How do you go about giving new toys/books?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rach28, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I bought 2 new books for my LOs yesterday but waited until this morning to give them to them. I had wanted to buy 2 books that looked the same but were different but couldnt find a 2nd Pocoyo book. So I bought Fisher Price´s Little People book (which has lots of windows and flaps to open) and a Pocoyo book (which also has flaps to open). Well it turned into a disaster as both wanted the same book: Pocoyo. I managed to get DD interested in the Little People book but then she wanted Pocoyo. DS then went to look at the other book and DD took Pocoyo. That´s when it all went crazy and DS totally lost the plot - screaming and full-blown tantrum. It´s been a long time since DS got that bad and I was quite taken-aback by his reaction. He wouldnt calm and was hitting me so Im afraid he was put in his crib, with paci & blankie, to calm down (it worked) and he has since stayed there as he then fell asleep after a while.

    MIL was with us for 4 days and this is why their behaviour is so bad at the moment. Since she´s been here it´s been non-stop tantrums but they dont do this with me. They scream to get what they want and it works. This is hard for me but she won´t change - I´ve spoken to her about it.

    How do you handle giving them new toys &/or books when they are 2 different things?

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I cheat, I try to find something they both like in terms of books. I also make a big deal about each of them getting their own special book...I think it holds off the fighting for about 15 minutes...then they want to see what the other one got. As for toys, even though they are b/g, they still fight over a toy after a bit. I just try to redirect them and stress sharing.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we don't have many toys that are similar or the same, but it still happens with those items!! I don't know if you can avoid the tantrums!! I just try to get them excited about the one I give them.
  4. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I tried a different tactic today and put both books in their bookshelf. DD was up first and she was delighted to see Pocoyo. DS was eating breakfast and the tantrum started as soon as he saw her with it. Luckily he´d eaten before he saw her (I´d blocked his view just incase) but he would have eaten more. I have put Pocoyo away and left them the Little People book instead. I refereed them looking at that one without to many problems then managed to distract the LO who didnt win the inevitable tug of war. Pocoyo isnt coming back out until I have something else similar... I´ve never seen anything quite like it. We´ve never had any problems like this before with books or toys. Must be the terrible 2s on their merry way...

    Thanks for your feedback.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I think you handled it right. There are a few toys that are guaranteed to start a war in our house, and I have put them away for a later date. The drumsticks that came with their toy drum are one, and the Curious Kitten Peekaboo book is the other. The kitten book incident was so bad that we had to throw it out of the room and shut the door! :faint: It's safely hidden for at least a few months.

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