How do you handle accidents when out?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ljcrochet, May 16, 2008.

  1. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Just wondering how you handle accidents when out?
    Dani potty trained so quickly and without accidents. Sydney on the other hand, is just now starting to show intrested in not wearing a pull up. I know she can pee and poop in the potty when she wants to. But I know if we are out, I don't think she will ask to go potty fast enough. So what do I do?
  2. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Honestly I was a whimp when it came to going out. Mine went in pull ups until they could prove to me we wouldn't be having accidents. This didn't take long with Nathan, but William had to put one on for a couple of months (he was training resistant). If she is totally starting to refuse the pull up make sure you have a complete change of clothes in a plastic bag with you, just in case. If you think it has been more than an hour - hour and a half, take her in and have her try even if she doesn't ask.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We have never had an accident out and about. And trust me, they have accidents at home all the time (well, Ben at least). I think that the novelty of public restroom use allows them to empty their bladder at a constant rate. It is nearly impossible to have an accident!!!! :lol:

    BUT, we have had poorly aimed pee trinkle on the pants while sitting on the toilet while out and about. But I always keep a change of clothes in the car, so I just change them. In the beginning, I carried them with me. My advice, put her in panties and keep a change of clothes in a ziploc. That way, 1) she has a change of clothes, and 2) you have a baggy to put the wet ones in.
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I admit, I used pull ups when we were "out". We didn't go out that much though until I knew he was pretty trained. I think because we waited til 3 years, it only two about 2-3 weeks to get him accident free during the day and about 4 weeks at night (and no liquids after dinner).
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I :cray: and :drinks: Just kidding!!!!

    I took them out from the beginning in unders. We've had accidents. I would have sworn that I was going to die during that time, but alas - here I am!

    For the first week or two I carried our potty seats in the car (leftover diapers line the bucket for easy disposal) and I have a foldable potty seat that we use everywhere else.

    They learn to tell you a little quicker! You have to jump off that high dive and go for it! :hug99:
  6. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I decided she is just going to stay in pull up forever. :rotflmbo:
    I am trying to treat the pull ups more like underwear and have Sydney go potty when Dani goes potty. I don't think i'm going to push the underwear till she ask for them for a while.
    It is just so weird to me since Dani was so different. It was almost like one day she woke up and decided that underwear was the way to go, in fact she was night trained about a week after being day trained. I think she has only had 2 accidents when out since December when she trained.
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