How do you know if you've dropped?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kitkat72783, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    Some times the babies feel really low and some times baby B is logged in my ribs, baby A hasn't moved much he is LOW vertex logged inbetween my hip/pelvic bones and oh boy does it hurt when he moves around luckily I dont think he has enough room to move much. I've had alot of pressure for over a month now, and feel like I always have to make a bowel movement even when I dont, and oh man am I swollen down there which has been causing alot of pain when I bend over (but I read on here the swelling is normal). So how do you know if you dropped? will you drop when both babies are sidewids? Some people say well at least you've dropped but my mom will say man it doesn't even look like you've dropped yet.....and honestly I have no idea one day I'm carrying really low the next baby b skoots back up.

    Well at least the count down has begun either way....if I dont go into labor before the babies will be here in 11 more days via c-Section :D

    But I still cant believe I havent gone yet....I was three cm dialated three weeks ago!
  2. LovingHappyHome

    LovingHappyHome Active Member

    I knew I had dropped when I noticed my tummy was no longer under my bra and I could fit a hand between my bra line and top of my belly. I took some pictures and compared it with my previous and sure enough you could see I had begun to drop. By the second night you could fit two hand widths there. I took more pics and showed them with those who new my belly and progress best. They agreed. My favorite way of knowing was that I could actually take some rather deep breaths again. What a lovely feeling!!!
  3. dutree123

    dutree123 Well-Known Member

    Hi, You say that you have 11 more far in this pregnancy will you go before you decide to have a C-section? And that's a really good question you asked about (dropping) I would also like to know (how do we know). I am trying to decide how far will I go before scheduling an induction..If the babies don't come on their own by a certain time frame.
  4. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ktannor @ Jun 14 2009, 12:25 PM) [snapback]1353821[/snapback]
    Hi, You say that you have 11 more far in this pregnancy will you go before you decide to have a C-section? And that's a really good question you asked about (dropping) I would also like to know (how do we know). I am trying to decide how far will I go before scheduling an induction..If the babies don't come on their own by a certain time frame.

    My OB has wanted to do a c-section from the start so I havent been waiting to see if the babies turn or anything, so my OB scheduled the csection a few weeks ago for 39 weeks I think it was the 31 of the month, but I cried over waiting that long and how I could not make it and he agreed to push it up a week so I'll be going at 38 weeks. I know with an indction (my son was induced) my OB at that time was able to schedule it within a 24/48 hour period. I called the day after my due date when I had had an U/S and my OB said lets get this baby out before he gets any bigger and we have to do a csection (he was 9lbs) He acheduled me for the next day....But when I calld that morning there were no rooms so I ended up going in the next morning. With my csection it seems to be more of a process I have a pre-op phone call apt. with the hospital this week, then a pre-op with the OB this week, then a Pre-op at the hospital next week and then my csection on the 25th. Personally I am praying I go this week...I have had enough of being pregnant! I cant believe I'm still holding on with al my cervix issues, but I guess my body just doesn't like to go into labor on its own. Hav you asked your OB how long he expects you to go before he will induce you?
  5. dutree123

    dutree123 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kitkat72783 @ Jun 14 2009, 01:24 PM) [snapback]1353855[/snapback]
    My OB has wanted to do a c-section from the start so I havent been waiting to see if the babies turn or anything, so my OB scheduled the csection a few weeks ago for 39 weeks I think it was the 31 of the month, but I cried over waiting that long and how I could not make it and he agreed to push it up a week so I'll be going at 38 weeks. I know with an indction (my son was induced) my OB at that time was able to schedule it within a 24/48 hour period. I called the day after my due date when I had had an U/S and my OB said lets get this baby out before he gets any bigger and we have to do a csection (he was 9lbs) He acheduled me for the next day....But when I calld that morning there were no rooms so I ended up going in the next morning. With my csection it seems to be more of a process I have a pre-op phone call apt. with the hospital this week, then a pre-op with the OB this week, then a Pre-op at the hospital next week and then my csection on the 25th. Personally I am praying I go this week...I have had enough of being pregnant! I cant believe I'm still holding on with al my cervix issues, but I guess my body just doesn't like to go into labor on its own. Hav you asked your OB how long he expects you to go before he will induce you?

    Yeah...Soon when I get energy I will have a post about what decision my O.B. has left up to me...but in short he asked me was I interested in C-section or vaginal because my baby B is breech but he can still deliver vaginally as long as baby A is head down and weighs more. If I go for the C-section we will have a date scheduled..but he has told me time again that his preference is always to deliver vaginally and he likes labor to happen that could be 39-40 wks. because he is a believer that all pregnancies are full term at 40 wks. unless in the ultrasound something is detected to go ahead and get the babies out..and I have not had any major or threatening issues towards myself or babies (knock on wood) so far with this pregnancy so he says let it happen naturally(labor). But I hope that naturally at 37-38 wks. and babies in superb condition as well as myself...that I have these babies..I don't want to go 39-especially not 40 wks...that's scary! or rather raises a concern to me.
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