How do you fix supper?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by stephsoss, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    My two have started constantly being underfoot when I'm trying to fix supper. I used to be able to turn Sesame Street on long enough to get supper fixed. Now, they only want mommy. They push themselves between me & the stove or cabinets, between my legs and all over my feet. DD was not happy this evening unless I held her. It's impossible to fix supper like this! What do you do? I don't know if this makes a difference, or not, but I just started staying home with them all day (I am a teacher) & they weaned themselves over the weekend. We're getting lots of quality time together during the day, but it seems like they just want more & more time with me.
  2. Jpuetz3

    Jpuetz3 Member

    I put them in their high chairs with a snack and some milk. like goldfish, or crackers of some sort. that seems to buy me some time :ibiggrin:
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  3. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    I do the same - get them set up in their high chairs where they can't get out - and are safe if I'm doing boiling water....

    ANd 2nd - I make a menu! I know it sounds weird, but if I have a menu for the month (some people do by week) then I KNOW what I'm cooking and I KNOW in the morning what to take out to defrost - it just makes it so much easier than scrambling to make something - which makes me stressed and they pick up on it - which makes them clingy - and makes me MORE stressed.....
  4. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I do as much of the cooking and prep work as I can while they are napping and then there's not much to do at dinner time. I also have a menu and know what we're having when which takes the guess work out of it.

    When I'm getting everything together at dinner time I give them their milk sippys, turn on The Wiggles (a HUGE hit in our house, the only thing all 3 of them will sit and watch for more than 10 min) and then they have to sit in their plush chairs while I'm getting things ready. I used to have gates up so that when I was cooking they physically couldn't get into the kitchen area but we took them down a few weeks ago, right around the time I discovered The Wiggles and the power they have over my kids (they are my new best friends, lol)!
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I often will put something in the crockpot in the mornings, or I will make a bunch of freezer meals one weekend and just have something to pop in the oven. Lucky for me, DH also cooks, so he fixes stuff half the time. But I agree to try the high chairs and see if that works.
  6. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I do as much prep work during nap time (I just chopped veggies and chicken for dinner tonight). If that's not possible, I put them in their highchairs and give them playdough or let them color. Since they've gotten a little older I can now let them sit on the counter and help for 5 minutes at a time. All in all, dinner preparation most days is the hardest time of the day for the three of us.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also did a lot of crockpot meals - they didn't seem to need to be as underfoot in the mornings as they did in the evenings. As they got a bit older though, I would give them their own pots, measuring cups & "ingredients" (usually some kind of pasta) to make their own dinners - or sometimes let them measure things out for our actual dinner. We also taught them that they needed to move to the carpet (we can't gate our kitchen off) when I was opening the stove, or handling boiling water. I did also have some luck with giving them a "time-in" - if they were too much in the way, I'd set the timer for a couple of minutes, tell them I could cuddle until the timer beeped & then I had to make dinner. GL!
  8. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    These are all great ideas! I knew you ladies could help. Thank you!!
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I remember when mine were that young, I'd put them in their high chairs with a little snack and do "mommy cooking show!" I'm not sure it entertained them, but it did keep them occupied (and probably thinking that I lost my mind!).
  10. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Prep during nap and then gate them into the living room while actually cooking. Our living room opens onto our kitchen, so I can keep an eye on them. I don't like them underfoot when the stove is on!
  11. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    I plan my meals a week in advance, and then prep as much as I can the night before. Then when we walk in the door from work it is a race to the finish line to get dinner done! Definitley my least favorite part of the day.
  12. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    Mine are only 13 months old but we get these times where they want me. I usually leave them in the living room, we have a gate between living room and kitchen, with daddy or big sister. If one is just totally out of control with mommyitis I throw on the moby and hold him or her while I cook.
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