How do you make sure they eat enough?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Ok, ever since a visit with grandma :rolleyes: Evan has been wanting to only eat unassisted. :( I didn't realize it at first and thought it was only because he was sick that he didn't want to eat. He does do a pretty good job, but he isn't eating his normal amounts. His milk intake has increased and he is still getting up in the middle of the night (started when he was sick with his cold again). He went from drinking about 12 oz of milk to probably about 16oz. I've been trying to make stuff that either sticks to the spoon or that he can stab with a fork. But... he just doesn't eat as much these days. He refuses most help.
    What can I do to get him to eat more at meals? What kinds of foods do you suggest? I've been doing a tuna hotdish and mac/cheese... along with veggies.

    eta: I do realize this is a milestone.. and that he is probably right on track with it... it is a good thing he wants to eat on his own.. so please help ME with this transition! :winking:
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Does Evan mind eating with fingers? If there is something my kids cannot pick up with a fork or spoon, they just use their hands. I make grilled cheese, waffles, eggs, Pb &j, cut up fruits (apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, grapes), blueberries, veggies (carrots cut up). At dinner, the kids eat what we eat so chicken, fish, turkey, roast beef, rice/noodles/potatoes, veggies. I would keep offering the food. My kids go through periods where they will barely eat and drink and then drink and eat everything in sight.
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  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Evan likes to eat... certian foods. He refuses grilled cheese and he has tried fish sticks. He does do finger food, and I will try to encourage that too.. but he loves trying to eat like us, with a fork/spoon. Thanks Nancy!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have to educate Evan on the love of grilled cheese :faint: My kids love to use their utensils was funny when they started to insist on using a fork and spoon. Let us know how he does!
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  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Consider yourself lucky it lasted that long! Mine didn't want us to feed them at 11 months! They won't let themselves get hungry... Keep giving them what you have been giving them (if it's not possible because it's runny stuff you had to feed with a spoon don't worry about it, what can be picked up on a fork usually has more calories than the runny stuff anyway).
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  6. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    This makes me realize that I am odd (not a shocker)! Since my two started resisting being spoon fed at about a year I have just given them everything as finger foods. Literally everything that they are fed they pick up and eat with their fingers - am I setting myself up for horrible eating habits??? Should I force them to take things off of a spoon and fork? I do let them hold utensils and they practice but definitely can't eat that way. I feel like I have been doing something wrong since I put them in their seats and just start doling food out onto trays!!! I guess they may never learn to use utensils if I continue doing it this way...
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  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We did the same thing! But they got the hang of the fork eventually, although they still use their fingers a lot... it's not a battle I want to fight for another few months though - for now I just want them to eat.
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  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Fossie, do not worry. Mine just started around 19-20 months to insist having a fork and spoon at meals and still only use them half the time. I would keep doing what you are doing with the utensils and they will start to get it.
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  9. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i agree with PPs - my girls have gotten finger foods since about 11 months as well because they refused to let me spoon feed them anymore. in the last week or so, they've started whining at meals if they don't have a fork just like mommy & daddy. they mostly just hold the fork & still eat with their fingers but they do try to spear things (usually the food ;) ) with them as well. i'm not worried - eating with your hands is one of the joys of being a child! :D

    JicJac - i wouldn't worry too much about how much he's taking in. he won't starve himself & you'll save yourself a big headache if you just choose not to worry about it. offer a variety of healthy foods in finger food form with a fork or spoon on the side & he'll figure it out. some favorites here are mixed veggies, any kind of sandwich cut into strips, pancakes with veggies or fruit cooked in, any and all fruits, granola bars, cheese slices, spaghetti (i "hide" lots of veggies in the sauce), and home made trail mix (goldfish, craisins, cheerios & yogurt covered raisins). GL!
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  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I tried not to stress about it. If they refused to let me feed them, then I figured they would keep eating until they weren't hungry anymore.

    They started using utensils in daycare at 12 months (long before I would have started them!), so by the time they got insistent about it, they had at least had a fair amount of practice. They still eat a lot of finger foods though. In fact at age 4, Amy still eats just about anything with her fingers that isn't actually a liquid. (I keep thinking I should start doing something about that... :blush: )
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  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    not sure what you have for breakfast, but thick oatmeal will stick nicely to a spoon.

    my dd won't let me feed her, but she'll let me "load" her spoon... so I do that. I've been doing that for a few months. my ds will let us feed him more but I try to get him to eat off of the loaded spoon too.

    seems that ours are having a hard time figuring out how to load their own spoon... hopefully time will allow them to learn.
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  12. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Thanks! My worry about eating enough is just because he's been waking up at night and drinking a lot more milk. My kids (twins) loved blueberries & grilled Cheese sandwiches, but Grandma probably introduced them to the twins when I was working (2x/weekly) back then. I know it takes a while for kids to get used to new foods. Thanks for the responses!
  13. divababy

    divababy Well-Known Member

    this is exactly what we've been doing since they started refusing a spoon at about 10months. seriously. once they discovered finger foods, that was it! i can still spoon feed stuff like yogurt, but they have to REALLY like it in order to take a spoon. all my family things its odd and horrifying when they see how my twins eat!

    i don't get the horror.

    anyway, they are learning to use utensils, but i figure they'll eventually get it. they won't be 17 and still eating with their hands.

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