the little stand alone potty vs on the regular potty with the seat. not sure why - but that has really helped her. she used to try on the potty, not be able to go, then ask for a diaper and go standing up. once i suggested she try the little potty and she made poop on it and it clicked. my advice is to be patient - talk about it and explain it, but don't make it into a big deal/ power struggle. good luck!
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