How do you task two helpers?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MarchI, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Mine are at the stage where they want to help. But with two of them, it's hard to split up a lot of tasks. Any advice?
  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I just give them each one thing at a time to bring somewhere.
    Example, if I'm unloading the dishwasher, they do the silverware one piece at a time to the drawer. If I'm folding clothes then I'll give them their stack of underwear, they run and put it up and then we'll do pj's or whatever next.

    It really doesn't take me any longer to get the tasks done and it gives them the purpose they need. I do just make sure that they each have something to put away/carry/whatever.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also let them unload the silverware in the dishwasher, although now they have competitions to see who can carry more in their hands at once! :lol: When we set the table I hand them out things one at a time, plates, cups, silverware, condiments...etc.
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    When they were that age - I just asked each bone to carry things to their place - or use a baby wipe and wipe down things. Now that they are 4 Travis taught them to fold towels so I bring the towels upstairs and put them on the couch - it takes them about an hour to fold a whole load and take them to the linen closet - they are not perfect but hey it gets done and keeps them occupied!!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do the same thing. I give them one of each thing. I have them put their own dishes and cups in the sink. I have them both clean up toys and put away books. My son likes to make his own bed, so l let him.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    2 years ago we bought this calendar for our girls for Christmas. It has been the BEST investment!! Baby A (baby #1) does the calendar on odd days, Baby B (baby #2) does the calendar on even days. On the day they do the calendar, they are the first for everything. First to pick out their cup at meals, first to help with anything around the house (folding clothes, bringing stuff upstairs, whatever), and first to choose if they are both helping with something.'s November 1st, Baby A's turn to do the calendar. We're also making cookies that day. So I tell them both that they can help with 2 tasks when making cookies, Baby A can choose which task she would like since she did the calendar and Baby B would automatically get to do the other task. If there's whining or crying or fighting about it, I do both. :D

    I'm telling you - LOVE LOVE LOVE that I thought this up!!

    It also works going up the stairs, brushing teeth, when it's time to go potty, ride in a carriage in the store, etc. etc.
  7. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    With cooking and baking they have to take turns, e.g. one pours the flour into the bowl, the other the milk. This applies to all tasks where they need help or intense supervision. We have been taking turns for all kinds of things right from the beginning, so we very rarely have fights over this; often I do not even have to say "A's turn now." but their twin will hand over and say "your turn now" without prompting. If they do fight, noone gets to help.

    With all other tasks I try to give them both something to do, not necessarily the same thing, e.g. one unlaods the silverware from the dishwasher and the other puts away all the plastic containers.
  8. NicoleLea

    NicoleLea Well-Known Member

    I have them do lots of things. IF we are cleaning up their room I will have one put away blocks while the other does books. Sometimes if I'm doing laundry I will give them a couple things to "fold" (of course it isn't how it should be but it keeps them occupied :) Also we will just have them do random things through the day like "Can you take ___ and throw it away?" or "Can you take ____ to my room?" If I'm cooking something they can help with I will let them pour in some ingredients or stir the ingredients, taking turns. They seem to enjoy helping with just about anything.
  9. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    We do something similar to this. My friend with triplets thought it up. We do Star of the Day. My youngest is 16 months younger than the twins and he thinks he's one of them so he's included too. LOL I printed off and laminated a picture of each of them with a star around their face. I put it up in the kitchen on a little hook and every morning we change the picture to the next "in line". The one in front (that the picture shows) is "Star of the Day". It ends all arguing with who is going first. As far as who is next the next person behind the Star of the Day's picture goes and so on. The Star of the Day gets to do any special help that day which right now we don't do a lot of. Right now it ends the "it's my turn" argument. My friend who came up with it (she has all boys and calls it King of the Day) said as they get older it really helps and gives each child a turn to feel "special" and have a little extra time with you. As far as tasking things out start with the Star of the Day and find something else for the next one. They help me with laundry, each handing me clothes to fold and then carrying their things to their room to help me put them away. We all pick up toys together before naps and bedtime. I wait until they are either in bed or strapped in their booster seats to put away dishes because my 18 month old attacks the dishwasher. LOL They didn't really start arguing over the "my turn" thing until they were about 2 1/2. I started implementing that Star of the Day thing and it's made life SO much easier! They even fought over who was going to go first to get their flu shots!!! LOL My DD jumped up and said I'M STAR OF THE DAY TODAY so I go first. LMAO Turned out that was a good idea anyway because she was a trooper and DS screamed his head off. LOL
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