How do you handle more than two children?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by boogerkw, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I would love to have more children, but sometimes I don't think I would be able to handle more. I can barely handle the two I have. I was thinking of having one more when the twins are about 2 but I'm scared. How do you guys handle more than two?
  2. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I would love to have more children, but sometimes I don't think I would be able to handle more. I can barely handle the two I have. I was thinking of having one more when the twins are about 2 but I'm scared. How do you guys handle more than two?
  3. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    With patience and something you lose your cool too. It can be tough having more than 2. My dh had a hard time when I was preggo because I spent most the time on bedrest, then the hospital then being at the NICU. Its important to have close friends or family that can help on occation. My son wasnt too sure how to act when the girls came home but now he is so helpful, of course sometimes hes too helpful.
    One thing I always thought would make it easier is if my first dd was still alive, I think they would have kept each other company so I wouldnt have felt so bad when the girls came and were so needy in the beginning. My feeling is that your twins could help to occupy eachother in those early months while you wil lbe so busy with the baby. One thing to also remember is you wont get as much sleep, the chances are slim that you will get a chance to take a nap when the baby is sleeping b/c the twins will be awake.
    ANyways, Im really for big families now...dh and I would still like to have children in the future...its hard work but so worth it
  4. greenslade7

    greenslade7 Well-Known Member

    Most days I have no idea. But it all seems to get done. I have 5 kids...14, 12, 2, and twins 8 months. It is busy. Sometimes I feel like I could pull my hair out. But then there are those times, like when my 2 year old is at a football game watching my 14 year old and has learned to look around and see when everyone is clapping and he claps and yells too. And my 12 year old daughter is water girl. And my parents are holding the twins..or...I'm reading to the twins and my 2 year old scoots his bottom right between them so he can see too, and my daughter is on the phone and my son on the computer...and I think that it just doesn't get any better than this.

    I will not lie. There are moments that are sheer whirlwinds (more like hurricanes or tornadoes) but you get a rhythm going and a basic schedule, learn to be flexible, learn to use a crock pot, and somehow it just works. I also have two sets of grandparents and very supportive friends.

    There are lots of things to think about, child care costs, cost of raising children in general, formula, diapers, college could go on and on. And except for figuring out how to pay for college, somehow we've been ok. If you had asked me 2 years ago if we could afford two more, the answer would have been an emphatic NO.

    I love having lots of kids, but I know it isn't for everyone. Sometimes the decision just gets made for twins are the product of a NuvaRing mishap!

    There's lots of folks on here who have more than 2. I'm sure they'll have lots of good advice.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Somehow you just do. My oldest is a bit older, but she still needs/wants attention and someone to play a game with her. I am lucky as she is pretty independent, but I do feel like I don't give her as much attention as I would like to because the twins take up so much of my time. It's not easy, but you find a way to make it work and do the best you can.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    ivegot5 said it wonderfully! I have 5 also. I think that you just "do it", and don't really think about how much work it is until you finally sit down(which doesn't happen all that often)!! [​IMG]
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Most days I have no idea. But it all seems to get done

  8. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Somehow you just do. My oldest is a bit older, but she still needs/wants attention and someone to play a game with her. I am lucky as she is pretty independent, but I do feel like I don't give her as much attention as I would like to because the twins take up so much of my time. It's not easy, but you find a way to make it work and do the best you can.

    This~! But it gets better as the boys get older! She loves to play horse with them now. They climb on her back and and she neighs down the halls! TOO CUTE!

    But that completely contrasts with the times when the boys are cranky from no naps, sick etc. and DD needs something too. [​IMG] But somehow you take a deep breathe and muddle through and hearing at the end of the day 'mommy i love you' awww
  9. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    You do what you gotta do! Sometimes you feel like hiding in the closet, other times you can't beleive what a good day it's been. But I have to say the good outweighs the bad by a lot.
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